umodem source - System V compatible?

bill bill at green.UUCP
Thu Jan 10 11:28:59 AEST 1985

Here is the source for a umodem which works on a Ridge 32 under ROS 3.1.
If you are not familiar with ROS, it is their proprietary operating system
which claims to be System V.  I've compiled the program with the System
III flag and it appears to work correctly.  If you have any problems on
a "real" System V system, please let me know.

					Bill Bogstad
					Biophysics Department
					Johns Hopkins University

----CUT HERE---
The following is the source file for umodem36.c with a new flag "V4.2"
which will allow it to work under 4.2 bsd.  Because of the signal changes,
timeouts in the routine "readbyte" were not working correctly.  This fix
uses a setjmp and longjmp instruction to get around the problem.  I didnt
know if anyone else was working on version 3.7, so this is 3.6a.  There
are a couple of printfs used to print the "a".  They can be removed when
whoever maintains this program updates it.  I had several responses but
most people were interested in getting the program itself.  So I posted
it here.  To compile for 4.2 bsd use  cc -DVER7 -DV4.2 -o umodem umodem36a.c
Hope this is useful.

				rick frerichs

 *  UMODEM Version 3.6a
 *  UMODEM -- Implements the "CP/M User's Group XMODEM" protocol, 
 *	      the TERM II File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Number 1,
 *	      and the TERM II File Transfer Protocol Number 4 for
 *            packetized file up/downloading.    
 *    Note: UNIX System-Dependent values are indicated by the string [SD]
 *          in a comment field on the same line as the values.
 *         -- Lauren Weinstein, 6/81
 *	   -- (Version 2.0) Modified for JHU/UNIX by Richard Conn, 8/1/81
 *	   -- Version 2.1 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/2/81
 *		. File Size Included on Send Option
 *	   -- Version 2.2 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/2/81
 *		. Log File Generation and Option Incorporated
 *	   -- Version 2.3 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/3/81
 *		. TERM II FTP 1 Supported
 *		. Error Log Reports Enhanced
 *		. CAN Function Added to FTP 3
 *		. 'd' Option Added to Delete umodem.log File before starting
 *	   -- Version 2.4 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/4/81
 *		. 16K-extent sector number check error corrected
 *		. Count of number of received sectors added
 *	   -- Version 2.5 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/5/81
 *		. ARPA Net Flag added
 *		. ARPA Net parameter ('a') added to command line
 *		. ARPA Net BIS, BIE, BOS, BOE added
 *		. ARPA Net FFH escape added
 *	   -- Version 2.6 Mods by Bennett Marks, 8/21/81 (Bucky @ CCA-UNIX)
 *		. mods for UNIX V7 (Note: for JHU compilation define
 *		  the variable JHU  during 'cc'
 *		. added 'mungmode' flag to protect from inadvertant
 *		  overwrite on file receive
 *		. changed timeout handling prior to issuing checksum
 *	   -- Version 2.7 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/25/81 (rconn @ BRL)
 *		. correct minor "ifndef" error in which ifndef had no arg
 *		. restructured "ifdef" references so that other versions
 *		  of UNIX than Version 7 and JHU can be easily incorporated;
 *		  previous ifdef references were for JHU/not JHU;
 *		  to compile under Version 7 or JHU UNIX, the following
 *		  command lines are recommended:
 *			"cc umodem.c -o umodem -DVER7" for Version 7
 *			"cc -7 umodem.c -o umodem -DJHU" for JHU
 *		. added 'y' file status display option; this option gives
 *		  the user an estimate of the size of the target file to
 *		  send from the UNIX system in terms of CP/M records (128
 *		  bytes) and Kbytes (1024 byte units)
 *		. added '7' option which modifies the transmission protocols
 *		  for 7 significant bits rather than 8; modifies both FTP 1
 *		  and FTP 3
 *	   -- Version 2.8 Mods by Richard Conn, 8/28/81
 *		. corrected system-dependent reference to TIOCSSCR (for
 *		  disabling page mode) and created the PAGEMODE flag which
 *		  is to be set to TRUE to enable this
 *		. added -4 option which engages TERM II, FTP 4 (new release)
 *	   -- Version 2.9 Mods by Richard Conn, 9/1/81
 *		. internal documentation on ARPA Net protocols expanded
 *		. possible operator precedence problem with BITMASK corrected
 *		  by redundant parentheses
 *	   -- Version 3.0 Mods by Lauren Weinstein, 9/14/81
 *              . fixed bug in PAGEMODE defines (removed PAGEMODE define
 *	          line; now should be compiled with "-DPAGEMODE" if
 *		  Page Mode is desired)
 *		. included forward declaration of ttyname() to avoid problems
 *		  with newer V7 C compilers
 *         -- Version 3.1 Mods by Lauren Weinstein, 4/17/82
 *		. avoids sending extraneous last sector when file EOF
 *	          occurs on an exact sector boundary
 *	   -- Version 3.2 Mods by Michael M Rubenstein, 5/26/83
 *	        . fixed bug in readbyte.  assumed that int's are ordered
 *		  from low significance to high
 *		. added LOGDEFAULT define to allow default logging to be
 *		  off.  compile with -DLOGDEFAULT=0 to set default to no
 *		  logging.
 *	   -- Version 3.3 Mod by Ben Goldfarb, 07/02/83
 *		. Corrected problem with above implementation of "LOGDEFAULT".
 *		  A bitwise, instead of a logical negation operator was
 *		  used to complement LOGFLAG when the '-l' command line
 *		  flag was specified.  This can cause LOGFLAG to be true
 *		  when it should be false.
 *	   -- Version 3.4 Mods by David F. Hinnant, NCECS, 7/15/83
 *		. placed log file in HOME directory in case user doesn't
 *		  have write permission in working directory.
 *		. added DELDEFAULT define to allow default purge/no purge
 *		  of logfile before starting.  Compile with -DDELDEFAULT=0
 *		  to set default to NOT delete the log file before starting.
 *		. check log file for sucessful fopen().
 *		. buffer disk read for sfile().
 *		. turn messages off (standard v7) before starting.
 *	   -- Version 3.5 Mods by Richard Conn, 08/27/83
 *		. added equates for compilation under UNIX SYSTEM III
 *			to compile for SYSTEM III, use -DSYS3 instead of
 *			-DJHU or -DVER7
 *		. added command mode (-c option) for continuous entry
 *			of commands
 * 	   -- Version 3.6 Mods by Ben Goldfarb (ucf-cs!goldfarb), 09/03/83
 *		. added '#include <ctype.h>' since tolower() is used, but
 *		  is not defined in umodem.  This is necessary to compile
 *		  on V7 systems.  Also added a isupper() test because 
 *		  tolower() in /usr/include/ctype.h doesn't do that.
 *		. cleaned up all the improper bitwise complementation of
 *		  logical constants and variables.
 *	  -- Version 3.6a Mods by Andrea Akerib and Rick Frerichs, 5/8/84
 *		. added #ifdefs for V4.2 to fix signal "enhancements" for
 *		  4.2bsd.  Included setjmp.h and changed readbyte and 
 *		  alarmfunc. 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctype.h>

