M.J.Shannon mjs at eagle.UUCP
Sat Apr 20 08:03:15 AEST 1985

>From my perspective here on eagle, I can verify that the following machines do
indeed forward

Glacier acf4 akgua allegra cholula cmcl2 cornell cvl daisy dcdwest decvax
decwrl epsilon gamma gatech genrad gloria harvard homxb houxm hplabs ittvax
lanl mcvax mhuxr mhuxt mit-eddie nsc panda persci reed rochester rocksanne
sdcc13 sdcc3 sdcrdcf sdcsvax seismo sunybcs talcott tektronix tikal ucbvax
ucsfcgl ulysses umcp-cs unmvax uw-beaver uw-june vax135 whuxl whuxlm zeta

We are `downstream' of all of these machines according to the Paths that the
articles in this newsgroup contain.  Presumably, other sites can help in the
process of elimination by posting to net.sources the lists of machines in the
Paths of articles they've received in  Forsooth, sleuths!
	Marty Shannon
UUCP:	ihnp4!eagle!mjs
Phone:	+1 201 522 6063

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