jerq: here is a version of *append* that runs 3 times faster

Michael W. Herman mwherman at watcgl.UUCP
Sun Apr 14 04:27:43 AEST 1985

[You may have seen a previous version of *append* that I posted yesterday.
 This is basically the same but moves the incrementing of *bitptr* out
 of the loop and also attempts to speed up the cases when *size* is 
 greater than 1 - MWH]

I folded *addbit* into *append*, added a few register variables and
*append* is now running 3 times faster (4.2BSD on a 780).  This makes 
*plot* run about 2 times faster.  

I have also changed *plot* to output versatec format raster files that 
*lpr -v* understands if anyone is interested (it's not very difficult.)

My compliments to Simon Kenyon on what seems to be an excellent package
(so far).

-------------------------- cut here --------------------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# append.c

echo x - append.c
cat > "append.c" << '//E*O*F append.c//'
 *  File:        append.c
 *  Sccs-id:     @(#)append.c  1.4  85/03/24
 *  Description: This file contains the one function append which
 *               adds some more bits to the end of the plot line.
 *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
 *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/03  Created.
 *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
 *               SCK  1.3  85/03/04  Tidied up for release.
 *               SCK  1.4  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
 *               MWH  1.4  85/04/12  imbedded *addbit* code into *append*

#include "../h/layers.h"

 *  Name:        append
 *  Description: Add some more bits to the end of the plot line.
 *  Synopsis:    append (bits, start, end, size)
 *               unsigned short  bits;
 *               int     start;
 *               int     end;
 *               int     size;
 *  Called by:   plot  (plot.c)

#ifdef MWH850412
static unsigned short  wordmask[] = {
    0x8000, 0x4000, 0x2000, 0x1000,
    0x0800, 0x0400, 0x0200, 0x0100,
    0x0080, 0x0040, 0x0020, 0x0010,
    0x0008, 0x0004, 0x0002, 0x0001

extern int bitptr;

unsigned short  line[512];

append (bits, start, end, size)
register unsigned short  bits;
int     start;
int     end;
int     size;
    register int     i;
    register int     j;
    register int     wordidx;
    register int     bitidx;

    wordidx = bitptr / WORDSIZE;
    bitidx  = bitptr % WORDSIZE;

    for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
        if ( bits & (1 << (WORDSIZE - (i + 1))) ) {
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { /* replicate this bit *size* times */
		line[wordidx] |= wordmask[bitidx];

	        if (bitidx == WORDSIZE) {
		    bitidx = 0;
	else {
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { /* replicate this bit *size* times */
		line[wordidx] &= ~wordmask[bitidx];

	        if (bitidx == WORDSIZE) {
		    bitidx = 0;

    bitptr += (end-start+1) * size;
#else /* original code */
append (bits, start, end, size)
register unsigned short  bits;
int     start;
register int     end;
register int     size;
    register int     i;
    register int     j;

    for (i = start; i <= end; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
            if (bits & (1 << (WORDSIZE - (i + 1))))
                addbit (1);
                addbit (0);
#endif MWH850412
//E*O*F append.c//

exit 0

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