Financial Helper

Bob Nebert bobn at bmcg.UUCP
Fri Apr 26 05:51:22 AEST 1985

> This is a program which you may find useful for calculating different
> financial formulas.  Probably the most interesting of the calculations
> is the amortization schedule.
> Compile as follows:
> 	cc -O -ltermcap -lm -o <outfile> <infile>
> 	where:
> 	<infile> is the name you have chosen for this source file
> 	<outfile> is the name of the executable file
> P.S. Any fixes should be posted to the net.
>>We have System V here and just a couple of changes had to be made
>>On compile inst. use cc -O -lm <out> <in> -lcurses

> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <sgtty.h>
> #include <math.h>
>> change #include <sgtty.h>  to #include <termio.h> /*10 lines past cut*/

> struct sgttyb otsgb;
>>change to struct termio otsgb; /* 13 lines past cut*/
> iniline()
> {
> 	struct sgttyb ntsgb;
> 	if(isatty(fileno(stdin)))
> 	{
> 		ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCGETP, &otsgb);
> 		ntsgb = otsgb;
> 		ntsgb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
> 		ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCSETP, &ntsgb);
> 	}
> }
>>On line 362 from cut change sgttyb to termio
>>On line 366 change TIOCGETP to TCGETA
>>On line 368 change sg_flags to c_lflag
>>On line 368 change |= CBREAK; to &= ~ICANON; 
>>Add a line between 368 and 369 
      ntsgb.c_cc[VMIN]=1; ntsgb.c_cc[VTIME]=2;
>>On line 369(old 369) change TIOCSETP to TCSETAF
> resetline()
> {
> 	if(isatty(fileno(stdin)))
> 	{
> 		ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCSETP, &otsgb);
>>On line 377(old) change TIOCSETP to TCSETAF
>         ospeed = otsgb.sg_ospeed; /* was set in iniline routine */
>>On line 406 change sg_ospeed; to c_cflag & CBAUD;
>>I dont personally know what all that junk means, all I do know is
somebody here did it and the program works good.

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