Fix to Comet Halley program

Doug Gwyn <gwyn> gwyn at brl-tgr.ARPA
Fri Apr 19 01:13:41 AEST 1985

> This is what I really love about Punix..... so many standards! Please,
> lord, give me VMS or some other adult system so we can share code.

Sure, everyone has a VAX.

There really is only a single established UNIX standard,
considering that /usr/group, ANSI C, and the System V Interface
Definition are in very close agreement.  The other significant
UNIX variant is 4.2BSD, for which a System V compatibility package
is freely available (VAX & Gould/SEL; other ports in progress).
At the application C source code level, there is a very high degree
of portability compared for example with trying to run VMS Fortran
code on any other system.

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