Matt Dillon dillon at ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Mon Dec 9 09:21:57 AEST 1985

	Thank you all for your responces to my posting of dmail.

	Well, guess what.  I made the mistake of attempting to
clean-up the code before sending it off, and introduced an error into
the 'qswitch' command.  So, for all of you who have so patiently
unshar'd dmail, and to all of you who are using it (I'm thrilled), I
would like to post the file: load_mail.c again, with a bug fix (which
occured when I was 'cleaning up' the code).  Basically, qswitch would
core dump the program because I incorrectly initialized an array.  However,
the bug does not screw up any mail at all.

	I don't think I will find any other 'cleanup' error's, at least I
hope not.   In any case, this is only one file.. simply copy it over the
old load_mail.c file and 'qswitch' will work.

	I would appreciate any and all opinions on this program.



load_mail.c  repost

 *  Matthew Dillon, 6 December 1985
 *  file-io routines to scan the mail file and load required information.
 *  Global Routines:    HOLD_LOAD()         hold on loading mail after change
 *                      NOHOLD_LOAD()       hold off.. load if changes
 *                      LOAD_CHANGES()      reload mail if changed 
 *                      LOAD_MAIL()         load/reload mail
 *                      SAVE_FILE()         save mail items back to spool
 *                      CHECK_NEW_MAIL()    check for new mail
 *                      WRITE_FILE()        append mail items to a file
 *                      GET_EXTRA_OVR()     ret index of Field (create if not)
 *                      ADD_EXTRA()         add another field (reloads mail)
 *                      DELETE_EXTRA()      delete a field
 *                      GET_EXTRA()         ret index of Field, or error
 *                      M_SELECT()          select on current message list
 *  Static Routines:    LOAD_HASH()         load hash table from fields list
 *                      FREE_ENTRY()        unload EVERYTHING
 *                      FREE_TABLE()        unload all Fields table
 *                      LOAD_FILE()         raw file loading/counting

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include "dmail.h"

#define NOHOLD  0
#define HOLD    1

#define NO_BASE     0
#define NO_FIELDS   1
#define ENTRY_OK    2

struct FIND Find[MAXTYPE + 1] = {
        "From:"   , 5, 1,
        "To:"     , 3, 1,
        "Subject:", 8, 1 };

static int  File_size;
static int  changed, load_hold;
static int  Hash[256];

    load_hold = 1;

    load_hold = 0;

    if (changed  &&  !load_hold)
        load_mail(Entries, 1);

    if (load_mail (0, 0) < 0)
        return (-1);
    return ((Entries) ? 1 : -1);

load_mail(at, from0)
    FILE *fi;
    int i, count, file_size;

    if (No_load_mail)
        return (-1);
    if (from0)
        free_table (0, HOLD);
        free_table (at, NOHOLD);
    fi = fopen (mail_file, "r");
    if (m_fi != NULL)
        fclose (m_fi);
    m_fi = fopen (mail_file, "r");
    if (fi == NULL  ||  m_fi == NULL)
        return (-1);
    flock (m_fi->_file, LOCK_EX);
    if (at)
        fseek (fi, Entry[at].fpos, 0);
        fseek (fi, 0, 0);
    count = Entries;
    while (search_from(fi))
    if (Entries != count) {
        printf ("%d New Items loaded\n", count - Entries);
        Entry = (struct ENTRY *)realloc (Entry, sizeof(*Entry) * (count + 1));
    Entries = count;
    for (i = at; i < Entries; ++i)
        Entry[i].no  =  Entry[i].status = 0;
    Entry[i].fpos = File_size = file_size = ftell (fi);
    fclose (fi);
    load_file ((from0) ? 0 : at);
    if (file_size != File_size) {       /* Last entry incomplete?       */
        free_table (Entries - 1, NOHOLD);
    changed = 0;
    flock (m_fi->_file, LOCK_UN);
    return (1);

int at;
    FILE *fi;
    char *next, *ptr;
    int i, bit, maxbit, len, count, havefrom;

    maxbit = 0;
    for (i = 0; Find[i].search != NULL; ++i) 
        maxbit = (maxbit << 1) | 1;
    fi = fopen (mail_file, "r");
    count = -1;
    havefrom = 0;
    while (havefrom  ||  search_from (fi)) {
        havefrom = 0;
        if (++count >= Entries)
        len = strlen(Buf) - 1;
        Buf[len] = '\0';
        next = next_word(Buf);
        len -= next - Buf;
        Entry[count].fpos = ftell (fi);
        Entry[count].from = malloc (len + 1);
        bcopy (next, Entry[count].from, len + 1);

