X25 Protocol Specification [pt 2 of 2]

Brian Kantor brian at sdcc3.UUCP
Tue Jan 8 03:51:13 AEST 1985

  A-5 Derivation of DDN  X.25 Addresses

        All DDN hosts are assigned addresses by the Administration.
  The address of a DDN host may be obtained from the Network
  Information Center (NIC), represented as an ASCII text string in
  what  is  called "host table format".  This section describes the
  process by which DDN X.25 addresses in the format described in
  Section 2.1.1 may be derived from addresses in NIC host table

        A NIC host table address consists of the ASCII text string
  representations of four decimal numbers separated by periods,
  corresponding to the four octets of a thirty-two bit Internet
  address.  The four decimal numbers are referred to in this
  section as "n", "h", "l", and "i."  Thus, a host table address
  may be represented as "n.h.l.i"  Each of these four numbers will
  have either one, two, or three decimal digits and will never have
  a value greater than 255.  For example, in the host table address
  "", n=10, h=2, l=0, and i=124.  To convert a host table
  address to a DDN X.25 address:

        1.  If h < 64, the host table address corresponds to
            the DDN X.25 physical address

                           ZZZZ F IIIHHZZ (SS)


                 ZZZZ = 0000
                         as required in Section;

                 F = 0   because the address is a physical

                 III     is a three decimal digit
                         representation of "i", right-adjusted
                         and padded with leading zeros if

                 HH      is a two decimal digit representation
                         of "h", right-adjusted and padded
                         with leading zeros if required;,

                 ZZ = 00

                 (SS)    is optional, as described in Section

          In the example given above, the host table address
 corresponds to the DDN X.25 physical
          address 000001240200.

      2.  If h > 64 or  h  =  64,   the  host   table  address
          corresponds to the DDN X.25 logical address

                      ZZZZ F RRRRRZZ (SS)


               ZZZZ = 0000
                      as required in Section;

               F = 1  because the address is a logical

               RRRRR  is a five decimal digit
                      representation of the result "r" of
                      the calculation

                                 r = h * 256 + i

                      (note that the decimal representation
                      of "r" will always require five

               ZZ = 00

               (SS)   is optional, as described in Section

          Thus,    the host    table   address
          corresponds   to  the  DDN  X.25  logical  address

     In both cases, the "n" and "l"  fields  of  the  host   table
address are not used.

       APPENDIX B:  DDN Synchronous Level 1 Specification

B-1  Introduction

     A host may connect to the Defense Data Network at the link
level using the asynchronous bit serial protocol described in BBN
Report No. 1822 as either a local host (LH) or a distant host
(DH).  A host may also connect to the DDN by means of a
synchronous bit serial protocol at the link level, using either
the method described in BBN Report No. 1822, HDH, or the DDN X.25
interface.  Neither LH nor DH is recommended for new

     This section describes the functional, electrical, and
mechanical connection (the level 1 connection) that is required
when either an HDH or an X.25 host is connected to the DDN.
Hosts connecting to the DDN via HDH or X.25 require a synchronous
modem connection or the equivalent, which will be supplied as
part of the DDN service.  The host will present the DTE interface
while the DDN-provided equipment will present the DCE interface.

     A long-term goal of the DDN is for all level 1 connections
to be accomplished with the MIL-188-114 balanced interface.  Its
general equivalents are EIA RS-449/422, CCITT V.ll, and Fed. Std.
1031/1020.  The DDN cannot implement this at present due to the
limited availability of commercial vendor hardware.  In order to
facilitate future DDN compatibility, all new system acquisitions
should specify MIL-188-114 balanced as a required interface, in
addition to an alternate interface.  The selection of an
alternate interface should not preclude utilization of the MIL-
188-114 balanced interface when it becomes supportable.

B-2  Supported Interfaces

     DDN presently supports four synchronous level 1 interfaces.
They are:

     1.  EIA RS-232-C, CCITT V.28 & V.24;

     2.  MIL-188-114 balanced, EIA RS-449&422, CCITT V.ll,
          Fed. Std. 1031/1020;

     3.  MIL-188-114 unbalanced, EIA RS-449&423, CCITT
         V.10, Fed. Std. 1031/1030; and

     4.  CCITT V.35.

     Table B-1 is a dictionary of terms that relates the CCITT
signal ID to the EIA signal ID and to the more common
abbreviations.  Table B-2 identifies signals as either required,
optional, or not used.

     Figure B-1 and Table B-3 identify typical DTE connections to
the DDN.  The required subscriber services will dictate which
scheme is selected for a particular DTE.

     Table B-4 relates required speed of service to interface

     Together, these tables and figures serve as a guide to level
1 interface selection.  From these, most systems will be able to
identify  the  most   appropriate   interface.    However,   this
information is not all-inclusive.  Other interface arrangements
may be possible; contact your DDN representative for assistance
as required.

           Demarcation Point
          (mating connectors)

               DTE DCE

    |------------] [------(1) Modem    RS-232-C
    |  |---------] [------(2) Modem    V.35
|           |----] [------(3) LDM      RS-232-C, MIL-188-119
|           |
|           |----] [------(4) Null Modem  Cable
|    HOST   |
|           |----] [------(5) SME      Cable plus clock source
|           |
|           |----] [------(6) DCS      MIL-188-114
   |  |  |-------] [------(7) DES      RS-232-C, RS-449, V.35
   |  |
   |  |----------] [------(8) KG       MIL-188-114 balanced
   |-------------] [------(9) IPLI     MIL-188-114 balanced

