Battlestar: Nightfile (Part 2 of 2), reposting

Peter E. Yee yee at ucbvax.ARPA
Fri Jan 25 14:54:47 AEST 1985

This is part 2 of the reposting of the BATTLESTAR nightfile.

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	night2
# This archive created: Thu Jan 24 20:35:25 1985
cat << \SHAR_EOF > night2
193 192 245 103 88 0 0 0
There are many bright lights +.  The road cleaves the darkness +.
A small dirt road goes -, and a drive way peals off +.

137: You are in a field of small shrubs.
184 186 103 187 88 0 0 0
**Pine and other coniferous saplings are growing here.  The rich brown
soil is well watered.  Across a large lawn +, there is a small cottage lighted
with spot lights and gas lamps.  A cool land breeze is blowing.*

138: The beach is pretty rocky here.
194 105 195 0 96 0 0 0
The tide is very low tonight.  The beach is nicer *+.**

139: The beach is almost 10 meters wide here.
105 183 196 0 99 0 0 0
The sand has become more coarse and the beach steeper.****

140: You are in the gardens.
195 196 197 105 99 0 0 0
Shadowy expanses of lawn and leaf have been groomed and manicured here.
The night sky is glowing with a full moon.**  A lighted path leads -.
Stone steps lead down to the beach +.

141: You are on the coast road.
198 106 163 199 73 0 0 0
The forest is dense on either side.  The trees seem to be actually squeezing
together to keep us from passing.  A feeling of emnity is in the air.**
The road continues - and -.

142: You are in the forest.
116 107 91 106 73 0 0 0
I suppose there are trees and ferns all around, but it is too dark to see.****

143: You are in the forest.
199 108 106 146 73 0 0 0
There are shadowy trees and ferns all around.****

144: You are in a copse.
142 107 145 80 0 0 0 0
This is a secret hidden thicket only noticeable from the beach.  In the
moonlight, I can tell that someone has been digging here recently.****

145: You are at the tide pools.
91 0 114 107 79 0 0 0
These rocks and pools are the home for many sea anemones and crustaceans.
They are exposed because of the low tide.  There is a beach ***+.

146: You are in the forest.
199 108 143 0 73 0 0 0
This is a shallow depression sheltered from the wind by a thick growth of 
thorny shrubs.  It looks like someone is camping here.  There is a fire pit
with warm, crackling flames and coals here.*  The beach is +.*  The thorny
shrubs block the way -.

147: You are at the mouth of the lagoon.
200 0 108 201 74 0 0 0
The beach ends here where the coral reef rises to form a wide lagoon.
A path winds around the lagoon to the -.* The beach continues
on -. Only water lies +.

148: You are in a breadfruit grove.
202 109 203 204 77 0 0 0
The tall trees bend leisurely in the breeze, holding many round breadfruits
close to their large serrated leaves.  There are coconut palms +,
*+, and +.

149: You are in a grove of mango trees.
203 111 205 109 77 0 0 0
The trees are not tall enough to obscure the view and the bright moonlight
makes it fairly easy to see.****

150: You are in a grove of coconut palms.
204 112 109 206 77 0 0 0
All I can see around us are trees and ominous shapes darting in and out of the

151: You are in a coconut grove.
110 207 208 209 77 0 0 0
There are countless trees here.****

152: You are in a field of pineapple.
154 208 210 110 77 0 0 0
The sharp leaves are cutting me to ribbons. There is a road **+.*

153: You are in a coconut grove.
112 209 110 211 77 0 0 0
There is a field of something **+.*

154: You are on the edge of a kiwi and pineapple field.
111 152 155 110 77 0 0 0
An irrigation ditch separates the two fields here. There is a road **+.*

155: This is a dirt road.
205 210 212 111 77 0 0 0
The road runs - and - here.  It is very dark in the forest.**

156: You are in a palm grove.
206 211 112 213 77 0 0 0
There are trees all around us.****

157: You are on the edge of a small clearing.
157 113 157 157 79 0 0 0
The ground is rather marshy here and the darkness is intense.  A swarm of
ravenous mosquitoes has descended upon you and has sent you quaking to your

158: You are in the woods.
158 115 215 113 79 0 0 0
You have walked a long way and found only spider webs. ****

159: You are walking along the shore.
115 0 214 114 86 0 0 0
You are now about 10 meters above the surf on a gently rising cliffside.**
The land rises +. There is a beach far +.