/* 4.2bsd unix */
#ifdef V4.2
#include <setjmp.h>

/*  JHU UNIX tty parameter file  */
#ifdef JHU
#include <stty.h>

/*  Version 7 UNIX tty parameter file  */
#ifdef VER7
#include <sgtty.h>

/*  UNIX SYSTEM III tty parameter file  */
#ifdef SYS3
#include <sgtty.h>

/*  UNIX SYSTEM V tty parameter file	*/
#ifdef SYS5
#include <termio.h>

/* log default define */
#define LOGDEFAULT	1

/* Delete logfile define.  Useful on small systems with limited
 * filesystem space and careless users.
#define DELDEFAULT	1

#include <signal.h>

#define	     VERSION	36	/* Version Number */
#define      FALSE      0
#define      TRUE       1 

/*  Compile with "-DPAGEMODE" if Page Mode (TIOCSSCR) is supported on your
 *  UNIX system.  If it is supported, make sure that TIOCSSCR is the
 *  correct name for Page Mode engagement.

/*  ASCII Constants  */
#define      SOH  	001 
#define	     STX	002
#define	     ETX	003
#define      EOT	004
#define	     ENQ	005
#define      ACK  	006
#define	     LF		012   /* Unix LF/NL */
#define	     CR		015  
#define      NAK  	025
#define	     SYN	026
#define	     CAN	030
#define	     ESC	033
#define	     CTRLZ	032   /* CP/M EOF for text (usually!) */

/*  UMODEM Constants  */
#define      TIMEOUT  	-1
#define      ERRORMAX  	10    /* maximum errors tolerated */
#define      RETRYMAX  	10    /* maximum retries to be made */
#define	     BBUFSIZ	128   /* buffer size -- do not change! */

/*  [SD] Mode for Created Files  */
#define      CREATMODE	0644  /* mode for created files */

/*  ARPA Net Constants  */
/*	The following constants are used to communicate with the ARPA
 *	Net SERVER TELNET and TIP programs.  These constants are defined
 *	as follows:
 *		IAC			<-- Is A Command; indicates that
 *						a command follows
 *		WILL/WONT		<-- Command issued to SERVER TELNET
 *						(Host); WILL issues command
 *						and WONT issues negative of
 *						the command
 *		DO/DONT			<-- Command issued to TIP; DO issues
 *						command and DONT issues
 *						negative of the command
 *		TRBIN			<-- Transmit Binary Command
 *	Examples:
 *		IAC WILL TRBIN	<-- Host is configured to transmit Binary
 *		IAC WONT TRBIN	<-- Host is configured NOT to transmit binary
 *		IAC DO TRBIN	<-- TIP is configured to transmit Binary
 *		IAC DONT TRBIN	<-- TIP is configured NOT to transmit binary
#define	     IAC	0377	/* Is A Command */
#define	     DO		0375	/* Command to TIP */
#define	     DONT	0376	/* Negative of Command to TIP */
#define	     WILL	0373	/* Command to SERVER TELNET (Host) */
#define	     WONT	0374	/* Negative of Command to SERVER TELNET */
#define	     TRBIN	0	/* Transmit Binary Command */

/* version 4.2bsd unix structures */
#ifdef V4.2
jmp_buf jumpbuf; 	/* used for readbyte */

/*  JHU UNIX structures  */
#ifdef JHU
struct sttybuf ttys, ttysnew, ttystemp;    /* for stty terminal mode calls */

/*  Version 7 UNIX structures  */
#ifdef VER7
struct sgttyb  ttys, ttysnew, ttystemp;    /* for stty terminal mode calls */

/*  UNIX SYSTEM III structures  */
#ifdef SYS3
struct sgttyb  ttys, ttysnew, ttystemp;    /* for stty terminal mode calls */

/*  UNIX SYSTEM V structures  */
#ifdef SYS4
struct termio  ttys, ttysnew, ttystemp;    /* for stty terminal mode calls */

struct stat statbuf;  	/* for terminal message on/off control */
char *strcat();
FILE *LOGFP, *fopen();
char buff[BBUFSIZ];
int nbchr;  /* number of chars read so far for buffered read */

int wason;

#ifdef VER7
int pagelen;
char *ttyname();  /* forward declaration for C */

#ifdef SYS3
int pagelen;
char *ttyname();  /* forward declaration for C */

#ifdef SYS5
int pagelen;
char *ttyname();  /* forward declaration for C */

char *tty;
int delay;
char filename[256];


main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	char *getenv();
	char *fname = filename;
	char *logfile;
	int index;
	char flag;

	logfile = "umodem.log";  /* Name of LOG File */

#ifdef	V4.2
	printf("\nUMODEM Version 3.6a");
	printf("\nUMODEM Version %d.%d", VERSION/10, VERSION%10);
	printf(" -- UNIX-Based Remote File Transfer Facility\n");

	if (argc < 2 || *argv[1] != '-')

	index = 1;  /* set index for loop */
	delay = 3;  /* assume FTP 3 delay */
	PMSG = FALSE;  /* turn off flags */
	FTP1 = FALSE;  /* assume FTP 3 (CP/M UG XMODEM2) */
	RECVFLAG = FALSE;  /* not receive */
	SENDFLAG = FALSE;  /* not send either */
	CMNDFLAG = FALSE;  /* not command either */
	XMITTYPE = 't';  /* assume text */
	ARPA = FALSE;  /* assume not on ARPA Net */
	MUNGMODE = FALSE; /* protect files from overwriting */
	STATDISP = FALSE;  /* assume not a status display */
	BIT7 = FALSE;  /* assume 8-bit communication */
	while ((flag = argv[1][index++]) != '\0')
	    switch (flag) {
		case '1' : FTP1 = TRUE;  /* select FTP 1 */
			   delay = 5;  /* FTP 1 delay constant */
			   printf("\nUMODEM:  TERM II FTP 1 Selected\n");
		case '4' : FTP1 = TRUE;  /* select FTP 1 (varient) */
			   BIT7 = TRUE;  /* transfer only 7 bits */
			   delay = 5;  /* FTP 1 delay constant */
			   printf("\nUMODEM:  TERM II FTP 4 Selected\n");
		case '7' : BIT7 = TRUE;  /* transfer only 7 bits */
		case 'a' : ARPA = TRUE;  /* set ARPA Net */
		case 'c' : CMNDFLAG = TRUE;  /* command mode */
		case 'd' : DELFLAG = !DELDEFAULT;  /* delete log file ? */
		case 'l' : LOGFLAG = !LOGDEFAULT;  /* turn off log ? */
		case 'm' : MUNGMODE = TRUE; /* allow overwriting of files */
		case 'p' : PMSG = TRUE;  /* print all messages */
		case 'r' : RECVFLAG = TRUE;  /* receive file */
			   XMITTYPE = gettype(argv[1][index++]);  /* get t/b */
		case 's' : SENDFLAG = TRUE;  /* send file */
			   XMITTYPE = gettype(argv[1][index++]);
		case 'y' : STATDISP = TRUE;  /* display file status */
		default  : error("Invalid Flag", FALSE);

