vms PHONE ?

Jim Boland jimb at tekcbi.UUCP
Fri Dec 13 04:30:44 AEST 1985

> Does anyone have or know of a public domain version
> of the dec's PHONE program.  Please post to {net,mod}.sources
> or respond by email.
> David W. Griffith     {decvax,akqua}!mcnc!ecsvax!bgsm!dwg

Depends on what you want it to run on.  DECUS library has several
versions available.  There is a particularly good one for RSTS systems
which is written in basic (horrors!) by Andrew Pfiffer of S.U.N.Y. Oswego
in Oswego, New York.  I modified it for RSTS V9 to take into account
the account names rather than ppn's and to make it work the same as the
vax phone facility. 
I believe you could take the source code and modify it so that it could
be compiled and run under other systems.

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