RATFOR sources needed

Eli Liang liang at cvl.UUCP
Tue Apr 30 12:26:00 AEST 1985

> > 
> > Does anyone have a TRUE Fortran 77 source for RATFOR ?  We have a copy of
> I tried to mail this but our mailer couldn't figure out what to do with
> my reply so I am posting it to the net.
> I am interested in RATFOR sources for FORTRAN 77 also.  I want something
> that I can use with Digital Research's Fortran 77 on my Compupro System
> running CPM-86 or PC-PRO.   My problems with the versions I have been
> able to find are similar to yours.  My Fortran 66 version is full of
> byte wide logical expressions and DR only allows Logical variables to
> be T or F.  If you come up with something drop me a note.
> Thanks,
> Jim Potter  jp at lanl.arpa

For some obscure reason (along the lines of something dealing with yacc)
I too would like a source for RATFOR.  If anyone has it, please send me a
line.  Thanks much.



Eli Liang  ---
        University of Maryland Computer Vision Lab, (301) 454-4526
        ARPA: liang at cvl, liang at lemuria, eli at mit-mc, eli at mit-prep
        CSNET: liang at cvl  UUCP: {seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!cvl!liang

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