160: You are just inside the entrance to the sea cave.
246 114 0 0 114 1 0 0
The sound of water dripping in darkness and the roar of the ocean just outside
create a very unwelcoming atmosphere inside this cave. Only on rare occasions
such as this is it possible to enter the forbidden catacombs... The cave
continues -.***

161: You are in a secret nook beside the road.
115 159 162 91 79 0 0 0
This little thicket is hidden from the road in the shadows of the forest.
>From here we have a clear view of any traffic along the road. A great hollow
tree stuffed with something is nearby.  The road is +.***

162: You are on the coast road.
215 214 0 115 86 0 0 0
The road turns abruptly - here, wandering deeper into the black forest.***

163: You are on a dirt road.
216 116 113 141 79 0 0 0
We are walking through a tunnel of unfriendly trees and shrubs.  The tall
ones bend over the roadway and reach down with their branches to grab us.
Broad leafed plants at the roadside whisper in the darkness.  Something
just darted across the road and into the bushes *+.  Let's go *-.

164: You have discovered a hidden thicket near the road.
163 142 116 106 73 0 0 0
I would think it best to stay n the road.  The forest seems very unfriendly
at night.  The road is **+.*

165: You are in the living room.
0 117 217 218 0 0 0 0
A decorative entry with fresh flowers and wall to wall carpeting leads into
the living room here where a couch and two chairs converse with an end table.
*The exit is +.* The bedroom is +.

166: You are at the lagoon.
118 0 167 168 81 0 0 0
A small beach here is deserted except for some fishing nets.  It is very
peaceful at the lagoon at night.  The sound of native drums is carried on
the night breeze.  There are paths leading off into darkness +,
*+, and +.

167: You are at the lagoon.
118 0 170 166 81 0 0 0
The grass near the water is moist with the refreshing evening dew.  Far away,
drums reverberate in the forest.**  The path continues + and +.

168:You are at the lagoon.
118 0 166 172 81 0 0 0
The path meanders through shadows of tussocks of grass, ferns, and thorny
bushes here and continues on **- and -.

169: You are in the woods.
219 119 220 92 81 0 0 0
There are plenty of ferns and thorny bushes here! Spider webs and probing
branches snare us as we stumble along in the pitch black night.****

170: You are on a dirt road.
220 167 199 119 74 0 0 0
The road winds rather close to a large lagoon here and many sedges and tall
loom in the darkness *+. The road continues - and -.

171: You are in the woods beside the road.
221 120 92 222 81 0 0 0
The forest grows darker +. The road is +.**

172: The road crosses the lagoon here.
222 0 120 174 81 0 0 0
Strange mists rising from the water engulf a rickety old enclosed bridge here.
Spider webs catch our hair as we pass through its rotting timbers.  I felt
something drop on my neck.  The road delves into the accursed forest
**+ and +.

173: You are in a coconut palm grove.
223 121 224 225 82 0 0 0
The tall palms are planted about 30 feet apart and the stary sky is clearly
visible above.  A low growing grass carpets the ground all around.  The grove
continues +.***

174: You are walking along a dirt road.
224 176 172 121 82 0 0 0
You are near misty patch of the roadway **+.  The road continues -.

175: You are on a dirt road.
225 177 121 226 82 0 0 0
The road turns abruptly - here, splitting a grove of palm trees.* In the
starlight I can also discern that the road continues - toward the lagoon.*

176: You are on a trail running around the lagoon.
172 0 0 122 82 0 0 0
The dark waters brush the trail here and the path crosses an old  bridge
+.  There is deep water + and +. The trail continues -.

177: This is the mouth of the lagoon.
175 0 122 227 82 0 0 0
The coral reef wraps around a natural bay here to create a wide lagoon which
winds tortuously inland.**  A trail goes around the lagoon +.
The beach is -.

178: You are in a dry stream bed.
0 125 0 0 84 0 0 0
The dry wash drains over a tall precipice here into a turbid morass below. The
most noisome stench imaginable is wafting up to defile our nostrils. Above,
the blackness is intense and a strange mist engulfs the island.*  Let's go

179: You are on a dirt path along the wash.
0 128 125 228 84 0 0 0
The trail winds along the gravel wash and delves into the forest ***+.