	if (BIT7 && (XMITTYPE == 'b'))
	{  printf("\nUMODEM:  Fatal Error -- Both 7-Bit Transfer and ");
	   printf("Binary Transfer Selected");
	   exit(-1);  /* error exit to UNIX */

	if (BIT7)  /* set MASK value */
	   BITMASK = 0177;  /* 7 significant bits */
	   BITMASK = 0377;  /* 8 significant bits */

	if (PMSG)
	   { printf("\nSupported File Transfer Protocols:");
	     printf("\n\tTERM II FTP 1");
	     printf("\n\tCP/M UG XMODEM2 (TERM II FTP 3)");
	     printf("\n\tTERM II FTP 4");

	if (CMNDFLAG) LOGFLAG = TRUE;  /* if command mode, always log */
	     if ((fname = getenv("HOME")) == 0)	/* Get HOME variable */
		error("Can't get Environment!", FALSE);
	     fname = strcat(fname, "/");
	     fname = strcat(fname, logfile);
	     if (!DELFLAG)
		LOGFP = fopen(fname, "a");  /* append to LOG file */
		LOGFP = fopen(fname, "w");  /* new LOG file */
	     if (!LOGFP)
		error("Can't Open Log File", FALSE);

#ifdef	V4.2
	     fprintf(LOGFP,"\nUMODEM Version 3.6a\n");
	     fprintf(LOGFP,"\nUMODEM Version %d.%d\n", VERSION/10, VERSION%10);

	     printf("\nUMODEM:  LOG File '%s' is Open\n", fname);

	if (STATDISP) {
		yfile(argv[2]);  /* status of a file */
		exit(0);  /* exit to UNIX */

		error("Both Send and Receive Functions Specified", FALSE);
		error("Send, Receive, or Command Functions NOT Given", FALSE);

	{  if(open(argv[2], 0) != -1)  /* possible abort if file exists */
	   {	printf("\nUMODEM:  Warning -- Target File Exists\n");
			error("Fatal - Can't overwrite file\n",FALSE);
		printf("UMODEM:  Overwriting Target File\n");
	   rfile(argv[2]);  /* receive file */
	else {
		if (SENDFLAG) sfile(argv[2]);  /* send file */
		else command();  /* command mode */
	if (CMNDFLAG) LOGFLAG = TRUE;  /* for closing log file */
	if (LOGFLAG) fclose(LOGFP);

/*  Major Command Mode  */
	char cmd, *fname;
	char *infile();

	printf("\nUMODEM Command Mode -- Type ? for Help");
	do {
	   printf(FTP1 ? "1" : "3");  /* FTP 1 or 3? */
	   printf(BIT7 ? "7" : " ");  /* BIT 7 or not? */
	   printf(ARPA ? "A" : " ");  /* ARPA Net or not? */
	   printf(LOGFLAG ? "L" : " ");  /* Log Entries or not? */
	   printf(MUNGMODE ? "M" : " ");  /* Mung Files or not? */
	   printf(" UMODEM> ");
	   scanf("%s", filename);
	   cmd = isupper(filename[0]) ? tolower(filename[0]) : filename[0];
	   switch (cmd) {
		case '1' : FTP1 = TRUE;  /* select FTP 1 */
			   delay = 5;  /* FTP 1 delay constant */
			   printf("\nTERM FTP 1 Selected");
		case '3' : FTP1 = FALSE; /* select FTP 3 */
			   delay = 3;  /* FTP 3 delay constant */
			   printf("\nTERM FTP 3 Selected");
		case '7' : BIT7 = !BIT7;  /* toggle 7 bit transfer */
			   printf("\n7-Bit Transfer %s Selected",
				BIT7 ? "" : "NOT");
		case 'a' : ARPA = !ARPA;  /* toggle ARPA Net */
			   printf("\nDDN Interface %s Selected",
				ARPA ? "" : "NOT");
		case 'l' : LOGFLAG = !LOGFLAG;  /* toggle log flag */
			   printf("\nEntry Logging %s Enabled",
				LOGFLAG ? "" : "NOT");
		case 'm' : MUNGMODE = !MUNGMODE; /* toggle file overwrite */
			   printf("\nFile Overwriting %s Enabled",
				MUNGMODE ? "" : "NOT");
		case 'r' : RECVFLAG = TRUE;  /* receive file */
			   XMITTYPE = tolower(filename[1]);
			   fname = infile();  /* get file name */
			   if (*fname != '\0') rfile(fname);
		case 's' : SENDFLAG = TRUE;  /* send file */
			   XMITTYPE = tolower(filename[1]);
			   fname = infile();  /* get file name */
			   if (*fname != '\0') sfile(fname);
		case 'x' : break;
		case 'y' : fname = infile();  /* get file name */
			   if (*fname != '\0') yfile(fname);
		default  : help(TRUE);
	} while (cmd != 'x');