         Figure B-1. Typical Level 1 Connection Schemes

EIA      CCITT      ABBRM      NAME
ID        ID         NAME
---      -----       ------    ---------------------------------
AA        101        FG        Frame (Chassis/Protective) Ground
AB        102        SG        Signal/Supply Common
SC        102a       --        RS-449 DTE Common
RC        102b       --        RS-949 DCE Common
BA        103        TD        Transmit Data
BB        104        RD        Receive Data
CA        105        RTS       Request to Send
CB        106        CTS       Clear to Send
CC        107        DSR       Data Set Ready
CD        108.2      DTR       Data Terminal Ready
CF        109        DCD       Data Carrier Detect
CG        110        SQ        Signal Quality
CH        111        --        Signal Rate Selector to DCE
CI        112        --        Signal Rate Selector to DTE
DA        113        ETC       External Transmit Clock
DB        114        TC        Transmit Clock
DD        115        RC        Receive Clock
--        116        --        Select Standby
--        117        --        Standby Indicator
SBA       118        STD       Secondary Transmit Data
SBB       119        SRD       Secondary Receive Data
SCA       120        SRS       Secondary Request to Send
SCB       121        SCS       Secondary Clear to Send
SCF       122        SCD       Secondary Carrier Detect
SCG       123        SSQ       Secondary Signal Quality
--        124        --        Select Frequency Group
CE        125        RI        Ringing Indicator
--        126        --        Select Transmit Frequency
--        127        --        Select Receive Frequency
--        128        --        External Receive Clock
--        129        RR        Request to Receive
--        130        --        Secondary Transmit Tone
--        131        --        Receive Character Timing
--        132        --        Return to Non-Data Mode
--        133        RTR       Ready to Receive .
--        134        --        Received Data Present
--        136        --        New Signal
--        140        RL        Remote loopback
--        141        LL        Local loopback
--        142        TM        Test Status Monitor
--        191        --        Transmit Voice Answer
          192        --        Receive Voice Answer

          Table B-1. EIA and CCITT Interchange Circuits

    Required: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108.2,
               109, 113, 114, and 115

    Optional:  110, 125, 140, 141, and 142
               (These may be required IAW future DDN
               developments; it is strongly recommended
               that these at least be available for
               implementation upon requirement)

    Not used: 111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,
              123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
              133, 134, 136, 191, and 192

Table B-2. Signal Selection by CCITT Interchange Circuit Number

Scheme (From
  Fig. B-1)     Explanation

(1) Modem       RS-232 at spe eds of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or
                14400 b/s over long haul leased voice grade
                telephone facilities

(2) Modem       CCITT V.35 at speeds of 48, 50, 56, 64 Kb/s over
                leased group (37KHz) grade facilities or in CONUS
                the Digital Data Service facilities.

(3) Limited Distance Modem
                LDM generally available at 9600 b/s and below in
                an RS-232 version.  Other types are available for
                all speeds.

(4) Null modem  A Null Modem is a length of cable with the signal
                leads crossed so as to present a DCE interface.
                To be used in local connection schemes where
                either the DTE or the DCE has a clocking source
                capability.  All four supported level 1
                interfaces are available.  If DTE clock and DCE
                clock are both available, DTE clock will be

(5) Synchronous Modem Eliminator
                SME is a length of cable with a hardware device
                interjected.  The device allows convenient
                crossing of signals so as to present a DCE
                interface.  The device also provides clocking
                when neither the DTE nor the DCE has such
                capability.  All four supported level 1
                interfaces are available.

(6) DCS Microwave
                DCS is generally a military microwave system
                which provides the MIL-188-114 balanced or
                unbalanced interfaces.  It implies a speed of 50
                Kbps and is usually found O-CONUS.  Selection of
                this scheme requires selection of (4) or (5).

(7) Data Encryption Standard
                DES is a commercial encryption device used by the
                DoD as a privacy device.  DES is available with
                either RS-232, V.35, or RS-449/422.

(8) KG          KG devices are U. S. Government encryption
                devices under strict NSA control.  The
                requirement for security and KG devices requires
                the selection of the MIL-188-114 balanced

(9) Internet Private Line Interface
                IPLI devices are security level community of
                interest isolation devices.  The requirement for
                IPLI service requires the selection of the MIL-
                188-114 balanced interface.

    Notes and Considerations

1.  Interface (2), Modem, 48Kb/s is generally only
    available O-CONUS.

2.  MIL-188-114 balanced is deemed equivalent to RS-449
    with RS-422, the difference being that MIL-188-114 is
    more tolerant of noise on signal common and more
    tolerant of common mode noise.

3.  MIL-188-114 unbalanced is deemed equivalent to RS-449
    with RS-423.  In most cases where MIL-188-114 balanced
    is specified, MIL-188-114 unbalanced is also available,
    but it is not recommended.

4.  There are system enhancements under long term
    development for use in the DDN which may request
    additional control leads beyond those listed as
    required.  The implementation of these enhancements
    will not limit operational capabilities but may impact
    the ability of the Network Monitoring Center to assist
    with host and host access line diagnosis.  These
    enhancements may request signals from the optional

        Table B-3. Typical Level 1 Connection Schemes


                             Signaling Rate in Kb/s
Interface        1.2  2.4  4.8  9.6 14.4  48   50   56   64   100

RS-232-C         R    R    R    R    R*    -   -    -    -    -

MIL-188-114      A    A    A    A    -     -   -    -    -    -
unbal. (& equiv.)

MIL-188-114      A    A    A    A    A*   A    A    A    A    R**
bal. (& equiv.)

CCITT V.35       -    -    -    -    -     R   A    R    R    A


                 R = Recommended
                 A = Available
                 - = Not available
                 * = Only available using modems
                 ** - Only available using a local cable

                          Table B-4. Interface Type by Service Speed

Signal Name          Abbrev   Pin No.   EIA ID     Signal Source
-----------          ------   -------   ------     -------------
Frame Ground          FG         1        AA          DTE/DCE
Transmitted Data      TD         2        BA            DTE
Received Data         RD         3        BB            DCE
Request to Send       RTS        4        CA            DTE
Clear to Send         CTS        5        CB            DCE
Data Set Ready        DSR        6        CC            DCE
Signal Ground         SG         7        AB          DTE/DCE
Data Carrier Detect   DCD        8        CF            DCE
Transmit Clock        TC        15        DB            DCE
Receive Clock         RC        17        DD            DCE
Data Terminal Ready   DTR       20        CD            DTE
Ext. Transmit Clock   ETC       24        DA            DTE
Wired Spare           --        18        --            ---
Wired Spare           --        22        --            ---
Wired Spare           --        25        --            ---

     Required pins: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 17, 20, 24
     Optional pins: 9, 10, 18, 22, 25


     1.  The DTE will present a CANNON DB-25P male connector
       with pinouts as above or equivalent hardware with
         identical pinouts.