180: The thermal pools flow into a stream here.
127 0 229 126 84 0 0 0
The gurgling hot waters pour over boulders into a swiftly flowing
stream **+. The pools are +.

181: You are at the entrance to a cave.
128 230 126 0 84 0 0 0
A torch lights the entrance to the cave.  Deep inside I can see shadows moving.
A path goes + from here.  The entrance is +.**

182: You are in the woods.
182 229 182 127 84 0 0 0
Thorns tangle your every effort to proceed.*  The sound of rushing water is

183: You are walking along the beach.
139 129 184 0 99 0 0 0
Some dunes here progress inland and make it impossible to get very far in that
direction.  The beach continues - and -.*  The ocean is +.

184: You are in the dunes.
183 101 184 129 87 0 0 0
The endless rolling and pitching sand dunes are enough to make one very queasy!
The sand is cool and the stars are bright at the ocean.  The only way I'm going
is ***+.

185: This is a lousy beach.
130 0 0 0 87 0 0 0
Volcanic and viciously sharp bitted grains of sand here bite like cold steel
into my tender feet. I refuse to continue on. Let's get out of here. The
beach is better +.***

186: You are in a field of sparse ferns.
131 185 187 130 87 0 0 0
The lava rock outcroppings here will support few plants. There is more 
vegetation +.**  The ocean is +.

187: You are in the woods.
131 131 137 131 87 0 0 0
Young trees and tall shrubs grow densely together here.
They grow thicker **+.*

188: The canyon is no wider than a foot here.
0 0 0 132 0 0 0 0
The freshet is gushing through the narrow trough, but the canyon has grown
too narrow to follow it any farther.***  I guess we'll have to go -.

189: You are in a narrow part of the canyon.
0 0 133 232 76 0 0 0
The two sheer sides are no more than a few meters apart here. There is a stone
door in the wall +. The gravelly floor runs with tiny rivulets seeping 
from the ground itself.* The canyon continues - and -.

190: You are in the drawing room.
0 134 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exquisitely decorated with plants and antique furniture of superb
craftsmanship, the parlor reflects its owners impeccable taste.  The tropical
night air pours in through open shutters *+.  There doesn't seem 
to be anybody around.  A large immaculate oaken desk is visible in the
study and it even has a old fashioned telephone to complete the decor.**

191: You are in a palm grove.
135 191 233 191 88 0 0 0
Grassy rows of dew covered palms stretch as far as I can see.**
There is a road +.*

192: You are on a dirt road.
136 233 234 135 88 0 0 0
The road winds through a coconut palm grove here. It continues on - 
and -.**

193: The road leads to several large buildings here.
235 136 236 237 88 0 0 0
There is a lighted clubhouse +,* a large barn and stable +, and a
garage of similar construct to the barn +.

194: This part of the beach is impassable.
0 138 0 0 96 0 0 0
The see is calm tonight.  The beach goes *-.**

195: You are in the gardens.
195 140 197 138 96 0 0 0
Dew beaded grass sparkles in the moonlight.  Tiny lamps beside the path light
the way to the ocean ***+.

196: You are in the gardens.
140 183 197 139 99 0 0 0
Beautiful flowers and shrubs surround a lighted goldfish pond.****

197: You are on a stone walk in the garden.
195 196 238 140 99 0 0 0
The walk leads to a road **+.*

198: You are in the forest near the road.
198 141 216 198 73 0 0 0
There are many thorny bushes here!****

199: You are at a fork in the road.
239 146 141 170 73 0 0 0
Two roads come together in the darkness here. One runs -,* the other 
runs - and -.