/*  Get file name from user  */
char *infile()
	char *startptr = filename;

	if (*startptr == '.') *startptr = '\0';  /* set NULL */

/*  Print Help Message  */
int caller;
	if (!caller) { printf("\nUsage:  \n\tumodem ");
		printf(" filename\n");
	else {
		printf("\nUsage: r or s or option");
	printf("\nMajor Commands --");
	if (!caller) printf("\n\tc  <-- Enter Command Mode");
	printf("\n\trb <-- Receive Binary");
	printf("\n\trt <-- Receive Text");
	printf("\n\tsb <-- Send Binary");
	printf("\n\tst <-- Send Text");
	printf("\nOptions --");
	printf("\n\t1  <-- (one) Employ TERM II FTP 1");
	if (caller) printf("\n\t3  <-- Enable TERM FTP 3 (CP/M UG)");
	if (!caller) printf("\n\t4  <-- Enable TERM FTP 4");
	printf("\n\t7  <-- Enable 7-bit transfer mask");
	printf("\n\ta  <-- Turn ON ARPA Net Flag");
	if (!caller)
	printf("\n\td  <-- Do not delete umodem.log file before starting");
	printf("\n\td  <-- Delete umodem.log file before starting");

	if (!caller)
	printf("\n\tl  <-- (ell) Turn OFF LOG File Entries");
	printf("\n\tl  <-- (ell) Turn ON LOG File Entries");
	else printf("\n\tl  <-- Toggle LOG File Entries");

	printf("\n\tm  <-- Allow file overwiting on receive");
	if (!caller) printf("\n\tp  <-- Turn ON Parameter Display");
	if (caller) printf("\n\tx  <-- Exit");
	printf("\n\ty  <-- Display file status (size) information only");

char ichar;
	if (ichar == 't') return(ichar);
	if (ichar == 'b') return(ichar);
	error("Invalid Send/Receive Parameter - not t or b", FALSE);

/* set tty modes for UMODEM transfers */

/*  Device characteristics for JHU UNIX  */
#ifdef JHU	
	if (gtty(0, &ttys) < 0)  /* get current tty params */
		error("Can't get TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	tty = ttyname(0);  /* identify current tty */

	/* duplicate current modes in ttysnew structure */
	ttysnew.ispeed = ttys.ispeed;	/* copy input speed */
	ttysnew.ospeed = ttys.ospeed;	/* copy output speed */
	ttysnew.xflags = ttys.xflags;	/* copy JHU/UNIX extended flags */
	ttysnew.mode   = ttys.mode;	/* copy standard terminal flags */

	ttysnew.mode |= RAW;    /* set for RAW Mode */
			/* This ORs in the RAW mode value, thereby
			   setting RAW mode and leaving the other
			   mode settings unchanged */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~ECHO;  /* set for no echoing */
			/* This ANDs in the complement of the ECHO
			   setting (for NO echo), thereby leaving all
			   current parameters unchanged and turning
			   OFF ECHO only */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~XTABS;  /* set for no tab expansion */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~LCASE;  /* set for no upper-to-lower case xlate */
	ttysnew.mode |= ANYP;  /* set for ANY Parity */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~NL3;  /* turn off ALL delays - new line */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~TAB3; /* turn off tab delays */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~CR3;  /* turn off CR delays */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~FF1;  /* turn off FF delays */
	ttysnew.mode &= ~BS1;  /* turn off BS delays */
	/* the following are JHU/UNIX xflags settings; they are [SD] */
	ttysnew.xflags &= ~PAGE;  /* turn off paging */
	ttysnew.xflags &= ~STALL;  /* turn off ^S/^Q recognition */
	ttysnew.xflags &= ~TAPE;  /* turn off ^S/^Q input control */
	ttysnew.xflags &= ~FOLD;  /* turn off CR/LF folding at col 72 */
	ttysnew.xflags |= NB8;  /* turn on 8-bit input/output */

	if (stty(0, &ttysnew) < 0)  /* set new params */
		error("Can't set new TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	if (stat(tty, &statbuf) < 0)  /* get tty status */ 
		error("Can't get your TTY Status", TRUE);

	if (statbuf.st_mode&011)  /* messages are on [SD] */
	{	wason = TRUE;
		if (chmod(tty, 020600) < 0)  /* turn off tty messages [SD] */
			error("Can't change TTY Mode", TRUE);
		wason = FALSE;  /* messages are already off */

/*  Device characteristics for Version 7 UNIX  */
#ifdef VER7
	if (ioctl(0,TIOCGETP,&ttys)<0)  /* get tty params [V7] */
		error("Can't get TTY Parameters", TRUE);
	tty = ttyname(0);  /* identify current tty */
	/* transfer current modes to new structure */
	ttysnew.sg_ispeed = ttys.sg_ispeed;	/* copy input speed */
	ttysnew.sg_ospeed = ttys.sg_ospeed;	/* copy output speed */
	ttysnew.sg_erase  = ttys.sg_erase;	/* copy erase flags */
	ttysnew.sg_flags  = ttys.sg_flags;	/* copy flags */
 	ttysnew.sg_kill   = ttys.sg_kill;	/* copy std terminal flags */

	ttysnew.sg_flags |= RAW;    /* set for RAW Mode */
			/* This ORs in the RAW mode value, thereby
			   setting RAW mode and leaving the other
			   mode settings unchanged */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;  /* set for no echoing */
			/* This ANDs in the complement of the ECHO
			   setting (for NO echo), thereby leaving all
			   current parameters unchanged and turning
			   OFF ECHO only */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~XTABS;  /* set for no tab expansion */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~LCASE;  /* set for no upper-to-lower case xlate */
	ttysnew.sg_flags |= ANYP;  /* set for ANY Parity */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~NL3;  /* turn off ALL delays - new line */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~TAB2; /* turn off tab delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~CR3;  /* turn off CR delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~FF1;  /* turn off FF delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~BS1;  /* turn off BS delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~TANDEM;  /* turn off flow control */

	/* make sure page mode is off */
	ioctl(0,TIOCSSCR,&pagelen);	/*  [SD]  */
	/* set new paramters */
	if (ioctl(0,TIOCSETP,&ttysnew) < 0)
		error("Can't set new TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	if (stat(tty, &statbuf) < 0)  /* get tty status */ 
		error("Can't get your TTY Status", TRUE);
	if (statbuf.st_mode & 022)	/* Need to turn messages off */
		if (chmod(tty, statbuf.st_mode & ~022) < 0)
			error("Can't change  TTY mode", TRUE);
		else wason = TRUE;
	else wason = FALSE;