     2.  The DCE will present a CANNON DB-2SS female
         connector or equivalent.


                 Table B-5. RS-232-C Interface

Signal Name       Abbrev      Pin Nos    EIA ID    Signal Source
-----------       ------      -------    ------    -------------
Send D ta           SD         4,22        BA           DTE
Send Timing         ST         5,23        DB           DCE
Receive Data        RD         6,24        BB           DCE
Request to Send     RTS        7,25        CA           DTE
Receive Timing      RT         8,26        DD           DCE
Clear to Send       CTS        9,27        CB           DCE
Local 100pback      LL         10          --           DTE
Data Mode           DM         11,29       CC           DCE
Terminal Ready      TR         12,30       CD           DTE
Receiver Ready      RR         13,31       CF           DCE
Remote 100pback     RL         14          --           DTE
Terminal Timing     TT         17,35       DA           DTE
Test Mode           TM         18          --           DCE
Signal Ground       SG         19          AB         DTE/DCE
Receive Common      RC         20          RC           DCE
Send Common         SC         37          SC           DTE
Wired Spare         --          1          --           ---
Wired Spare         --         3,21        --           ---

     Required pins:  4,22; 5,23; 6,24; 7,25; 8,26; 9,27,;
                    11,29; 12,30; 13,31; 17,35; 19; 20; 37
     Optional pins:  10; 14; 18; 1; 3,21


     1.  The DTE will present a CANNON DC-37P male connector
         with pinouts as above or equivalent hardware with
         identical pinout.

     2.  The DCE will present a CANNON DC-37S female
         connector or equivalent.

      Table B-6. MIL-188-114 Interface (and equivalents)

Signal Name         Abbrev    Pin Nos.     EIA ID    Signal Source
-----------         ------     --------     ------     -------------

Frame Ground          FG        A          AA         DTE/DCE
Signal Ground         SG        B          AB         DTE/DCE
Transmit Data         TD        P/S        BA           DTE
Receive Data          RD        R/T        BB           DCE
Request to Send       RTS       C          CA           DTE
Clear to Send         CTS       D          CB           DCE
Data Set Ready        DSR       E          CC           DCE
Data Carrier Detect   DCD       F          CF           DCE
Local 100pback        LL        K          --           DTE
Ext. Transmit Clock   ETC       U/W        DA           DTE
Transmit Clock        TC        Y/aa       DB           DCE
Receive Clock         RC        V/X        DD           DCE

    Required Pins: A; B; P/S; R/T; C; D; E; F; U/W; Y/aa;
    Optional Pins:  K


      1.  The DTE will present a Winchester MRA(C)-34D-JTCH-H8
          male connector with pinout as above or equivalent
          hardware with the identical pinout.

      2.  The DCE will present a mating female connector.

                    Table B-7. V.35 Interface




                         FEDERAL STANDARD 1041

                           1983 JULY 6

                        COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS

Federal Information Processing Standards Publication are developed and issued
by the National  Bureau of  Standards pursuant  to section  111(f)(2) of  the
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended,  Public
Law 89-306 (79 Stat.1127), Executive order  11717 (38 FR 12315 dated May  11,
1973), and Part 6 of Title 15 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Federal Standards  in the  "telecommunication" series  are developed  by  the
Office of the Manager, National Communication System. These Federal Standards
are issued by the General Services Administration pursuant to the Federal
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.

Name of Standard: Interface  Between Data Terminal  Equipment (DTE) and  Data
Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) for  Operation with Packet-Switched  Data
Communications Networks.

Category of Standard:  Hardware, Data Transmission.

Explanation: Federal  automated  data  processing  equipment,  services,  and
telecommunication equipment using public packet-switched data  communications
networks (PSDCN) based on  the family of  CCITT Recommendations derived  from
X.l and X.2 shall employ the interface and protocols specified in this  joint
standard. In addition, designers of these internally operated and  maintained
Federal networks employing packet-switched technology should consider the use
of this interface as appropriate. The joint standard provides:

    - A  family  of  physical  layer  interfaces,  from  which  a  particular
      interface may be selected; and
    -  A single data link layer control procedure; and
    - Packet  level  procedures  for  virtual  calls  and  permanent  virtual
      circuits, and an optional datagram  operation.
The mandatory interface attributes of  this joint standard are summarized  as


   Transmission rates:      2.4, 4.8, 9.6 Kbits/s

   Interface:              one or more of the following: RS-232-C, X.2l, RS-449


   Procedure:               LAPB

   Parameter K:             7

   Smallest N l:            l64 Octets


    Services:               Virtual call and permanent virtual circuit

    Packet types:           All basic plus Diagnostic packets. Packet Reject
                            shall  not be used.

    User data field         Octet-aligned

    Packet sequence         Modulo 8

    D bit procedure:        Supported  by all DCEs;  DTE need not  employ the
                            D  bit when sending to
                            the DCE, but no DTE shall reject incoming packet
                            with the D bit set to l or  0 as having this bit
                            in error unless it is known by receiver that the
                            sender  has no D bit capability.
    X.25 diagnostic         Use standard codes whenever they apply; non-std
      codes:                codes may be used for events not listed in X.25
                            within a period of 24 months after the effective
                            date of this standard.
    Fast Select:            DCEs shall implement fast select; DTE need not
                            employ fast select when sending to DCE, but all 
                            DTEs with higher level functionality which
                            allows response to fast select must be able to
                            accept incoming fast  select packet.

    Interrupt packet:       Receipt of a DTE interrupt packet before a
                            previous DTE interrupt  packet has been confirmed
                            is an error condition.
    Duplicated facility     The last appearing facility code should be
       codes:               treated by the DTE as if it  were the only 
                            appearance of that code.

