Geographic name/location data source

ajs ajs at hpfcla.UUCP
Wed Apr 3 04:58:00 AEST 1985

This is a pointer to a source of data from the US government.

If  you  need  a  geographic   locations  data  base,  including  names,
latitudes, longitudes,  elevations, etc., don't do what I did, which was
gather it from atlases.  Instead, you can order an  incredible  quantity
and quality of such data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
National Cartographic Information Center (NCIC).  They've digitized from
best available maps the name, location, type, etc.  for just about every
named node, line, or area in the entire country.  There are thousands of
entries for each State.

Unfortunately,  they  don't  advertise  themselves  very  well.  It took
several  years of  occasional  calls,  letters,  and  library  visits to
stumble over the information  below.  Even the local USGS office did not
know about the computer  mapping  project.  To get straight  information
you should contact the central office:

	Geographic Names Information Management
	National Center, Stop 523
	12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
	Reston, Virginia  22092


>From this source you can get a couple of  handouts  which  describe  the
data available.  You can get each State's data in the form of:

	* Mag tape ....... $75
	* Printed book(s)  $29
	* Microfiche ..... $ 2

For example, the Colorado  printout (which I happened upon at a library)
is two volumes, totalling about four inches thick, entitled:

	Colorado Geographic Names Alphabetical Finding List (917.88)

Please contact them for more information.

Alan Silverstein, Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins Systems Division, Colorado
{ihnp4 | hplabs}!hpfcla!ajs, 303-226-3800 x3053, N 40 31'31" W 105 00'43"

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