/*  Device Characteristics for UNIX SYSTEM III  */
#ifdef SYS3
	if (gtty(0, &ttys) < 0)  /* get current tty params */
		error("Can't get TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	tty = ttyname(0);  /* identify current tty */
	/* transfer current modes to new structure */
	ttysnew.sg_ispeed = ttys.sg_ispeed;	/* copy input speed */
	ttysnew.sg_ospeed = ttys.sg_ospeed;	/* copy output speed */
	ttysnew.sg_erase  = ttys.sg_erase;	/* copy erase flags */
	ttysnew.sg_flags  = ttys.sg_flags;	/* copy flags */
 	ttysnew.sg_kill   = ttys.sg_kill;	/* copy std terminal flags */

	ttysnew.sg_flags |= RAW;    /* set for RAW Mode */
			/* This ORs in the RAW mode value, thereby
			   setting RAW mode and leaving the other
			   mode settings unchanged */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;  /* set for no echoing */
			/* This ANDs in the complement of the ECHO
			   setting (for NO echo), thereby leaving all
			   current parameters unchanged and turning
			   OFF ECHO only */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~XTABS;  /* set for no tab expansion */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~LCASE;  /* set for no upper-to-lower case xlate */
	ttysnew.sg_flags |= ANYP;  /* set for ANY Parity */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~NL3;  /* turn off ALL delays - new line */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~TAB0; /* turn off tab delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~TAB1;
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~CR3;  /* turn off CR delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~FF1;  /* turn off FF delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~BS1;  /* turn off BS delays */

	if (stty(0, &ttysnew) < 0)  /* set new params */
		error("Can't set new TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	if (stat(tty, &statbuf) < 0)  /* get tty status */ 
		error("Can't get your TTY Status", TRUE);
	if (statbuf.st_mode & 022)	/* Need to turn messages off */
		if (chmod(tty, statbuf.st_mode & ~022) < 0)
			error("Can't change  TTY mode", TRUE);
		else wason = TRUE;
	else wason = FALSE;

/*  Device Characteristics for UNIX SYSTEM III  */
#ifdef SYS5
	if (ioctl(0, TCGETA, &ttys) < 0)  /* get current tty params */
		error("Can't get TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	tty = ttyname(0);  /* identify current tty */
	/* transfer current modes to new structure */
	ttysnew.c_version = ttys.c_version;	/* termio structure version */
	ttysnew.c_iflag = ttys.c_iflag;		/* input flags	*/
	ttysnew.c_oflag = ttys.c_oflag;		/* output flags	*/
	ttysnew.c_cflag = ttys.c_cflag;		/* control modes */
	ttysnew.c_lflag = ttys.c_lflag;		/* line discipline modes */
	ttysnew.c_line = ttys.c_line;		/* line discipline */
	{					/* control characters */
	int i;
		ttysnew.c_cc[i] = ttys.c_cc[i];

	ttysnew.sg_flags |= RAW;    /* set for RAW Mode */
			/* This ORs in the RAW mode value, thereby
			   setting RAW mode and leaving the other
			   mode settings unchanged */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;  /* set for no echoing */
			/* This ANDs in the complement of the ECHO
			   setting (for NO echo), thereby leaving all
			   current parameters unchanged and turning
			   OFF ECHO only */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~XTABS;  /* set for no tab expansion */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~LCASE;  /* set for no upper-to-lower case xlate */
	ttysnew.sg_flags |= ANYP;  /* set for ANY Parity */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~NL3;  /* turn off ALL delays - new line */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~TAB0; /* turn off tab delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~TAB1;
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~CR3;  /* turn off CR delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~FF1;  /* turn off FF delays */
	ttysnew.sg_flags &= ~BS1;  /* turn off BS delays */

	if (ioctl(0, TCSETA, &ttysnew) < 0)  /* set new params */
		error("Can't set new TTY Parameters", TRUE);

	if (stat(tty, &statbuf) < 0)  /* get tty status */ 
		error("Can't get your TTY Status", TRUE);
	if (statbuf.st_mode & 022)	/* Need to turn messages off */
		if (chmod(tty, statbuf.st_mode & ~022) < 0)
			error("Can't change  TTY mode", TRUE);
		else wason = TRUE;
	else wason = FALSE;

	if (PMSG)
		{ printf("\nUMODEM:  TTY Device Parameters Altered");
		  ttyparams();  /* print tty params */

	if (ARPA)  /* set 8-bit on ARPA Net */


/*  set ARPA Net for 8-bit transfers  */
	sendbyte(IAC);	/* Is A Command */
	sendbyte(WILL);	/* Command to SERVER TELNET (Host) */
	sendbyte(TRBIN);	/* Command is:  Transmit Binary */

	sendbyte(IAC);	/* Is A Command */
	sendbyte(DO);	/* Command to TIP */
	sendbyte(TRBIN);	/* Command is:  Transmit Binary */

	sleep(3);  /* wait for TIP to configure */


/* restore normal tty modes */
int errcall;
	if (ARPA)  /* if ARPA Net, reconfigure */

/*  Device characteristic restoration for JHU UNIX  */
#ifdef JHU
	if (wason)  /* if messages were on originally */
		if (chmod(tty, 020611) < 0)  /*  [SD]  */
			error("Can't change TTY Mode", FALSE);

	if (stty(0, &ttys) < 0)  /* restore original tty modes */
		{ if (!errcall)
		   error("RESET - Can't restore normal TTY Params", FALSE);
		   { printf("UMODEM:  ");
		     printf("RESET - Can't restore normal TTY Params\n");

/*  Device characteristic restoration for Version 7 UNIX  */
#ifdef VER7
	if (wason)
		if (chmod(tty, statbuf.st_mode | 022) < 0)
			error("Can't change TTY mode", FALSE);
	if (ioctl(0,TIOCSETP,&ttys) < 0)
		{ if (!errcall)
		   error("RESET - Can't restore normal TTY Params", FALSE);
		   { printf("UMODEM:  ");
		     printf("RESET - Can't restore normal TTY Params\n");

/*  Device characteristic restoration for UNIX SYSTEM III  */
#ifdef SYS3
	if (wason)
		if (chmod(tty, statbuf.st_mode | 022) < 0)
			error("Can't change TTY mode", FALSE);

	if (stty(0, &ttys) < 0)  /* restore original tty modes */
		{ if (!errcall)
		   error("RESET - Can't restore normal TTY Params", FALSE);
		   { printf("UMODEM:  ");
		     printf("RESET - Can't restore normal TTY Params\n");

	if (PMSG)
		{ printf("\nUMODEM:  TTY Device Parameters Restored");
		  ttyparams();  /* print tty params */


/* reset the ARPA Net */
	sendbyte(IAC);	/* Is A Command */
	sendbyte(WONT);	/* Negative Command to SERVER TELNET (Host) */
	sendbyte(TRBIN);	/* Command is:  Don't Transmit Binary */

	sendbyte(IAC);	/* Is A Command */
	sendbyte(DONT);	/* Negative Command to TIP */
	sendbyte(TRBIN);	/* Command is:  Don't Transmit Binary */


/* print error message and exit; if mode == TRUE, restore normal tty modes */
error(msg, mode)
char *msg;
int mode;
	if (mode)
		restoremodes(TRUE);  /* put back normal tty modes */
	printf("UMODEM:  %s\n", msg);
	if (LOGFLAG & (int)LOGFP)
	{   fprintf(LOGFP, "UMODEM Fatal Error:  %s\n", msg);