    Non-zero cause field    Discarded
      of restart request

    Restart request too     Discarded
      long in state r1:
This joint standard  is intended  to enhance  interoperability by  specifying
certain subsets and other constraints on Federal use of CCITT  Recommendation

The Government's intent  in employing this  joint standard is  to reduce  the
cost of  acquiring and  using Federal  automated data  processing  equipment,
services, and telecommunication equipment with PSDCN.  The joint standard  is
also intended to reduce the cost  of acquiring and using Government-owned  or
leased PSDCN. These goals will be achieved by:
    -  increasing the available alternative sources of supply;
    -  Increasing the reutilization of Government resources; and,
    -  Assuring the required interoperability.

Approving Authority: Secretary  of Commerce  (Federal Information  Processing
Standards).   Administrator,   General   Services   Administration   (Federal

Maintenance Agency: The National  Bureau of Standards and  the Office of  the
Manager, National Communications System  will jointly maintain this  standard
coordinating as necessary with the General Services Administration (GSA).

Cross Index: The following are related standards upon which this FIPS PUB  is
based. The  inclusion  of  a  particular  standard  on  this  list  does  not
necessarily mean that the standard is  applicable in all cases to which  this
FIPS PUB applies.

   (a) International Standard 2110-1980: Data Communication-25 pin DTE/DCE
Interface Connector and Pin Assignments.
   (b) International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)
recommendations V.24 (1980): List of Definitions for Interchange Circuits
Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit Terminating Equipment.
   (c) CCITT Recommendation V.28 (1980) Electrical Characteristics for
Unbalanced Double-Current Interchange Circuits.
   (d) Electronics Industries Association (EIA) RS-232-C (1969 August):
Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication Equipment
Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange.
   (e) International Standard 4902-1980: Data Communication-37-Pin and 9-Pin
DTE/DCE Interface Connectors and Pin Assignments.
   (f) CCITT recommendation V.11(X.27) (1980): electrical Characteristics for
Balanced Double-Current Interchange Circuits for General Use with Integrated
Circuit Equipment in the Field of Data Communications.
   (g) EIA RS-422-A (1978 June): Electrical Characteristics of Balanced
Voltage Digital Interface Circuits.
   (h) Federal Standard 1020A (1980 January): Telecommunications: Electrical
Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits.
   (i) CCITT Recommendation V.10 (X26) (1980): Electrical Characteristics for
Unbalanced Double-Current Interchange Circuits for General Use with
Integrated Circuit Equipment in the Field of Data Communications.
   (k) Federal Standard 1030A (1980 January): Telecommunications: Electrical
characteristics of Unbalanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits.
   (l) CCITT Recommendation X.21bis (1980): Use on Public Data Networks of
Data Terminal Equipment which are Designed for Interfacing to Synchronous
V-series Modems.
   (m) CCITT Recommendation V.54 (1980): Loop Test Devices for Modems.
   (n) EIA RS-449 (1977 November): general Purpose 37-Position Interface
Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment.
   (o) Federal Standard 1031 (1980 June): Telecommunications General Purpose
37-position and 9-position Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data
Circuit Terminating Equipment (implementing instructions in the form of a
Federal Property Management Regulation have not yet been issued. the General
Services Administration is considering canceling FED-STD 1031. Furthermore,
a Federal Information Processing Standard for ADP applications corresponding
to Federal Standard 1031 has not been adopted by the National Bureau of
   (p) International Standard 4903-1980: Data Communication-15-pin DTE/DCE
Interface Connector and Pin Assignments.
   (q) EIA Industrial Electronics Bulletin No. 12 (1977 November):
Application Notes on Interconnection Between Interface Circuits Using RS-449
and RS-232-C.
   (r) Draft International Standard 2593 (1980): Data Communication-34-pin
DTE/DCE Interface Connector and Pin Assignments.
   (s) CCITT Recommendation V.35 (1980): Data Transmission at 48 Kilobits per
second Using 60-108 kHz Group Band Circuits.
   (t) CCITT Recommendation X.21 (1980): general Purpose Interface Between
Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment for
Synchronous Operation on Public Data Networks.
   (u) CCITT recommendation V.5 (1980): Standardization of Data-Signalling
Rates for Synchronous Data Transmission in the General Switched Telephone
   (v) CCITT Recommendation V.6 (1980): Standardization of Data-Signalling
Rates for Synchronous Data Transmission on Leased Telephone-Type Circuits.
   (w) American National Standard X3.1-1976: Synchronous Signalling Rates for
Data Transmission.
   (x) Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 22-1 (1977
September): Synchronous Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal and Data
Communication Equipment. (FIPS PUB 22-1 is identified also as FED-STD 1013.)
   (y) Federal Standard 1013 (1977 August): Telecommunications:  Synchronous
Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating
Equipment utilizing 4 kHz Circuits (FED-STD 1013) is identified also as FIPS
PUB 22-1.)
   (z) American National Standard X3.36-1975: Synchronous High-Speed Data
Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communication
  (aa) Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 37 (1975 June):
Synchronous High Speed Data Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal Equipment
and Data Communication Equipment. (FIPS PUB 37 is identified also as
FED-STD 1001.)
  (ab) Federal Standard 1001 (1975 June): Telecommunications: Synchronous
High-Speed Data Signaling Rates Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data
Communications Equipment. (FED-STD 1001 is identified also as FIPS PUB 37.)
   (ac) EIA RS-269-B (1976 January): Synchronous Signaling Rates for Data
   (ad) International Standard 3309-1979: Data Communication-High Level Data
Link control Procedures-Frame Structure.
   (ae) International Standard 4335-1979: Data Communication-High Level Data
Link control Procedures-Elements of Procedures.
   (af) Addendum 1 to International Standard 4335-1979: Data
Communication-High Level Data Link control Procedures-Elements of Procedures.
   (ag) Addendum 2 to International Standard 4335-1979: Data
Communication-High Level Data Link Control Procedures-Elements of procedures.
   (ah) International Standard 6256-1980: Data Communication-High -Level Data
Link Control Procedures-Balanced Class of Procedures.
   (ai) American National Standard X3.66-1979: Advanced Data Communication
Control procedures (ADCCP).
   (aj) Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 71 (1980 May) as
revised by the Federal Register notice 47 FR 23798, dated June 1, 1982 and
corrected by the notice 47 FR 25397 dated June 11, 1982: Advanced Data
Communication Control Procedures (ADCCP). (FIPS PUB 71 is technically
consistent with FED-STD 1003A.)
   (ak) Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 78 (1980
September): Guideline for Implementing Advanced Data Communication Control
Procedures (ADCCP).
   (al) Federal Standard 1003A (1981 August): Telecommunications: Synchronous
bit-Oriented Data Link Control Procedures (FED-STD 1003A is technically
consistent with FIPS PUB 71.)
   (am) CCITT Recommendation X.25 (1980): Interface Between Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) for Terminals
Operating in the Packet Mode on Public Data Networks.
   (an) Draft Proposed International Standard 7498: Data Processing-Open
Systems Interconnection-Basic Reference Model.
   (ao) CCITT Recommendation X.1 (1980): International User Classes of
Service in Public Data Networks.
   (ap) CCITT Recommendation X.2 (1980): International User Facilities in
Public Data Networks.
   (aq) CCITT Recommendation X.96 (1980): Call Progress Signals in Public
Data Networks.