        /* SEARCH FIELD LIST */

        bit = 0;
        if (Debug)
            printf ("No %d  ---------------------\n", count + 1);
        while (fgets (Buf, MAXFIELDSIZE, fi) != NULL) {
            if (Buf[0] == '\n')
            if (isfrom(Buf)) {
                havefrom = 1;
            len = strlen(Buf) - 1;
            Buf[len] = '\0';
            if (Debug)
                printf ("CHECK: %s\n", Buf);
            next = next_word(Buf);
            len -= next - Buf;
            if (Hash[*Buf] == 0)
            if (Hash[*Buf] > 0) {
                i = Hash[*Buf] & 0xff;
                if (strncmp (Find[i].search, Buf, Find[i].len) == 0) 
                    goto found;
            for (i = -Hash[*Buf] & 0xff; Find[i].search; ++i) {
                if (*Find[i].search != *Buf)
                if (strncmp (Find[i].search, Buf, Find[i].len) == 0)
                    goto found;
            if (Debug)
                printf ("Found: %d %s\n", i, Buf);
            if (Find[i].notnew == 0) {
                Find[i].notnew = 1;
                ptr = Buf;
                while (*ptr  &&  *ptr != ':')
                Find[i].search =
                        realloc (Find[i].search, ptr - Buf + 1);
                strncpy (Find[i].search, Buf, ptr - Buf);
                *(Find[i].search + (ptr - Buf)) = '\0';
                Find[i].len = strlen(Find[i].search);
            compile_field (Buf, fi);
            Entry[count].fields[i] = 
                    malloc (strlen(next) + 1);
            strcpy (Entry[count].fields[i], next);
            if ((bit |= (1 << i)) == maxbit) 
        if (bit != maxbit) {
            for (i = 0; Find[i].search != NULL; ++i) {
                if (((1 << i) & bit) == 0) {
                    Entry[count].fields[i] = malloc (1);
                    *(Entry[count].fields[i]) = '\0';
    File_size = ftell (fi);
    fclose (fi);
    return (1);

    register int i, c;

    bzero (Hash, sizeof(Hash));
    for (i = 0; Find[i].search; ++i) {
        c = *Find[i].search;
        if (Hash[c] > 0)
            Hash[c] = -Hash[c];
        if (Hash[c] == 0)
            Hash[c] = i | 0x100;

    free_table(0, NOHOLD);
    Entry = (struct ENTRY *)realloc (Entry, sizeof(*Entry));
    File_size = Entries = 0;
    Entry->status = Entry->no = Entry->fpos = Current = 0;
    if (m_fi)
        fclose (m_fi);

free_table(at, hold)
    int i, j;

    for (i = at; i < Entries; ++i) {
        free (Entry[i].from);
        for (j = 0; Find[j].search != NULL; ++j) 
            free (Entry[i].fields[j]);
    Entries = (hold == HOLD) ? Entries : at;
    File_size = (at) ? Entry[Entries].fpos : 0;

FILE *fi;
    while (fgets (Buf, MAXFIELDSIZE, fi) != NULL) {
        if (isfrom (Buf))
            return (1);
    return (0);

save_file(reload, mark, notmark)
    FILE *fi, *fiscr;
    int fd, fdscr;
    int new_size, i;
    char scratch[64];
    char buf[MAXFIELDSIZE];
    char *avnul[3];

    avnul[0] = "";
    avnul[1] = "";
    avnul[2] = NULL;
    if (m_fi)
        fclose (m_fi);
    for (i = 0; i < Entries; ++i) {
        if ((Entry[i].status & mark) != mark  ||
                (~Entry[i].status & notmark) != notmark) 
    if (i == Entries) {
        m_select (avnul, M_RESET);
        puts ("No Changes Made");
        return (Entries);
    sprintf (scratch, "/tmp/dmail%d", getpid());
    fd = open (mail_file, O_RDWR, 0);
    if (fd < 0)
        return (-1);
    flock (fd, LOCK_EX);
    fdscr = open (scratch, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, MAILMODE);
    fi    = fdopen (fd, "r+");
    fiscr = fdopen (fdscr, "a+");
    for (i = 0; i < Entries; ++i) {
        if ((Entry[i].status & mark) == mark  &&
                (~Entry[i].status & notmark) == notmark) {
            fputs ("From ", fiscr);
            fputs (Entry[i].from, fiscr);
            fputc ('\n', fiscr);
            fseek (fi, Entry[i].fpos, 0);
            while (fgets (buf, MAXFIELDSIZE, fi) != NULL) {
                if (isfrom(buf))
                fputs (buf, fiscr);

    /* If NEW MAIL has come in, append that to the scratch file also */

    new_size = fseek (fi, 0, 2);
    if (File_size != new_size) {
        fseek (fi, File_size, 0);
        while (fgets (buf, MAXFIELDSIZE, fi) != NULL)
            fputs (buf, fiscr);