/**  print status (size) of a file  **/
char *name;
	printf("\nUMODEM File Status Display for %s\n", name);

	if (open(name,0) < 0) {
		printf("File %s does not exist\n", name);

	prfilestat(name);  /* print status */

getbyte(fildes, ch)				/* Buffered disk read */
int fildes;
char *ch;
 *	Get a byte from the specified file.  Buffer the read so we don't
 *	have to use a system call for each character.

	static char buf[BUFSIZ];	/* Remember buffer */
	static char *bufp = buf;	/* Remember where we are in buffer */
	if (nbchr == 0)			/* Buffer exausted; read some more */
		if ((nbchr = read(fildes, buf, BUFSIZ)) < 0)
			error("File Read Error", TRUE);
		bufp = buf;		/* Set pointer to start of array */
	if (--nbchr >= 0)
		*ch = *bufp++;

/**  receive a file  **/
char *name;
	char mode;
	int fd, j, firstchar, sectnum, sectcurr, tmode;
	int sectcomp, errors, errorflag, recfin;
	register int bufctr, checksum;
	register int c;
	int errorchar, fatalerror, startstx, inchecksum, endetx, endenq;
	long recvsectcnt;

	mode = XMITTYPE;  /* set t/b mode */
	if ((fd = creat(name, CREATMODE)) < 0)
	  	error("Can't create file for receive", FALSE);
	setmodes();  /* setup tty modes for xfer */
	printf("\r\nUMODEM:  File Name: %s", name);
	{    fprintf(LOGFP, "\n----\nUMODEM Receive Function\n");
	     fprintf(LOGFP, "File Name: %s\n", name);
	     if (FTP1)
		if (!BIT7)
	         fprintf(LOGFP, "TERM II File Transfer Protocol 1 Selected\n");
		 fprintf(LOGFP, "TERM II File Transfer Protocol 4 Selected\n");
		  "TERM II File Transfer Protocol 3 (CP/M UG) Selected\n");
	     if (BIT7)
		fprintf(LOGFP, "7-Bit Transmission Enabled\n");
		fprintf(LOGFP, "8-Bit Transmission Enabled\n");
	printf("\r\nUMODEM:  ");
	if (BIT7)
	printf(" Transmission Enabled");
	printf("\r\nUMODEM:  Ready to RECEIVE File\r\n");

	recfin = FALSE;
	sectnum = errors = 0;
	fatalerror = FALSE;  /* NO fatal errors */
	recvsectcnt = 0;  /* number of received sectors */

	if (mode == 't')
		tmode = TRUE;
		tmode = FALSE;

	if (FTP1)
	  while (readbyte(4) != SYN);
	  sendbyte(ACK);  /* FTP 1 Sync */
	else sendbyte(NAK);  /* FTP 3 Sync */

        {   errorflag = FALSE;
            do {
                  firstchar = readbyte(6);
            } while ((firstchar != SOH) && (firstchar != EOT) && (firstchar 
		     != TIMEOUT));
            if (firstchar == TIMEOUT)
	    {  if (LOGFLAG)
		fprintf(LOGFP, "Timeout on Sector %d\n", sectnum);
               errorflag = TRUE;

            if (firstchar == SOH)
	    {  if (FTP1) readbyte(5);  /* discard leading zero */
               sectcurr = readbyte(delay);
               sectcomp = readbyte(delay);
	       if (FTP1) startstx = readbyte(delay);  /* get leading STX */
               if ((sectcurr + sectcomp) == BITMASK)
               {  if (sectcurr == ((sectnum+1)&BITMASK))
		  {  checksum = 0;
		     for (j = bufctr = 0; j < BBUFSIZ; j++)
	      	     {  buff[bufctr] = c = readbyte(delay);
		        checksum = ((checksum+c)&BITMASK);
			if (!tmode)  /* binary mode */
			{  bufctr++;
			if (c == CR)
			   continue;  /* skip CR's */
			if (c == CTRLZ)  /* skip CP/M EOF char */
			{  recfin = TRUE;  /* flag EOF */
		        if (!recfin)
		     if (FTP1) endetx = readbyte(delay);  /* get ending ETX */
		     inchecksum = readbyte(delay);  /* get checksum */
		     if (FTP1) endenq = readbyte(delay); /* get ENQ */
		     if (checksum == inchecksum)  /* good checksum */
		     {  errors = 0;
		        sectnum = sectcurr;  /* update sector counter */
			if (write(fd, buff, bufctr) < 0)
			   error("File Write Error", TRUE);
			{  if (FTP1) sendbyte(ESC);  /* FTP 1 requires <ESC> */
		     {  if (LOGFLAG)
				fprintf(LOGFP, "Checksum Error on Sector %d\n",
		        errorflag = TRUE;
                  { if (sectcurr == sectnum)
                    {  while(readbyte(3) != TIMEOUT);
		       if (FTP1) sendbyte(ESC);  /* FTP 1 requires <ESC> */
		    {  if (LOGFLAG)
			{ fprintf(LOGFP, "Phase Error - Received Sector is ");
			  fprintf(LOGFP, "%d while Expected Sector is %d\n",
			   sectcurr, ((sectnum+1)&BITMASK));
			errorflag = TRUE;
			fatalerror = TRUE;
			if (FTP1) sendbyte(ESC);  /* FTP 1 requires <ESC> */
	   {  if (LOGFLAG)
		fprintf(LOGFP, "Header Sector Number Error on Sector %d\n",
               errorflag = TRUE;
	if (FTP1 && !errorflag)
	{  if (startstx != STX)
	   {  errorflag = TRUE;  /* FTP 1 STX missing */
	      errorchar = STX;
	   if (endetx != ETX)
	   {  errorflag = TRUE;  /* FTP 1 ETX missing */
	      errorchar = ETX;
	   if (endenq != ENQ)
	   {  errorflag = TRUE;  /* FTP 1 ENQ missing */
	      errorchar = ENQ;
	   if (errorflag && LOGFLAG)
	   {  fprintf(LOGFP, "Invalid Packet-Control Character:  ");
	      switch (errorchar) {
		case STX : fprintf(LOGFP, "STX"); break;
		case ETX : fprintf(LOGFP, "ETX"); break;
		case ENQ : fprintf(LOGFP, "ENQ"); break;
		default  : fprintf(LOGFP, "Error"); break;
	      fprintf(LOGFP, "\n");
        if (errorflag == TRUE)
        {  errors++;
	   while (readbyte(3) != TIMEOUT);
  while ((firstchar != EOT) && (errors != ERRORMAX) && !fatalerror);
  if ((firstchar == EOT) && (errors < ERRORMAX))
  {  if (!FTP1) sendbyte(ACK);
     restoremodes(FALSE);  /* restore normal tty modes */
     if (FTP1)
	while (readbyte(3) != TIMEOUT);  /* flush EOT's */
     sleep(3);  /* give other side time to return to terminal mode */
     if (LOGFLAG)
     {  fprintf(LOGFP, "\nReceive Complete\n");
	fprintf(LOGFP,"Number of Received CP/M Records is %ld\n", recvsectcnt);
  {  if (LOGFLAG && FTP1 && fatalerror) fprintf(LOGFP,
	"Synchronization Error");
     error("TIMEOUT -- Too Many Errors", TRUE);

