Proprietary software was posted!

R A Levenberg ral at pyuxqq.UUCP
Wed Dec 4 17:35:23 AEST 1985

pyuxii!xtest, from Bell Communicationations Research,
recently posted an enhanced mailer.  This mailer contains some
of the UNIX System V source code for the mail(1) command, as
well as some enhancements made by Ed Bradford of Bell Laboratories
prior to divestiture of the Bell operating companies, as well as
an awful lot of enhancements that I wrote as an employee of Bell
Communications Research.  This software cannot be posted to the
public domain because it contains pieces of AT&T Bell Laboratories
proprietary software as well as Bell Communications Research
proprietary software.

Please delete any copies of this enhanced mailer if you are not
a Bell Communications Research employee.  AT&T Bell Labs employees
are not entitled to my version, which was developed using Bell Communications
Research time and resources.

U. S. Mail:	Ron Levenberg
		Bell Communications Research
		3 Corporate Place
		Room 2C-315
		Piscataway, NJ 08854

UUCP:		..!{ihnp4,allegra}!pyuxqq!ral
Voice:		(201) 981-6178

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