200: You are on a dirt path around the lagoon.
170 147 146 0 74 0 0 0
The still waters reflect bending palms and a stary sky. It looks like
the path runs into a clearing +. The path continues -.**

201: You are drowning in the lagoon.
201 201 147 201 74 0 0 0
I suggest you get out before you become waterlogged.****

202: You are in a coconut palm grove.
202 148 203 204 77 0 0 0

203: You are in a palm grove.
202 149 205 148 77 0 0 0

204: You are in a palm grove.
202 150 148 206 77 0 0 0

205: You are on a dirt road.
203 155 212 149 77 0 0 0
*This road ends here at a palm grove but continues on - for quite
some way.**

206: You are in a coconut palm grove.
204 156 150 213 77 0 0 0

207: You are in a coconut grove.
151 219 208 209 77 0 0 0
*The grove ends +.**

208: You are in a coconut grove.
152 207 239 151 77 0 0 0
**There is a dirt road +.*

209: You are in a coconut grove.
153 207 151 211 77 0 0 0

210: This is a dirt road.
205 239 212 154 77 0 0 0
The road continues - and -.**

211: You are in a coconut grove.
153 209 153 213 77 0 0 0

212: You are in the woods near the road.
205 210 212 155 77 0 0 0
There are many thorny bushes here!****

213: You are in a coconut grove.
213 213 156 234 88 0 0 0
***The grove ends in a clearing +.

214: You are walking along some high cliffs.
162 0 0 159 86 0 0 0
The island bends sharply + here with high cliffs -
and -. The cliffs are lower +.

215: You are at the coast road turn around.
0 162 0 158 90 0 0 0
The coast road ends here in a lookout with a view of the ocean.
Far below, the waves crash against the rocks.

216: You are in the woods near the road.
216 163 216 198 79 0 257 0
These thorny bushes are killing me.****

217: You are in the kitchen.
0 0 0 165 0 0 0 0
A small gas stove and a refrigerator are all the only appliances here. The
gas oven has been left on and the whole room is reeking with natural gas.
One spark from a match and.... The door out is ***+.

218: You are in the bedroom.
0 0 165 0 0 0 0 0
A soft feather comforter on top of layers of Answer blankets make this a very
luxurious place to sleep indeed. There are also some end tables and a dresser
here.** The living room is +.*

219: You are in the woods.
207 169 220 221 81 0 0 0
The darkness is intense, but there seems to be a clearing +.***

220: You are in the woods near the road.
219 170 239 169 81 0 0 0
*As far as I can tell, there are two roads + and +.*

221: You are in the woods.
207 171 219 222 81 0 0 0
The spider webs thin out and the forest is clearer +.***

222: You are on the lagoon's inland finger.
0 172 171 172 81 0 0 0
It is impossible to follow the lagoon any farther inland because of sharp
and very painful sedges.* The road is +.**

223: You are in a grassy coconut grove.
240 173 224 241 82 0 0 0
The tall palms provide a ghostly canopy for the sandy ground covering.****

224: You are near the lagoon's inland finger.
0 174 0 173 82 0 0 0
Very sharp sedges make it impossible to follow the lagoon any farther inland.
*There is a road +.**

225: You are on a dirt road.
241 175 173 226 82 0 0 0
The road winds through a coconut grove here and continues - and -.**

226: You are in the woods near the road.
226 226 175 226 82 0 0 0
**The road is +.*

227: This is a beach?
227 227 177 0 82 0 0 0
Hard jagged rocks that pierce with every footstep hardly comprise a beach.**
Let's go -.*

228: The trail is lost in the woods here.
241 241 179 241 84 0 0 0
The trail goes **-.*

229: You are on the bank of a stream.
182 0 242 180 84 0 0 0
The stream falls over several small boulders here and continues on **-.*

230: You are just inside the cave.
181 267 0 0 0 0 0 0
A steamy hot breath is belching from the depths of the earth within.* The
cave  continues -.**

231: You are just inside the cave entrance.
274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The air is hot and sticky inside. The cave continues -. There is a 
stone door in the wall +.  A wooden sign in the dust warns in old elven
runes, "GSRF KDIRE NLVEMP!".**

232: You are at the edge of a huge chasm.
0 0 189 0 76 0 0 0
Several hundred feet down I can see the glimmer of placid water. The
rivulets drain over the edge and trickle down into the depths. It is 
impossible to climb down.**  The canyon continues -.*

233: You are on a dirt road.
192 241 240 191 88 0 0 0
The road winds through a coconut grove here. The road continues on into the
shadows - and -.**

234: You are in a coconut palm grove near the road.
193 233 213 192 88 0 0 0
***The road is +.