/**  send a file  **/
char *name;
	char mode;
	int fd, attempts;
	int nlflag, sendfin, tmode;
	register int bufctr, checksum, sectnum;
	char c;
	int sendresp;  /* response char to sent block */

	nbchr = 0;  /* clear buffered read char count */
	mode = XMITTYPE;  /* set t/b mode */
	if ((fd = open(name, 0)) < 0)
	{  if (LOGFLAG) fprintf(LOGFP, "Can't Open File\n");
     	   error("Can't open file for send", FALSE);
	setmodes();  /* setup tty modes for xfer */	
	printf("\r\nUMODEM:  File Name: %s", name);
	{   fprintf(LOGFP, "\n----\nUMODEM Send Function\n");
	    fprintf(LOGFP, "File Name: %s\n", name);
	printf("\r\n"); prfilestat(name);  /* print file size statistics */
	{  if (FTP1)
	      if (!BIT7)
		fprintf(LOGFP, "TERM II File Transfer Protocol 1 Selected\n");
		fprintf(LOGFP, "TERM II File Transfer Protocol 4 Selected\n");
		   "TERM II File Transfer Protocol 3 (CP/M UG) Selected\n");
	   if (BIT7)
		fprintf(LOGFP, "7-Bit Transmission Enabled\n");
		fprintf(LOGFP, "8-Bit Transmission Enabled\n");
	printf("\r\nUMODEM:  ");
	if (BIT7)
	printf(" Transmission Enabled");
	printf("\r\nUMODEM:  Ready to SEND File\r\n");

	if (mode == 't')
	   tmode = TRUE;
	   tmode = FALSE;

        sendfin = nlflag = FALSE;
  	attempts = 0;

	if (FTP1)
	{  sendbyte(SYN);  /* FTP 1 Synchronize with Receiver */
	   while (readbyte(5) != ACK)
	   {  if(++attempts > RETRYMAX*6) error("Remote System Not Responding",
	{  while (readbyte(30) != NAK)  /* FTP 3 Synchronize with Receiver */
	   if (++attempts > RETRYMAX) error("Remote System Not Responding",

	sectnum = 1;  /* first sector number */
	attempts = 0;

	{   for (bufctr=0; bufctr < BBUFSIZ;)
	    {   if (nlflag)
	        {  buff[bufctr++] = LF;  /* leftover newline */
	           nlflag = FALSE;
		if (getbyte(fd, &c) == EOF)
		{  sendfin = TRUE;  /* this is the last sector */
		   if (!bufctr)  /* if EOF on sector boundary */
		      break;  /* avoid sending extra sector */
		   if (tmode)
		      buff[bufctr++] = CTRLZ;  /* Control-Z for CP/M EOF */
		if (tmode && c == LF)  /* text mode & Unix newline? */
	    	{  if (c == LF)  /* Unix newline? */
		   {  buff[bufctr++] = CR;  /* insert carriage return */
		      if (bufctr < BBUFSIZ)
	                 buff[bufctr++] = LF;  /* insert Unix newline */
		         nlflag = TRUE;  /* insert newline on next sector */
		buff[bufctr++] = c;  /* copy the char without change */
            attempts = 0;
	    if (!bufctr)  /* if EOF on sector boundary */
   	       break;  /* avoid sending empty sector */

            {   sendbyte(SOH);  /* send start of packet header */
		if (FTP1) sendbyte(0);  /* FTP 1 Type 0 Packet */
                sendbyte(sectnum);  /* send current sector number */
                sendbyte(-sectnum-1);  /* and its complement */
		if (FTP1) sendbyte(STX);  /* send STX */
                checksum = 0;  /* init checksum */
                for (bufctr=0; bufctr < BBUFSIZ; bufctr++)
                {  sendbyte(buff[bufctr]);  /* send the byte */
		   if (ARPA && (buff[bufctr]==0xff))  /* ARPA Net FFH esc */
			sendbyte(buff[bufctr]);  /* send 2 FFH's for one */
                   checksum = ((checksum+buff[bufctr])&BITMASK);
/*		while (readbyte(3) != TIMEOUT);   flush chars from line */
		if (FTP1) sendbyte(ETX);  /* send ETX */
                sendbyte(checksum);  /* send the checksum */
		if (FTP1) sendbyte(ENQ);  /* send ENQ */
		if (FTP1)
		{  sendresp = NAK;  /* prepare for NAK */
		   if (readbyte(10) == ESC) sendresp = readbyte(10);
		   sendresp = readbyte(10);  /* get response */
		if ((sendresp != ACK) && LOGFLAG)
		   { fprintf(LOGFP, "Non-ACK Received on Sector %d\n",
		     if (sendresp == TIMEOUT)
			fprintf(LOGFP, "This Non-ACK was a TIMEOUT\n");
            }   while((sendresp != ACK) && (attempts != RETRYMAX));
            sectnum++;  /* increment to next sector number */
    }  while (!sendfin && (attempts != RETRYMAX));

    if (attempts == RETRYMAX)
	error("Remote System Not Responding", TRUE);

    attempts = 0;
    if (FTP1)
	while (attempts++ < 10) sendbyte(EOT);
    {	sendbyte(EOT);  /* send 1st EOT */
	while ((readbyte(15) != ACK) && (attempts++ < RETRYMAX))
	if (attempts >= RETRYMAX)
	   error("Remote System Not Responding on Completion", TRUE);

    sleep(5);  /* give other side time to return to terminal mode */
    if (LOGFLAG)
    {  fprintf(LOGFP, "\nSend Complete\n");


/*  print file size status information  */
char *name;
	struct stat filestatbuf; /* file status info */

	stat(name, &filestatbuf);  /* get file status bytes */
	printf("  Estimated File Size %ldK, %ld Records, %ld Bytes",
	  (filestatbuf.st_size/1024)+1, (filestatbuf.st_size/128)+1,
	  fprintf(LOGFP,"Estimated File Size %ldK, %ld Records, %ld Bytes\n",
	  (filestatbuf.st_size/1024)+1, (filestatbuf.st_size/128)+1,