Applicability: The technical specifications of  this joint standard shall  be
employed in the acquisition, design, and development of all federal automated
data processing  equipment,  services, and  telecommunication  equipment  and
PSDCN whenever  an  interface  based on  CCITT  Recommendation  X.25  (1980),
Interface   Between    Data    Terminal   Equipment    (DTE)    and    Data
Circuit-Terminating Equiment (DCE) for Terminals Operating in the  Packet
Mode  on  Public  Networks>1,  is  required.   Referred  to  below  as  CCITT
Recommendation X.25, Recommendation X.25, or X.25.

Implementation: The provisions of this  joint standard are effective July  6,
1983. Any applicable equipment or service  ordered on or after the  effective
date, or procurement action  for which solicitation  documents have not  been
issued by that date, must conform to the provisions of this standard unless a
waiver has been granted in accordance with the procedures described below.

This joint standard shall be reviewed by the Institute for Computer  Sciences
and Technology, National Bureau of Standards  and the Office of the  Manager,
National Communications System, within five  years after its effective  date.
This review shall take into account technological trends and other factors to
determine if the joint standard should be affirmed, revised, or withdrawn.

Specifications: This joint standard adopts a subset, identified below, of the
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee's Recommendation

    (a) At  the  physical  level,  the  provisions  of  Section  1  of  CCITT
Recommendation X.25  shall be  used.  As  a minimum, networks shall  support
dedicated circuit access; other  types of access  (e.g., through the  general
switched telephone network) may also be offered.

           CClTT Recommendation  X.1 standardizes  data signalling  rates  of
2.4, 4.8,  9.6, and  48 kbits/s  for packet  mode interfaces.  At a  minimum,
networks shall support the synchronous data signalling rates of 2.4, 4.8, and
9.6 kbits/s  full duplex;  other  speeds (e.g.,  19.2  kbits/s) may  also  be
offered. The 48 kbits/s rate need  not be supported in those locations  where
it is not  available; 56 kbits/s  is recommended in  its place (see  American
National Standard  X3.36-1975 and  related documents  referenced above).  The
term "user class of service" used in X.25 refers to the data signalling  rate
of DTE/DCE interface.
           In accordance  with  CCITT  Recommendation  X.25,  networks  shall
provide one or more of the following interface options:

           i.  CCITT Recommendation X.21;
           ii.  EIA RS-232-C, which is  essentially equivalent to one of  the
options in CCITT Recommendation X.21bis;
           iii.  CCITT Recommendation  X.21bis option that  is equivalent  to
RS-449 using only the EIA RS-423A unbalanced electrical characteristics.

           Interworking between EIA RS-232-C on one side of the interface and
RS-449 on  the other  side is  permitted in  accordance with  EIA  Industrial
Electronics Bulletin Number 12. Where interworking with RS-232-C equipment is
not required,  the  provisions  described below  employing  RS-449  with  the
RS-422A electrical characteristics may  optionally be employed at  signalling
rates below 48 kbit/s.
           Networks which  support 48  or 56  kbits/s data  signalling  rates
shall provide one or more of the following interface options:

           i.  CCITT Recommendation X.21;
           ii.  CCITT  Recommendation  X.21bis option  that  specifies  CCITT
Recommendation V.35; or
           iii.  CCITT  Recommendation X.21bis  option that  specifies  CCITT
Recommendation V.36 which is equivalent to EIA RS-449.

    NOTE: Current study  in national and  international standards groups  may
result in  the  development  of additional  physical  interfaces.  Each  such
physical interface will be evaluated for inclusion in this joint standard. If
there are significant savings, one physical interface may be selected as  the
future mandatory physical interface.
    NOTE: DTE  purchasers and  designers  should determine  which  physical
interface(s) is provided by the associated DCE(s).

    (b) Only the LAPB link level procedures shall be used.

    NOTE: These procedures are a subset of those described in FIPS PUB 71 and
Federal Standard 1003A  and correspond to  FIPS PUB 78  recommended class  B.
This subset is identified as follows:

           i.  Link configuration: two combined stations on a  point-to-point
           ii.  Class of procedures: balanced asynchronous (BA) with  options
two and eight. The RSET command shall  not be used. (RSET is found in  option
11 of  the Fips  PUB 71.  RSET is  part of  the basic  repertoire in  Federal
Standard 1003A; option 11 of federal Standard 1003A deletes the RSET command.
Note that RSET is not part of CCITT Recommendation X.25.)
           iii.  Two-way simultaneous operation shall be employed.
            iv.   The  smallest  N1,  (the  maximum  number  of  bits  in  an
information frame excluding flags and  zero bit insertion for  transparency),
which shall be supported shall be 164 octets (the maximum length of) fast
select caIl setup  packet). If  a DTE  neither transmits,  nor receives  for
processing by higher level  functionality fast select  packets, an N1 as
small as 135 octets may be supported by the DTE.
           v.  The address of the combined station provided by the  network
shall be  10000000; the  address of  the other  combined station  shall  be
11000000; where the left-hand bit is the least significant bit (bit  number
1) and shall be transmitted first.  This convention is consistent with  the
provisions of FIPS 71 and Federal Standard 1003A.
           vi.  The FCS shall  be a 16-bit sequence  as indicated in  Section
2.2.7. DTE/DCE may also  employ the 32-bit  FCS as indicated  in FIPS PUB  71
(revised) and FED-STD 1003A. DTE/DCE equipment using the 32-bit FCS shall  be
able to also operate with the 16-bit FCS. The smallest N1 shall be 166 octets
when the 32-bit FCS  is used. If  a DTE neither  transmits, nor receives  for
processing by higher level functionality fast select packets, an Nl as  small
as 137 octets may be supported by the DTE when the 32-bit FCS is used.

