dmz32 driver available

jcc at siemens.UUCP jcc at siemens.UUCP
Thu Apr 18 02:22:00 AEST 1985


	I have written a driver for DEC's DMZ32 24-line async
	multiplexer.  The driver is based on Chris Maloney's DMF32
	driver which was posted to net.sources a while back.  We
	have been using the DMZ32 driver here for about 2 months and
	have not had any problems (i.e. no dmz32-related system crashes).
	If anyone is interested in this driver, just drop me a line and
	I will email it to you.  If there are numerous requests, I will post
	it to net.sources.

	Also, I am interested in measuring the performance of the driver.
	I would like to measure the amount of time the system spends in 
	the dmz routines as opposed to the dz routines.  Does anyone have
	any ideas how I can do this?  All comments and suggestions are
	appreciated.  Thanks.

					Joe Camaratta

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