new improved zap

Michael Foster Rivero rivero at kovacs.UUCP
Mon Apr 29 03:36:01 AEST 1985


	I assumed everybody had their own copy of "zap" from  K  &  P,
	but since we're in a posting mode, here is our version of zap,
	which not only kills, but can send a stop and continue  signal
	to programs.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>

char *progname;
char *ps = "ps -ag";

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	FILE *fin, *popen();
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	char a;
	int pid;
	long hpid;

	progname = argv[0];

	if((fin = popen(ps,"r")) == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot run  %s \n",progname,ps);
	       fprintf(stderr," k for kill ; s for stop ; c for continue.\n");
	       hpid = getpid();
	       fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fin);
	       fprintf(stderr, "%s",buf);
	       while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fin) != NULL)
		if(argc == 1 || strindex(buf, argv[1]) >= 0) {
			buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
			sscanf(buf, "%d", &pid);
			if(pid != hpid ){
			fprintf(stderr, "%s? ",buf);
			a = ttyin();
			if(a == 'k')
			if(a == 's')
			if(a == 'c')

Michael Rivero
Robert Abel and Associates

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