    NOTE: FIPS PUB 78 provides a  detailed discussion of the relative  merits
of the 16-bit and 32-bit FCS.

           vii.  The frame reject  information field shall  be padded with  4
zero bits in bit positions 21 through 24 of the information field to  provide
a length of three octets.
           viii. It  is  required  that all  implementations  be  capable  of
operating with K=7; optionally, values of 1 to 6 are permissible with  modulo
8 operation and values 1 to 127 are permissible with modulo 128 operation.

    NOTE: DTE  purchasers and  designers should  determine that  values of  k
other than 7 are supported by the associated DCE(s).

    (c) The user data field of packets shall be an integral number of octets.
If a  packet is  received which  shows  a user  data field  not equal  to  an
integral number  of octets,  the receiving  DTE/DCE shall  follow the  packet
level procedures  for processing  a packet  type  which is  too long.  A  new
diagnostic code  "non-octet  aligned  packet,"  consistent  with  the  Data
Communications-X.25 Packet Layer  Specification for Terminal  Equiment,
ISO DP 8208, November 8, 1982, is recommended as #82.
    (d) The reject packet shall not be used.
    (e) All DCE restart confirmation,  DCE reset confirmation, and DCE  clear
confirmation packets  shall  be  interpreted  by  the  DTE  as  having  local
significance only.
    (f) The D-bit shall be implemented by all networks. DTE's need not employ
the D-bit  procedures when  transmitting to  the network,  but no  DTE  shall
reject incoming packets with the  D-bit set to 1 or  0 as having this bit  in
error unless the receiving DTE knows  the remote DTE has not implemented  the
D-bit procedure; in this case, the receipt of a D-bit set to 1 may be treated
by the receiving DTE as an error condition.
    (g) The selection of logical channel  number for new virtual calls  shall
follow the procedures suggested in Section 4.1.2 Note 2, Annex A Note 5,  and
Annex A Note 6, of the CCITT Recommendation X.25.
    (h) It is required that all implementations be capable of operating  with
packet sequence  numbering modulo  8; optionally,  implementations of  packet
sequence numbering modulo 128 are also permitted.

    NOTE: DTE purchasers  and designers  should determine  if the  associated
DCE(s) support packet sequence numbering modulo 128.

    (i) All DTE's and DCE's shall follow the flow control principles outlined
in the first  two sentences of  the first  paragraph of Section  4.4. 1.3  of
CCITT Recommendation X.25.
    (j) The alternative procedure for passing packets containing a P(S)  that
is out of sequence but within the window as described in the third  paragraph
of Section of CCITT Recommendation X.25 shall not be used.
    (k) The second sentence of Section Note 2 shall not apply.  This
sentence permits networks to defer updating the window for data packets  with
D =0, and sent within  the window but before a  data packet with D= 1,  until
the network receives a corresponding P(R) for the packet with D= 1.
    (1) The resetting cause field of a  reset request packet shall be set  to
zero. If a reset request is  received with a non-zero resetting cause  field,
the packet shall be discarded. The network shall then initiate the  resetting
procedure with the  resetting cause field  indicating local/remote  procedure
    (m) The clearing cause field  of a clear request  packet shall be set  to
zero. If a clear  request packet is received  with a non-zero clearing  cause
field, the packet  shall be discarded.  The network shall  then initiate  the
clearing procedure  with the  clearing  cause field  indicating  local/remote
procedure error.
    (n) The restarting cause field of  a restart request packet shall be  set
to zero. If  a restart  request packet is  received with  a non-zero  restart
cause field, the restart  request packet shall  be discarded without  further
action.  Optionally,  the  DCE  may  generate  a  diagnostic  packet  with  a
recommended diagnostic  code #81  (improper cause  code from  DTE), which  is
consistent with the <1Data Communication-X.25 Packet Layer>1  <1Specification
for Data Terminal Equiment,>1 ISO DP 8208, November 8, 1982.
    (o) A  diagnostic code  shall be  provided in  all clear  request,  reset
request, and restart request packets in  accordance with the codes listed  in
Annex E  of  CCITT  Recommendation X.25  whenever  they  apply;  non-assigned
codings in X.25 may be used for  events not listed in X.25 within the  period
of 24 months after the effective date  of this standard. Prior to the end  of
this 24 month  period, this  standard will be  reviewed by  NBS to  determine
whether the  standard should  be revised  to incorporate  a different  table.
After this revision, codes not specifically listed shall not be used.
    (p) A generic  diagnostic code  shall not be  used when  a more  specific
diagnostic code is known to be applicable.
    (q) The network  diagnostic codes shall  be used in  accordance with  the
codes listed in  Annex E of  CCITT Recommendation X.25  whenever they  apply;
non-assigned codings in X.25 may be used for events not listed in X.25 within
the period of 24 months after the  effective date of this standard. Prior  to
the end of this  24 month period,  this standard will be  reviewed by NBS  to
determine whether the standard should  be revised to incorporate a  different
table. After this revision, network diagnostic codes not specifically  listed
shall not be used.
    (r) The network shall  consider the receipt of  a DTE interrupt  packet
before a previous DTE interrupt packet has been confirmed as an error,  and
shall execute the error procedure described in Annex C, Table C-4/X.25  and
the corresponding note 2.
    (s) The timeouts and time limits  specified in Annex D shall be  observed
by all DTE and DCE equipment. T21 shall  not be less than the value given  in
table D-2/X.25.  The preferred  actions  listed in  table D-2/X.25  shall  be
    (t) When  the  link level  procedures  enter the  logically  disconnected
state, the associated packet level  procedures shall clear all virtual  calls
and reset all permanent virtual circuits and datagram logical channels.  When
the link  level  procedures  reenter  the  information  transfer  state,  the
associated packet level procedures shall  execute the restart procedure.  The
terms "logically  disconnected state"  and "information  transfer state"  are
used as defined in American National Standard X3.66-1979 (referenced  above).
Link level  procedures enter  the logically  disconnected state  when a  DISC
command is sent and a  UA response is received,  for example. The link  level
procedure shall also be considered to be in the logically disconnected  state
after N2 (re)transmissions of SABM or DISC,  where N2 is as defined in  CClTT
Recommendation X.25. The logically disconnected state is not assumed after N2
(re)transmissions of other types of frames.
    (u) lf a restart request packet is received in state rl which exceeds the
maximum permitted length, the  DCE shall discard  the restart request  packet
without further action. Optionally, the DCE may generate a diagnostic  packet
with diagnostic code #39 (packet too long).
    (v) In  the event  that  a facility  code appears  more  than once  in  a
facility field, the receiving DTE  detecting this condition should treat  the
last appearance of the particular code as  if it were the only appearance  of
that code.
    (w) All  networks  shall supply  diagnostic  packets when  their  use  is
suggested in  CClTT  Recommendation  X.25. No  DTE  shall  rejcct  diagnostic
packets as errors.
    (x) ln Section 6.1.1, the second paragraph, the last phrase, "and is  set
to 0 in all other  packets", shall be interpreted  that the Qualifier bit  is
set to 0  in all  other packets  except data packets.  For the  case of  data
packets, the Qualifier bit is set to 0 or 1 as indicated in Section 4.3.6  of
CClTT Recommendation X.25.
    (y) The  list of  user facilities  for packet-switched  data  networks,
extracted from CCITT Recommendation X.2, is given below.  These  facilities
are described  in Section  7 of  CCITT Recommendation  X.25. The  following
further constraints apply:
           i.  Networks shall provide the facilities designated as  essential
"E" below.
           ii.  Networks shall also implement the Fast Select and Fast Select
Acceptance facilities  to facilitate  more efficient  operation in  conveying
higher layer protocol  information or  user data  during call  establishment.
DTE's need not employ fast select  packets when transmitting to the  network,
but all DTE's  associated with  the higher level  functionality which  allows
response to a fast select packet must be able to accept incoming fast  select
           iii.  The packet retransmission facility shall not be used.
           iv.  All  DTE's which  employ any  of the  facilities labelled  as
additional "A'' below (except Fast  Select and Fast Select Acceptance)  shall
also be capable of operating without employing any A facilities (except  Fast
Select and Fast Select Acceptance).
           v.  The throughput class value of 48,000 bits/s may be interpreted
as 56,000 bits/s in those locations where 56,000 bits/s access is used.

