Orphaned Response

jhull at spp2.UUCP jhull at spp2.UUCP
Thu Apr 25 04:23:00 AEST 1985

trwrb is downstream of the following sites, based on messages received
since this flap started:

Glacier aeb     allegra amdahl  bellcore        bnb     clewis  cmcl2
conor   cwayne  dcdwest decvax  decwrl  genrad  harpo   harvard homxb
houxm   hpda    hplabs  hrs     ittvax  jrg     lanl    lsuc    mcvax
mhuxr   mhuxt   mit-eddie       mnetor  panda   pesnta  petsd   rich
rtech   sdcc3   sdcrdcf sdcsvax seismo  shawn   shelby  talcott
tektronix       trwrb   trwspp  ulysses unm-cvax        unmvax  utcs
uw-beaver       uw-june vax135  whuxl   whuxlm

OK, now, mail wizards, who is the culprit?  Is it the Butler?  Is it
the estranged wife of the Count?  Or did Pearl Pureheart do the dirty?
Tune in again next week...

 Blessed Be,

 Jeff Hull            {decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,scdrdcf,ucbvax}
 13817 Yukon Ave.         trwrb!trwspp!spp2!jhull
 Hawthorne, CA 90250		34o3'15" N  by  118o14'28" W

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