    /* Write scratch file back to mail file, or try to */

    fflush (fi);
    fflush (fiscr);
    fseek (fi   , 0, 0);
    fseek (fiscr, 0, 0);
    lseek (fd   , 0, 0);
    lseek (fdscr, 0, 0);
    while ((i = read (fdscr, buf, MAXFIELDSIZE)) > 0) 
        write (fd, buf, i);
    ftruncate (fd, lseek (fd, 0, 1));
    if (lseek (fd, 0, 2) == 0  &&  !reload) {
        printf ("%s  Removed\n", mail_file);
        unlink (mail_file);
    fclose (fi);
    fclose (fiscr);
    unlink (scratch);
    if (reload) {
        load_mail(0, 0);
    m_select (avnul, M_RESET);
    return (0);

    if (m_fi == NULL) {
        m_fi = fopen (mail_file, "r");
        if (m_fi == NULL) {
    if (fseek (m_fi, 0, 2) != File_size)
        load_mail(Entries, 1);

write_file(file, modes, mark, notmark)
char *file;
    int i, fd, notopen = 1;
    FILE *fi;
    char buf[MAXFIELDSIZE];

    for (i = 0; i < Entries; ++i) {
        if ((Entry[i].status & mark) == mark  &&
                (~Entry[i].status & notmark) == notmark) {
            if (notopen) {
                notopen = 0;
                fd = open (file, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | modes, MAILMODE);
                if (fd < 0)
                    return (-1);
                flock (fd, LOCK_EX);
                fi = fdopen (fd, "a");
            fputs ("From ", fi);
            fputs (Entry[i].from, fi);
            fputc ('\n', fi);
            if (m_fi) {
                fseek (m_fi, Entry[i].fpos, 0);
                while (fgets (buf, MAXFIELDSIZE, m_fi) != NULL) {
                    if (isfrom(buf))
                    fputs (buf, fi);
    if (!notopen)
        fclose (fi);
    return (1);

char *str;
    register int i;

    i = get_extra (str);
    if (i < 0) {
        i = add_extra (str);
    return (i);

char *str;
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXTYPE; ++i) {
        if (Find[i].search == NULL)
    if (i == MAXTYPE)
        i = EXSTART;
    for (; i < MAXTYPE; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < Listsize; ++j) {
            if (i == header[j])
        if (j == Listsize)
    if (i >= MAXTYPE)
        return (-1);
    if (Find[i].search != NULL)
        free (Find[i].search);
    Find[i].len = strlen(str);
    Find[i].search = malloc (Find[i].len + 1);
    Find[i].notnew = 0;
    strcpy (Find[i].search, str);
    changed = 1;
    return (i);

char *str;
    int i;

    for (i = EXSTART; Find[i].search; ++i) {
        if (strncmp (Find[i].search, str, strlen(str)) == 0) {
            free (Find[i].search);
            do {
                Find[i].search = Find[i + 1].search;
            } while (Find[++i].search);
            changed = 1;
            return (i);
    return (-1);

    int i;

    for (i = EXSTART; Find[i].search; ++i) {
        free (Find[i].search);
        changed = 1;
    return (1);

char *str;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; Find[i].search; ++i) {
        if (strncmp (str, Find[i].search, strlen(str)) == 0)
            return (i);
    return (-1);

m_select(sav, mode)
register char *sav[];
    char *ptr, *dest;
    char l_map[256];
    int idx[MAXLIST], ix = 0;
    int ok, not, len, scr;
    register int i, j, avi;
    for (i = 0;i < 256; ++i)
        l_map[i] = i;
    for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i)
        l_map[i] += 'a' - 'A';
    i = 0;
    idx[ix++] = get_extra_ovr (sav[i++]);
    for (; sav[i]; ++i) {
        if (strcmp (sav[i], ",") == 0  &&  sav[i + 1])
            idx[ix++] = get_extra_ovr (sav[++i]);
    idx[ix] = -1;
    j = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < Entries; ++i) {
        if (mode == M_CONT  &&  Entry[i].no == 0)
        ix = ok = 0;
        avi = 1;
        while ((ptr = sav[avi]) != NULL) {
            if (ptr[0] == ','  &&  ptr[1] == '\0' && sav[avi+1]) {
                avi += 2;
            if (not = (*ptr == '!'))
            len = strlen (ptr);
            dest = Entry[i].fields[idx[ix]];
            if (*ptr == '\0') {
                ok = 1;
                goto gotit;
            while (*dest) {
                scr = 0;
                while (l_map[dest[scr]] == l_map[ptr[scr]] && ptr[scr])
                if (ptr[scr] == '\0') {
                    ok = 1;
                    goto gotit;
        Entry[i].no = (ok ^ not) ? j++ : 0;
    if (Entry[Current].no == 0) {
        Current = indexof (1);
        if (Current < 0) {
            Current = 0;
            return (-1);
    return (1);

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