              Facilities of packet-switched data networks:

      User Facility                             VC       PVC     DG*

Optional user facilities assigned
for an agreed contractual period:

Extended packet sequence numbering
(modulo)                                        A        A       A*
Non-standard default window sizes               A        A       A*
Non-standard default packet sizes
  16, 32, 64, 256, 512, 1024                    A        A       -
Default throughput class assignment             A        A       A*
Flow control parameter negotiation              E        -       -
Throughput class negotation                     E        -       -
Packet retransmission                           A***     A***    A***
Incoming calls barred                           E        -       E*
Outgoing calls barred                           E        -       E*
One-way logical channel outgoing                E        -       A*
One-way logical channel incoming                A        -       A*
Closed user group                               E        -       E*
Closed user group with outgoing
access                                          A        -       A*
Closed user group with incoming
access                                          A        -       A*
Incoming calls barred within a
closed user group                               A        -       A*
Outgoing calls barred within a
closed user group                               A        -       A*
Bilateral closed user group                     A        -       A*
Bilateral closed user group with
outgoing access                                 A        -       A*
Reverse charging acceptance                     A        -       A*
Fast select acceptance                          A**      -       -
Datagram queue length selection*                -        -       A*
Datagram service signal logical
channel*                                        -        -       A*
Datagram non-delivery indication*               -        -       E*
Datagram delivery confirmation*                 -        -       E*
D-bit modification                              A        A       -

Optional user facilities requested
by the DTE on a per call basis

Closed user group selection                     E        -       E*
Bilateral closed user group selection           A        -       A*
Reverse charging                                A        -       A*
RPOA selection                                  A        -       A*
Flow control parameter negotiation              E        -       -
Fast select                                     A**      -       -
Throughput class negotiation                    E        -       -
Abbreviated address calling                     FS       -       A*
Datagram non-delivery indication                -        -       E*
Datagram delivery confirmation                  -        -       E*

NOTE: Detailed  explanations  of  these  facilities  are  provided  in  CCITT
Recommendation X.25.

     E   =  An essential user facility to be offered by all networks.
     A   =  An  additional  user  facility which  may  be  offered  by  certain
     FS  =  Further study is required. This standard will be modified when this
study is complete.
     -   = Not applicable.
     DG  = Applicable when the datagram service is being used.*
     VC  = Applicable when the virtual call service is being used.
     PVC = Applicable when the permanent virtual circuit service is being used.

     * - The  datagram  service and  its  related facilities  may  be  used
only when:
       - there is  to be  a one-way transfer  of information  which does  not
require recovery at the network layer; and,
       - a response to  this transfer of information  is not required at  the
network layer.
     NOTES: 1. At the present time,  the transfer of datagram packets  across
international  borders  through  public  packet-switching  networks  is   not
permitted 2. DCE's are  not required to provide  datagram service. DTE's  are
not required to generate or accept datagrams and datagram-related packets.

** - Fast select shall  be provided by all  DCE's. All DTE's associated  with
the higher level functionality which allows response to a fast select  packet
must be  capable of  accepting incoming  fast select  packets, but  need  not
generate fast select packets.

