4.2 directory I/O in V7 and other unmentionables

Peter da Silva peter at baylor.UUCP
Fri Aug 30 06:41:30 AEST 1985

The following is what I use to emulate 4.2 directory stuff in non-4.2
systems. It has worked fine so far, touch wood. I suppose you could
improve it by making readdir an extern, but since I generally use this
for patching 4.2-type sources that's overkill. If you wanted to spend
time pleying with setjmp/longjmp you could even make it a macro!

You'll still have to patch any references to weirder parts of struct direct,
oh well.

----- cut here -----
#ifndef BSD
#define opendir(n) fopen(n, "r")
#define DIR FILE
static DIR *readdir(dp)
DIR *dp;
	static struct direct db[1];

	while(fread(db, sizeof(struct direct), 1, dp)) {
			return db;
	return NULL;
#define closedir fclose

	Peter (Made in Australia) da Silva
		UUCP: ...!shell!neuro1!{hyd-ptd,baylor,datafac}!peter
		MCI: PDASILVA; CIS: 70216,1076

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