TERMCAP for sysline on VT220/240/(100?)

Barry A. Burke barry at adelie.UUCP
Mon Dec 2 09:53:10 AEST 1985

The following termcap entry puts the status line on line 24 on VT220/240's
running in VT100 mode (so it MAY work on a VT100, too).  The nice thing
about this description is that it avoids the clear-screen problem mentioned
by Mark Horton by defining the scrolling region to lines 1-23 and setting
both "cl" and "cd" to do `delete 23 lines' instead of clear screen.  Works
fine with most anything that doesn't have 24 line screeens hard-coded (such
as some versions of "vi").

Good Luck!

---------------------------------snip snip---------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	vt200-sb
# This archive created: Sun Dec  1 18:43:20 1985
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'vt200-sb'" '(620 characters)'
if test -f 'vt200-sb'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'vt200-sb'"
sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'vt200-sb'
Xdb|vt200-sb|vt200-s-bot|dec vt200 with status line on line 24:\
X	:ae=^O:al=\E[L:as=^N:bl=^G:bs:cd=\E[23M:ce=\E[K:\
X	:cl=\E[H\E[23M:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:co#80:cr=^M:\
X	:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:do=^J:\
X	:ds=\E7\E[24;1H\E[K\E8:ei=\E[4l:es:fs=\E[K\E8:ho=\E[H:\
X	:im=\E[4h:hs:is=\E[1;23r\E[23;1H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:\
X	:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:kl=\EOD:\
X	:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:le=^H:li#23:md=\E[1m:\
X	:mr=\E[7m:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m:mi:ms:nd=\E[C:nl=^J:pt:\
X	:rc=\E8:rf=/usr/lib/tabset/vt100:rs=\E>\E[7h:sc=\E7:\
X	:se=\E[m:so=\E[7m:sr=\EM:ta=^I:ts=\E7\E[24;%i%dH\E[2K:\
X	:ue=\E[m:up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:vt#3:xn:
if test 620 -ne "`wc -c < 'vt200-sb'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'vt200-sb'" '(should have been 620 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

LIVE:	Barry A. Burke, (617) 965-8480 x26
USPS:	Adelie Corporation, 288 Walnut St., Newtonville, MA  02160
UUCP:	..!{harvard | decvax!linus!axiom}!adelie!barry
ARPA:	adelie!barry at harvard.ARPA

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