***  The packet retransmission facilities shall not be used.

     (z) The list  of the  applicable call progress  signals, extracted  from
CCITT Recommendation X.96, is given below. These signal definitions apply  to
the  cause  codes  specified  in  CCITT  Recommendation  X.25.   The  related
circumstances giving rise  to each call  progress signal is  also defined  in
table 1 below. The significance of  categories indicates broadly the type  of
action expected of the DTE receiving the signal:

Category           Significance

A                  Requested  action  confirmed  by  network.   
B                  Call   cleared  because  the procedure is complete.
C1 and C2          Call cleared. The calling DTE should  call again soon: the
                   next attempt may be successful. However, after a number of
                   unsuccessful call attempts with the same  response, the
                   cause could be assumed to be in Category D1 or D2. The
                   interval between  successive attempts and the number of
                   maximum attempts will depend on a number of circumstances

                   - nature of the call progress signal
                   - users' traffic pattern
                   - tariffs
                   - possible regulations by the network provider.
                   Reset. The DTE may continue to transmit data
                   recognizing that data loss may have occurred.
D1 and D2          Call cleared. The calling DTE should take other action to
                   clarify when the call  attempt might be successful.
                   Reset (for permanent virtual circuit only).
                   The DTE should cease data transmission and take other action
                   as appropriate.
C1 and D1          Due to subscriber condition.
C2 and D2          Due to network condition.

The sequence of call  progress signals in table  1 implies, for Categories  C
and D, the order of  call set-up processing by  the network. ln general,  the
DTE can assume, on receiving a call progress signal, that no condition higher
up in  the table  is present.  Network  congestion is  an exception  to  this
general rule. The actual coding of call progress signals does not necessarily
reflect this sequence.

Users and DTE  manufacturers are  warned to  make due  allowance to  possible
later extensions to this table by providing appropriate fallback routines for
unexpected signals.

  Call Progress               Definition                             Category
   Delivery               The datagram has been                      A
   confirmation           accepted by the destination DTE.

   Local procedure        A procedure error caused by the DTE        C1
   error                  is detected by the DCE at the local
                          DTE/DCE interface.

   Network                A condition exists in the network          C2
   congestion             such as:
                          1) temporary network congestion
                          2) temporary fault condition within
                          the network, including procedure error
                          within a network or an international link.

  Invalid                 A facility requested by the calling        D1 or D2
  facility                DTE is detected as invalid by the DCE
  request                 at the local DTE/DCE interface.
                          Possible reasons include:
                          -  request for a facility which has not
                          been subscribed to by the DTE;
                          -  request for a facility which is not
                          available in the local network:
                          -  request for a facility which has not
                          been recognized as valid by the local DCE.

  RPOA out                The RPOA nominated by the calling DTE is   D2
  of order                unable to forward the call.

  Not                     The called DTE address is                  D1
  obtainable              out of the numbering plan or not 
                          assigned to any DTE.

  Access barred           The calling DTE is not permitted           D1
                          the connection to the called DTE.
                          Possible reasons include:
                          -  unauthorized access between the calling
                          DTE and thc called DTE.
                          -  incompatible closed user group.

  Reverse charging        The called DTE has not subscribed          D1
  acceptance not          to the reverse charging acceptance
  subscribed              facility.

  Fast select             The called DTE has not subscribed          D1
  acceptance not          to the fast select acceptance
  subscribed              facility.

  Incompatible            The remote DTE/DCE interface or the        D1
  destination             or the transit network does not support
                          a function or facility requested (eg.the
			  datagram service).

  Out of Order		  The remote number is out of order.         D1 or D2
			  Possible reasons include:
				- DTE is Uncontrolled Not Ready:
				- DCE Power off:
				- Network fault in the local loop:
				- X.25 Level 1 not functioning:
				- X.25 Level 2 not in operation.

  Number busy		  The called DTE is detected by the DCE	     C1
			  as engaged on other call(s), and
			  therefore as not being able to accept
			  the incoming call. (In the case of the
			  datagram service..the queue at the
			  destination DCE is full.)

  Remote		  A procedure error caused by the             D1
  procedure		  remote DTE is detected by the DCE
  error			  at the remote DTE/DCE interface.

  Network		  Network is ready to resume normal	     C1
  operational		  operation after a temporary failure
		          or congestion.

  Remote DTE		  Remote DTE/DCE interface is ready	     C1 or D1
  operational             to resume normal operation after a
			  temporary failure or out of order
			  condition (e.g., restart at the remote
			  DTE/DCE interface. Loss of data may 
                          have occurred.

  DTE originated	  The remote DTE has intiated		     B or D1
                          a clear, reset, or restart procedure.

Waivers: Waiver of this standard is required when an interface based on CCITT
Recommendation X.25  (1980) is  to be  employed  and has  either one  of  the
following conditions: 1) The interface has options that are not permitted  by
this standard; 2) The  interface does not implement  all options mandated  by
this standard.

Heads of agencies  desiring a  waiver from  the requirements  stated in  this
standard, so as to acquire applicable equipment or service not conforming  to
this standard,  shall  submit a  request  for waiver  to  the  Administrator,
General Services Administration,  for review and  approval. Approval will  be
granted if, in the judgment of the Administrator after consultation with  the
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Productivity, Technology and  Innovation,
based on  all available  information including  that provided  in the  waiver
requests, a major adverse economic or operational impact would occur  through
conformance with this standard.

A request for waiver shall include a justification for the waiver,  including
a description and discussion  of the adverse  economic or operational  impact
that would  result  from conforming  to  this  standard as  compared  to  the
alternative for which  the waiver  is requested.  ICST and  NCS will  provide
technical assistance, as required, to GSA.

Where to  Obtain Copies:  Copies of  this  publication are  for sale  by  the
National  Technical  Information  Service,  U.S.   Department  of   Commerce,
Springfield,  VA  22161.   When   ordering,  refer  to  Federal   Information
Processing Standards Publication  100 (FIPS-PUB-  l00)/Federal Standard  1041
(FED-STD 1041),  and  title.  When  microfiche  is desired,  this  should  be
specified. Payment may be made by check, money order, purchase order,  credit
card, or deposit account.

The CCITT X.25 specifications upon which  this publication is based may  also
be obtained from NTIS.  Specify PB82-187766; the cost is $50; telephone (703)

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