Computer manuals for sale (very very cheap)

Michael Brochstein mab at mtx5c.UUCP
Thu Dec 5 23:59:57 AEST 1985

	The following computer manuals have outlived their usefulness for
me.  They are generally in excellent physical condition.  The best offer
will take these manuals (I'll give them away if nobody offers cash).

IBM APL/360-OS and APL/360-DOS Users Manual
IBM APL Language
IBM APL/360 Primer
DEC RSTS-11 Systems User's Guide
PLAGO Users Handbook
Wylbur Maunal (published by Columbia University)
SAIL Manuals (2 different ones)

Michael Brochstein      AT&T Information Systems, Middletown, NJ
ihnp4!mtx5d!mtx5c!mab   (201) 957-1764

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