A slight portability bug with vc.

Chris Lewis clewis at mnetor.UUCP
Thu Apr 11 05:00:30 AEST 1985

I have discovered a slight bug in vc that prevents the +/ and */
operators working on a Pyramid.  It is quite simple really, in
interp.c, just after the clause for O_REDUCE(+) there is a declaration
for the variable to hold the running total of the summation or product:
	register double v;
v is never initialized, hence you will get garbage on the stack as
an initial value (a real nasty on a Pyramid).  Change it to
	register double v = 0.0;
Chris Lewis, Computer X (CANADA) Ltd.
UUCP: {allegra, linus, ihnp4}!utzoo!mnetor!clewis
BELL: (416)-475-1300 ext. 321

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