235: You are at the clubhouse.
0 193 0 0 0 0 0 0
The clubhouse is built over the most inland part of the lagoon.  Tropical
bananas and fragrant frangipani grow along the grassy shore.  Walking across
the short wooden bridge, we enter. Along one wall is a bar crowded with people.
The restaurant and disco dance floor are filled to capacity.  A rock group
electrocutes itself to the satisfaction of the audience.****

236: You are in the stables.
0 0 0 193 0 0 0 0
Neighing horses snacking on hay and oats fill the stalls on both sides of
the barn.  It is rather warm in here but that is not the most offensive

237: You are in the old garage.
0 0 193 0 0 0 0 0
This is an old wooden building of the same vintage as the stables.  Beneath
a sagging roof stand gardening tools and greasy rags.  Parked in the center
is an underpowered Plymouth Volare' with a red and white striped golf cart
roof. ****

238: You are on a dirt road.
197 197 243 197 85 0 0 0
The road leads to a formal garden laced with lighted stone walks and tropical
flowers and trees.** The road continues -. A walk leads -.

239: You are on a dirt road.
210 199 198 220 73 0 0 0
The road runs - and -.**

240: You are in a coconut grove near the road.
234 223 234 233 88 0 0 0
***The road is +.

241: You are on a dirt road.
233 225 223 226 82 0 0 0
The road continues - and -.**

242: The stream plummets over a cliff here.
182 0 0 229 84 0 0 0
Falling 10 agonizing meters into darkness, only droplets of the stream must
be left to dance off the floor below.  There is no way down, even with a
strong rope. ****

243: You are on a dirt road.
0 0 244 238 85 0 0 0
**The road continues - and -.

244: You are on a dirt road.
0 245 0 243 88 0 0 0
*The road continues -* and -.

245: You are on a dirt road.
244 234 213 136 88 0 0 0
The road goes -* and *-.

246: You are in a low passage.
247 160 0 0 0 0 0 0
The ceiling here sparkles with iridiscent gems and minerals. Colorful starfish
and sea anemones cling to the slippery walls and floor.  The passage continues

247: The walls are very close together here.
248 246 0 0 0 0 0 0
I can barely squeeze through the jagged opening. Slimy sea weeds provide
no footing at all. This tunnel seems to be an ancient lava tube.  There is
a large room +.***

248: You are in the cathedral room.
249 247 250 251 0 0 0 0
Your light casts ghostly shadows on the walls but cannot pierce the 
engulfing darkness overhead. The sound of water dripping echoes in the void.
*I can see no passages leading out of this room.*** 

249: You are walking through a very round tunnel.
252 248 0 0 252 1 0 0
The round walls of this tunnel are amazingly smooth to the touch. A little
trickle of water flows down the center.  The tunnel climbs steadily +.
There is a large room +.**

250: You are in the cathedral anteroom.
0 0 0 248 253 1 0 0
This small chamber with a flat stone floor is to one side of the cathedral 
room. We appear to be at the bottom of a tall narrow shaft. There are many 
puddles of water here. A staircase hewn from solid rock and black lava 
leads up.***  The cathedral room is -.

251: You are in a wide chamber.
0 0 248 254 0 0 0 0
Water is sprinkling from the ceiling here. A shallow pool populated by a 
myriad of blind white creatures sparkles in your light. Tiny shrimp and
crabs scurry away, frightened by the blinding rays.**  The cave 
continues + and +.

252: You are at the top of a sloping passage.
0 249 255 256 257 1 249 0
There is much algae growing here, both green and brown specimens. I suspect
that we are near the high tide zone, but no light can get in here. The walls
glisten with shiny minerals.**  A hallway here runs + and -.

253: You are in an elaborately tiled room.
0 0 258 0 0 0 250 0
Large colorful tiles plate the floor and walls.  The ceiling is a mosaic
of gems set in gold.  Hopefully it is only our footsteps that are echoing in
this hollow chamber.**  The room continues -.  A stone staircase leads

254: You are at a dead end.
0 0 251 0 0 0 0 0
The walls here are alive with dark mussels.  They click their shells menacingly
if we disturb them.**  The only exit is +.*

255: The tunnel is very low here.
0 0 259 252 0 0 0 0
You practically have to crawl on your knees to pass through this opening.  The
air is stiflingly damp, but you can't hear any sounds of water dripping.**
The crawlspace continues -.  The tunnel seems wider +.

