spellfix - interactive spelling checker and fixer

Tue Apr 30 15:44:56 AEST 1985

(I'm posting this here because I don't have access to net.sources.bugs -
if it exists)

Rob Holte (brueer!holte) posted some changes to spellfix that I must
comment on - specifically, the extra "sed" lines to parse misspelled
words better.  Unfortunately, I implemented and discarded his method
(and others even hairier) because of the following, common, troff/nroff

  \*(lqThjs is a quote\*(rq

  \fBThjs is bold text\fR

With Rob's sed lines, these lines would not be flagged.  Rather than
*not flag* misspelled words, I decided to flag *too many* properly
spelled words.  If you never run spellfix on nroff/troff input files,
Rob's changes will work fine.  I alluded to this problem in the header
to the posting message for spellfix.

-- Rex

P.S.  I still haven't seen a copy of "correct" - if someone could mail
or re-post...

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