XINU OS Kerner Source (README)

T.HARTNETT th at nvuxd.UUCP
Sat Jan 26 00:21:50 AEST 1985

**  XINU Operating System  **

	The Kernel source code is conatained in five "shar"ed files.  Included
is all the *.c and *.h source from chapters 3 through 19, excluding chapters
14 and 16. 

	I welcome comments/complaints/discussions/etc. about the source and
XINU in general.  I've ported the code to a Heurikon M68000-based SBC and have
had much fun with it.

	The files I'm posting are:

	bufpool.h          conf.h             dir.h              disk.h
	dtc.h              file.h             iblock.h           io.h
	kernel.h           mark.h             mem.h              ports.h
	proc.h             q.h                sem.h              sleep.h
	slu.h              tty.h              xebec.h

	chprio.c           close.c            conf.c             control.c
	create.c           dfalloc.c          dfckmd.c           dfdsrch.c
	doprnt.c           dscntl.c           dsinit.c           dsinter.c
	dskenq.c           dskstrt.c          dsksync.c          dsopen.c
	dsread.c           dsseek.c           dswrite.c          fprintf.c
	freebuf.c          freemem.c          getbuf.c           getc.c
	getitem.c          getmem.c           getpid.c           getstk.c
	ibclear.c          ibget.c            iblfree.c          ibnew.c
	ibput.c            init.c             initialize.c       insert.c
	insertd.c          ioerr.c            ioinit.c           ionull.c
	kill.c             kprintf.c          lfclose.c          lfgetc.c
	lfinit.c           lfputc.c           lfread.c           lfsdfree.c
	lfseek.c           lfsetup.c          lfsflush.c         lfsnewd.c
	lfwrite.c          mark.c             mkpool.c           newqueue.c
	open.c             pcreate.c          pdelete.c          pinit.c
	poolinit.c         preceive.c         preset.c           printf.c
	psend.c            ptclear.c          putc.c             queue.c
	read.c             ready.c            receive.c          recvclr.c
	resched.c          resume.c           screate.c          sdelete.c
	seek.c             send.c             signal.c           sleep.c
	sleep10.c          ssclock.c          suspend.c          ttycntl.c
	ttygetc.c          ttyiin.c           ttyinit.c          ttyoin.c
	ttyputc.c          ttyread.c          ttywrite.c         userret.c
	wait.c             wakeup.c           write.c            xdone.c

	Also...  If you got this source off the net and are potenially
interested in XINU, send me some mail.  If the number of parties is small, a
newsletter may be appropriate.  Larger numbers may warrant "net.xinu".

	Good Luck...

					Tom Hartnett
					... ihnp4!nvuxd!th

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