Apple //e and //c UNIX terminal interface available

JAMES HAYES ee65xdh at sdcc7.UUCP
Mon Jan 28 10:24:03 AEST 1985

I have just finished writing a terminal program for the Apple //e
and //c computers with the 80 Col card in the AUX slot.


1200 baud support
Scroll reverse
Insert line
Delete line
Full cursor positioning
Clear to end of line
Clear to end of frame
Inverse video.

Hardware needed:

Apple //e or //c with a modem the is compatible with the PASCAL
system. (The program itself is written in 6502, however.)

The program totally by-passes the *SLOW* routines by Apple, granted,
my program isn't lightening fast, but it gets the job done.


Does anyone want this?

SECONDLY: How should I post it?
	  (Raw source, hex, etc. Any suggestions?)
	  Should it become a mail in?

Please have your mail dated before February 15, 1985 the decision will
be made on February 20, 1985.

Me:                   James Hayes
US Snail              P.O. Box 7378,
                      La Jolla, CA 92037

Net:                  {ucbvax,sdchema,inhp4,ucivax,

~ Speed isn't everything. You have to right some of the time...  :-) ~

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