Help! (posting>65535 chars)

Dave Martindale dmmartindale at watcgl.UUCP
Tue Jan 29 15:28:32 AEST 1985

In article <29 at pbear.UUCP> peterb at pbear.UUCP writes:
>	Please, keep each posting under 65535 characters. The notes
>	system a lot of us use on 11's and other small machines use
>	2 byte unsigned to keep track of the size.

Far better would be for someone to post the necessary fixes to "notes"
to make it work properly.

If you had an operating system that limited you to 64Kb files, would
you tell all of your programmers not to write data files bigger than
that?  Or would you just fix the operating system?

I see little reason for everyone to have to "work around" a bug when
source of the buggy program is available and the bug can thus be fixed.

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