Geneology Sources/Wanted should be posted to net.roots

STERKEL 6243tes at whuts.UUCP
Tue Dec 3 05:34:54 AEST 1985

I hate to be picky, but, there has been some excellent 
postings on geneology programs in net.sources lately 
which should be in net.roots.  My reasons are the fact
that a) any one interested in these programs "subscribes"
to net.roots, b) these programs get lost in the
flood of "my program turns ZYX to xyz on BDRD 4.11 OS"
programs, c) those interested in the ZYX/xyz programs
probably have no interest in geneology programs, or if
they did, subscribe to net.roots, and most importantly,
d) I almost missed these postings because I was looking
for them in net.roots.

I would hope that this does not lead to cross-postings,
unless we see specific complaints here about net.roots
not being available on a local machine due to an Ogre

One last note, those who made the postings, could you
re-post to net.roots???  Thank-you from net.roots fans.
[opinions are obviously only my own;     Terry
 not necessarily those of my asso-       ihnp4!whuts!6243tes
 ciates or those of my employer.]        cornet 232-2899

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