Revised man pages for rb/sb

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX caf at omen.UUCP
Thu Dec 19 07:20:12 AEST 1985

These are the updated manual pages for both Unix and VMS rb and sb
programs.  The Unix source code has not changed since the posting
a few weeks ago.  The VMS version has been modified to work around
a bug in VMS 4.x.
#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	rb.1
#	sb.1
# This archive created: Wed Dec 18 13:15:40 1985
echo shar: extracting rb.1 '(4641 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > rb.1
'\" Revision Level 
'\" Last Delta     12-16-85
rb \- YMODEM batch file receive
.B rb
.B \-bquv
.B rb
.B \-bcquv
.B file
.B [-][v]rbCOMMAND
.B Rb
receives 0 or more files in batch mode.
.B file
is speficied,
a single file is received in XMODEM single file mode.

Normally, the file contents are converted to
.SM Unix
conventions by stripping carriage returns and all characters
beginning with Control Z (CP/M end of file).
If the raw pathname ends in
or if the first sector contains
data that suggest a binary file
(parity bits or characters in the range 000 to 006 before the first ^Z),
or if the file mode is transmitted and the 0100000 bit is set,
that file will be received in binary mode anyway.

if the raw pathname ends in .MSG, or .TXT, any existing file will
be appended to rather than replaced.

Normally, each file name is converted to lower case
unless it contains one or more lower case letters.

Rb works with either standard 128 byte sectors or
1024 byte sectors
.B k
The user should determine experimentally
the conditions under which use of 1k blocks
actually improves throughput without causing

If extended file information (file length, etc.)
is received,
the file length controls the number of bytes written to
the output dataset,
and the modify time and file mode
(iff non zero)
are set accordingly.

If no extended file information is received,
slashes in the pathname are changed to underscore,
and any trailing period in the pathname is eliminated.

If rb is invoked with stdout and stderr to different datasets,
Verbose is set to 2, causing frame by frame progress reports
to stderr.
This may be disabled with the
.B q

If the SHELL environment variable includes
.I "rsh"
.I "rksh"
(restricted shell),
rb will not accept pathnames containing referenced to absolute paths
or to a parent directory, will not receive to an existing file, and
removes any files received in error.

The meanings of the available options are:
.PD 0
.B b
transfer all files in binary
(tell it like it is)
This option disables any append mode special processing.
.B c
Request 16 bit cyclic redundancy check
(8 bit checksum default).
.B q
Quiet suppresses verbosity.
.B v
.IR Verbose
causes a list of file
names to be appended to
/tmp/rblog .
More v's generate more output.
.B u
Retain upper case letters in file names unconditionally.
.SM Unix
rb: ready C
(Pro-YAM command)
>>>c: sbt *.h *.c
Professional-YAM manual,

Compile time options for various operating systems are described in the
program source file.
If rb is invoked as
(with an optional leading \- as generated by login(1)),
rb will pipe each received file to ``COMMAND filename''
(filename is the name of the transmitted file)
with the file contents as standard input.
A typical usage for this form is rbrmail which calls rmail
to post mail.
On some
.SM Unix
systems, the login directory must contain
COMMAND as login sets SHELL=rsh which disallows absolute
If invoked with a leading ``v'' rb will report progress to LOGFILE.
The following entry works for
.SM Unix
The following (in a shell script)
may be used to fetch file(s) from a remote computer connected to /dev/tty7
once sb has been started on the remote.
	rb -v >/dev/tty7 </dev/tty7
Pathnames are restricted to 127 characters.

In XMODEM single file mode, the pathname given on the command line
is still processed as described above.

The CR/LF to NL translation merely deletes CR\'s;
undos(omen) performs a more intelligent translation.
Some of the #includes with file names enclosed with angle brackets <>
may need to have the angle brackets removed, or vice versa.

The VMS version does not set binary mode according to the incoming
file type.
Non binary file processing consists of stripping all characters beginning
with CPMEOF (^Z).

The VMS version does not set the file time.

VMS occaisonally loses incoming characters, resulting in retries
and degradation of throughput.

There may be unknown interactions between the VMS C standard i/o
package and RMS.

The VMS version does not support invocation as
echo shar: extracting sb.1 '(3443 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > sb.1
'\" Revision Level 
'\" Last Delta     12-07-85
sb \- send files in batch mode
.B sb
.B \-1dfkquv
.B file ...
.B "sb -X"
.B \-1kquv
.B file
.B Sb
sends one or more files with YMODEM batch protocol.
Normally, only the file name part of the pathname is transmitted.
.SM Unix
systems, additional information about the file is transmitted.
If the receiving program uses this information,
the transmitted file length controls the exact number of bytes written to
the output dataset,
and the modify time and file mode
are set accordingly.

With the
.B -X
.B sb
sends a single file using XMODEM protocol.
The received file name must be supplied by the user.

If sb is invoked with stdout and stderr to different datasets,
Verbose is set to 2, causing frame by frame progress reports
to stderr.
This may be disabled with the
.B q

Iff sb is invoked with $SHELL set and iff that variable contains the
.I "rsh"
.I "rksh"
(restricted shell), sb operates in restricted mode.
Restricted mode restricts pathnames to the current directory and
PUBDIR (conventionally, /usr/spool/uucppublic) and/or subdirectories

Sb supports YMODEM
.B g
mode by switching to "cbreak" tty mode with XON/XOFF folow control
and the interrupt character set to CAN.
.B g
.B g
increases throughput over error free channels
(direct connection, X.PC, etc.)
by not acknowledging each transmitted sector.
The meanings of the available options are:
.PD 0
.B 1
Use file descriptor 1 for ioctls and reads.
By default, file descriptor 0 is used.
.B X
(XMODEM protocol)
Send a single file without the filename packet.
.B d
Change all instances of "." to "/" in the transmitted pathname.
Thus, C.omenB0000 (which is unacceptable to MSDOS or CP/M)
is transmitted as C/omenB0000.
If the resultant filename has more than 8 characters in the stem,
a "." in inserted to allow a total of eleven.
.B f
Send Full pathnname.
Normally directory prefices are stripped from the transmitted
.B k
Send files using 1024 byte blocks
rather than the default 128 byte blocks.
The user should determine experimentally
the conditions under which use of 1k blocks
actually improves throughput without causing
.B q
Quiet suppresses verbosity.
.B u
Unlink the file after successful transmission.
.B v
.IR Verbose
causes a list of file
names to be appended to
/tmp/sblog .
More v's generate more output.
(Unix command)
sb -k *.c
(Pro-YAM command)
(8-bit YAM Commands)
>>>c: rt -y
Professional-YAM manual,

Compile time options for various operating systems are described in the
program source file.
some of the #includes with file names enclosed with angle brackets <>
may need to have the angle brackets removed, or vice versa.

The VMS version does not transmit the file date.

The VMS version does not recognize Pro-YAM\'s
.B g
option (YMODEM-g protocol).

The VMS version calculates the file length by counting the bytes therin.

When VMS is lightly loaded, the response time may be too quick for MODEM7
unless the MODEM7
.B "q"
modifier is used.

There may be unknown interactions between the VMS C standard i/o
package and RMS.
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
  Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX   ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf   CIS:70715,131
Omen Technology Inc     17505-V NW Sauvie Island Road Portland OR 97231
Home of Professional-YAM, the most powerful COMM program for the IBM PC
Voice: 503-621-3406 TeleGodzilla: 621-3746 (Hit CRs) L.sys entry for omen:
omen Any ACU 1200 1-503-621-3746 se:--se: link ord: Giznoid in:--in: uucp

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