Error checking in shars

Keith Petersen W8SDZ at SIMTEL20.ARPA
Fri Dec 20 23:18:00 AEST 1985

Michael, thanks for posting the C-Shell for the PC to net.sources.  I
notice that your shar maker does a checksum of each file.  That's very
nice!  I wish everyone were using it because I have seen far too many
postings to net.sources that were received incomplete or damaged in
some way.  I hope you will post your shar program to net.sources or
mod.sources along with a request that everyone consider making it a

--Keith Petersen
Arpa:   W8SDZ at SIMTEL20.ARPA
GEmail: W8SDZ
uucp:   {ihnp4,allegra,cmcl2,dual,decvax,mcnc,mcvax,vax135}!seismo!w8sdz

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