CHSIZE -- Change Size of Filesystem

#C.SHEDD cliff at hou2d.UUCP
Wed Jan 2 09:28:22 AEST 1985

#!/bin/sh-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	chsize.c
#	chsize.1m
cat - << \SHAR_EOF > chsize.1m
.TH CHSIZE 1 "HO Local"
.nrIN \\n()Mu
.ift .ds ]H \\$1\^(\^\\$2\^)
.ifn .ds ]H \\$1(\\$2)
.if\\n()s .ds ]D
.if\\n()t .ds ]D UNIX System V
.ifn .ds ]D UNIX System V
.if!\\$3 .ds ]L (\^\\$3\^)
.if!\\$4 .ds ]D \\$4
.wh0 }H
.wh-\\n(:mu }F
.if\\n(nl .bp
.nr)I \\n()Mu
.nr)R 0
.ifn \{.na
.ift \{.bd S 3 3
.hy14 \}
.tr ~"
.if t .ds i \(fm\(fm
.if n .ds i ""
chsize \- change size of file system
.B chsize
.B \-f
] /dev/rdsknnn new-size
.I chsize
utility allows super-users to change the number of blocks allocated
to a file system.
The command line must contain the file system's character (a.k.a. "raw")
i/o device name.
The arguement
.B new-size
must also be present.  It is the number of 512-byte blocks to be allocated
to the file system.  
If the 
.B new-size
arguement is less than the current size, the
.B \-f
(force change) option must be present.
To affect the change in the file system size, 
.I fsck
must be invoked to rebuild the free list.
The file system "/dev/rdsk005" currently has 24500 blocks.  The user wishes
to add another 500 blocks.
.ti +.5i
chsize /dev/rdsk005 25000
fsck -f -s -y /dev/rdsk005
The file system "/dev/rdsk999" currently has 30000 blocks.  The user wishes
to reduce its size by 15000 blocks.
.ti +.5i
chsize /dev/rdsk999 15000
fsck -f -s -y /dev/rdsk999
fsck( 1m)
dcopy( 1m), volcopy( 1m)
C.J. Shedd of the HOCC UNIX Support Staff came up with this facility.
He can
be contacted at HO 3D-219, extension 3856, or through electronic mail to
The author is the sole source of support for this facility.
cat - << \SHAR_EOF > chsize.c
/*	c h s i z e
	change size of file system

	this program allows the super user to change the number of blocks
	allocated to a file system.

        @ (INSLOC) etc 700 root root


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#include <sys/filsys.h>

	static char *Sccsid	= "@(#)chsize.c	v1.0	autumn 1984 c.j. shedd";
	static char *Sccsid1	= "@(#)	original release";

struct { 
	char	fill1[BSIZE];
	union { 
		char	fill2[BSIZE];
		struct filsys fs;
	} f;
} super;

main( argc, argv)
int	argc; 
char	*argv[];

	int	fsi, fso, i, new_size, old_size, okay_to_use_force;
	char	*myname, *fsarg, *nsize;

	myname = argv[0];

	if ((strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0)) {
		fsarg = argv[2];
		nsize = argv[3];
	} else {
		okay_to_use_force = 0;
		fsarg = argv[1];
		nsize = argv[2];
	if ((argc - okay_to_use_force) != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-f] /dev/rdsknnn new-size \n", myname);
	if ((fsi = open( fsarg, 0)) < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open device %s \n", myname, fsarg);
	if ((i = read(fsi, &super, sizeof(super))) != sizeof( super)) {
		fprintf( stderr, "%s: cannot read superblock of %s \n", myname, fsarg);
	new_size = atoi(nsize);

#define S super.f.fs

	if (S.s_magic == FsMAGIC && S.s_type == Fs2b)
		old_size = S.s_fsize * 2;
		old_size = S.s_fsize;

	if ( new_size < old_size && !okay_to_use_force) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: no permission to use force -- aborting \n", myname);

	printf("%s: file system %.6s of pack %.6s currently has %ld 512-byte blocks \n", 
	    myname, S.s_fname, S.s_fpack, old_size);

	printf("%s: in ten seconds it will be changed to %ld 512-byte blocks \n",
	    myname, new_size);
	printf("%s: use INTR or QUIT to abort request \n", myname);

	sleep( 10);

	if (S.s_magic == FsMAGIC && S.s_type == Fs2b)
		S.s_fsize = new_size / 2;
		S.s_fsize = new_size;

	fso = open(fsarg, 1);

	if (write(fso, &super, sizeof(super))  < 0) {
		fprintf( stderr, "%s: cannot update superblock \n", myname);

	printf( "%s: immediately invoke fsck to affect change \07\07\n", myname);


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