
grunwald at uiucdcsb.UUCP grunwald at uiucdcsb.UUCP
Wed Jan 23 14:01:00 AEST 1985

The man page for "pascref" follows. It's a pascal cross-reference listing
program, as requested by someone in net.lang.pascal. It's been ported to
4.2, and those changes should be easy to undo if you need to move it to
something else. It's essentially Wirths old program with a few bells and
.TH PASCREF 1 10/20/79
pascref \- Pascal cross-reference program
.B pascref
.BR \-e ""
.BR \-tN ""
] file
.I Pascref
procduces a cross referenced listing of the Pascal program read from 
either the standard input or the files listed on the command line.
Additionally, it provides information about the indentation level
of statements as well as a listing of procedures and functions in the

If more than one file is listed on the command line, it is assumed that
the files are one large program (or program segment) which has been split
to allow for easy editing. In this case, there is a line number on the
left hand side of the page which is the accumulative line number. In addition,
there is a line number on the right hand side of the page. This gives the
relative line number with respect to the current file. The current file name
is also listed there. The different files are separated with a page eject, and
the symbol table information is accumulative and is referenced by the line
numbers on the left side of the page.

If no file name is given on the command line, pascref reads from the
standard input.

The optional `\fB\-e\fR' argument suppresses the output of the form-feed
characters which are used to separate the program from the cross reference
list. These formfeeds are also used to separate files when cross referencing
multiple files.
The optional `\fB\-tN\fR' argument sets the tab setting to every
N columns. Tabs are expanded by
.B pascref
to the correct number of spaces.
.B Include
directives are not processed, but cause the placement of an entry
indexed by `include' in the cross-reference.

The following line will cross reference the program found in 'foo.p' and
print it on the line printer:

.ce 1
	%pascref  foo.p | print
Berkeley Pascal User's Manual
.nf 2
Original Author            : Nicklus Wirth
UNIX port and enhancements : Dirk Grunwald
Identifiers are trimmed to 15 characters.
You can only have about 32000 symbols.
File names on the right hand side are the last 10 characters of the file name.

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