256: This is the supply room.
0 0 252 0 0 0 0 0
Picks and shovels line the walls here, as well as hard hats, boxes of
dynamite, and a cartload of very high grade gold and silver ore.** 
A tunnel leads off +.*

257: You have found a secret entrance to the catacombs
0 0 0 0 216 1 252 0
Below is a wet, seaweed covered floor.  Above is a way out.****

258: You are in the catacombs.
0 0 260 253 0 0 0 0
Ornate tombs and piles of treasure line the walls.  Long spears with many
blades, fine swords and coats of mail, heaps of coins, jewelry, pottery, 
and golden statues are tribute past kings and queens.** The catacombs
continue - and -.

259: You are crawling on your stomach.
0 0 261 255 0 0 0 0
The passage is quite narrow and jagged, but the rock is no longer lava.
It appears to be a form of granite.**  The crawlspace continues -, 
but I would just as soon go -.

260: You are in the Sepulcher.
0 0 0 258 0 0 0 0
A single tomb is here.  Encrusted with diamonds and opals, and secured with 
straps of a very hard, untarnished silver, this tomb must be of a great king.
Vases overflowing with gold coins stand nearby.  A line of verse on the wall
reads, "Three he made and gave them to his daughters."****

261: The passage is wider here.
0 0 0 259 0 0 262 0
A ladder goes down into darkness here.***  A small crawlspace goes -.

262: You are at the bottom of a ladder.
0 0 0 0 261 1 263 0
This is a narrow platform to rest on before we continue either up or down this
rickety wooden ladder.****

263: You are standing in several inches of water.
264 0 265 266 262 1 0 0
This seems to be a working mine. Many different tunnels wander off following
glowing veins of precious metal.  The floor is flooded here since we must
be nearly at sea level.  A ladder leads up.****

264: The tunnel here is blocked by broken rocks.
0 263 0 0 0 0 0 0
The way is blocked, but if you had some dynamite, we might be able to blast our
way through.*  The passage goes -.**

265: The tunnel is too flooded to proceed.
0 0 0 263 0 0 0 0
Hidden shafts could swallow us if we tried to continue on down this tunnel.
The flooding is already up to my waist.  Large crystals overhead shimmer
rainbows of reflected light.***  Let's go -.

266: The mine is less flooded here.
0 0 263 0 0 0 0 0
A meandering gold laden vein of quartz and blooming crystals of diamonds
and topaz burst from the walls of the cave.  A passage goes -.***

267: You are inside the cave.
230 268 0 0 0 0 0 0
A hot steam swirls around our heads, and the walls are warm to the touch.
The trail winds - and -.**

268: You are in a rather large chamber.
267 0 0 269 0 0 269 0
Beds of ferns and palm leaves make several cozy nests along the walls. In the
center of the room is a throne of gold and silver.***  A passageway leads
down and +.

269: You are walking along the edge of a huge abyss.
0 0 268 0 268 1 270 0
Steam is rising in great clouds from the immeasurable depths.  A very narrow
trail winds down.**  There is a tunnel -.*

270: You are on the edge of a huge abyss.
0 0 0 0 269 1 271 0
The trail winds farther down.****

271: You are winding your way along the abyss.
0 0 0 0 270 1 272 0
The trail continues up and down.****

272: You are on a wide shelf near the steamy abyss.
0 273 0 0 271 1 0 0
The stifling hot cave seems even hotter to me, staring down into this misty 
abyss.  A trail winds up.*  A passageway leads -.**

273: You are in a wide tunnel leading to a fuming abyss.
272 274 0 0 0 0 0 0
The passageway winds through many beautiful formations of crystals and
sparkling minerals.  The tunnel continues - and -.**

274: You are in a tunnel.
273 231 0 0 0 0 0 0
It is very warm in here.  The smell of steam and hot rocks permeates the place.
The cave continues - and -.**

275: You are at the bottom of a pit.
0 0 0 0 232 0 0 0
At the top of the pit, a single star can be seen in the night sky.  There
doesn't appear to be any way to get out without a rope.  I don't remember
how we got here.****

if test 24817 -ne "`wc -c night2`"
echo shar: error transmitting night2 '(should have been 24817 characters)'
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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