/* get a byte from data stream -- timeout if "seconds" elapses */
unsigned seconds;
	char c;
	signal(SIGALRM,alarmfunc);  /* catch alarms */	
	alarm(seconds);  /* set the alarm clock */
#ifdef V4.2
	if ( setjmp(jumpbuf) != 0 )
	if (read(0, &c, 1) < 0)  /* get a char; error means we timed out */
	alarm(0);  /* turn off the alarm */
	return((c&BITMASK));  /* return the char */

/* send a byte to data stream */
char data;
	char dataout;
	dataout = (data&BITMASK);  /* mask for 7 or 8 bits */
	write(1, &dataout, 1);  /* write the byte */

/* function for alarm clock timeouts */
#ifdef V4.2
		longjmp(jumpbuf, 1 );
	return;  /* this is basically a dummy function to force error */
		 /* status return on the "read" call in "readbyte"    */

/* print data on TTY setting */
/*  Obtain TTY parameters for JHU UNIX  */
#ifdef JHU	
	gtty(0, &ttystemp);  /* get current tty params */

/*  Obtain TTY parameters for Version 7 UNIX  */
#ifdef VER7

/*  Obtain TTY parameters for UNIX SYSTEM III  */
#ifdef SYS3
	gtty(0, &ttystemp);  /* get current tty params */

	tty = ttyname(0);  /* get name of tty */
	stat(tty, &statbuf);  /* get more tty params */

	printf("\r\n\nTTY Device Parameter Display");
	  printf("\r\n\tTTY Device Name is %s\r\n\n", tty);
	  printf("\tAny Parity Allowed "); pryn(ANYP);
	  printf("\tEven Parity Allowed"); pryn(EVENP);
	  printf("\tOdd Parity Allowed "); pryn(ODDP);
	  printf("\tEcho Enabled       "); pryn(ECHO);
	  printf("\tLower Case Map     "); pryn(LCASE);
	  printf("\tTabs Expanded      "); pryn(XTABS);
	  printf("\tCR Mode Enabled    "); pryn(CRMOD);
	  printf("\tRAW Mode Enabled   "); pryn(RAW);

/*  Print extended terminal characteristics for JHU UNIX  */
#ifdef JHU
	  printf("\tBinary Mode Enabled"); pryn1(NB8);
	  printf("\tCR/LF in Col 72    "); pryn1(FOLD);
	  printf("\tRecognize ^S/^Q    "); pryn1(STALL);
	  printf("\tSend ^S/^Q         "); pryn1(TAPE);
	  printf("\tTerminal can BS    "); pryn1(SCOPE);
	  printf("\r\n");  /* New line to separate topics */
	  printf("\tTerminal Paging is "); pryn1(PAGE);
	    if (ttystemp.xflags&PAGE)
		printf("\t  Lines/Page is %d\r\n", ttystemp.xflags&PAGE);
	  printf("\r\n");  /* New line to separate topics */
	  printf("\tTTY Input Rate     :   ");
	    prbaud(ttystemp.ispeed);  /* print baud rate */
	  printf("\tTTY Output Rate    :   ");
	    prbaud(ttystemp.ospeed);  /* print output baud rate */
	  printf("\r\n");  /* New line to separate topics */
	  printf("\tMessages Enabled   ");
		if (statbuf.st_mode&011)
		   printf(":   Yes\r\n");
		   printf(":   No\r\n");

/*  Print extended characteristics for Version 7 UNIX  */
#ifdef VER7
	  printf("\tTTY Input Rate     :   ");
	  printf("\tTTY Output Rate    :   ");
	    prbaud(ttystemp.sg_ospeed);  /* print output baud rate */

/*  Print extended characteristics for UNIX SYSTEM III  */
#ifdef SYS3
	  printf("\tTTY Input Rate     :   ");
	  printf("\tTTY Output Rate    :   ");
	    prbaud(ttystemp.sg_ospeed);  /* print output baud rate */


int iflag;

/*  JHU UNIX flag test  */
#ifdef JHU
	if (ttystemp.mode&iflag)

/*  Version 7 UNIX flag test  */
#ifdef VER7
	if (ttystemp.sg_flags&iflag)

/*  UNIX SYSTEM III flag test  */
#ifdef SYS3
	if (ttystemp.sg_flags&iflag)

	   printf(":   Yes\r\n");
	   printf(":   No\r\n");

/*  Extended flag test for JHU UNIX only  */
#ifdef JHU
int iflag;
	if (ttystemp.xflags&iflag)
	   printf(":   Yes\r\n");
	   printf(":   No\r\n");

char speed;
	switch (speed) {

/*  JHU UNIX speed flag cases  */
#ifdef JHU		
		case B0050 : printf("50"); break;
		case B0075 : printf("75"); break;
		case B0110 : printf("110"); break;
		case B0134 : printf("134.5"); break;
		case B0150 : printf("150"); break;
		case B0200 : printf("200"); break;
		case B0300 : printf("300"); break;
		case B0600 : printf("600"); break;
		case B1200 : printf("1200"); break;
		case B1800 : printf("1800"); break;
		case B2400 : printf("2400"); break;
		case B4800 : printf("4800"); break;
		case B9600 : printf("9600"); break;
		case EXT_A : printf("External A"); break;
		case EXT_B : printf("External B"); break;

/*  Version 7 UNIX speed flag cases  */
#ifdef VER7
		case B50 : printf("50"); break;
		case B75 : printf("75"); break;
		case B110 : printf("110"); break;
		case B134 : printf("134.5"); break;
		case B150 : printf("150"); break;
		case B200 : printf("200"); break;
		case B300 : printf("300"); break;
		case B600 : printf("600"); break;
		case B1200 : printf("1200"); break;
		case B1800 : printf("1800"); break;
		case B2400 : printf("2400"); break;
		case B4800 : printf("4800"); break;
		case B9600 : printf("9600"); break;
		case EXTA : printf("External A"); break;
		case EXTB : printf("External B"); break;

/*  UNIX SYSTEM III speed flag cases  */
#ifdef SYS3
		case B50 : printf("50"); break;
		case B75 : printf("75"); break;
		case B110 : printf("110"); break;
		case B134 : printf("134.5"); break;
		case B150 : printf("150"); break;
		case B200 : printf("200"); break;
		case B300 : printf("300"); break;
		case B600 : printf("600"); break;
		case B1200 : printf("1200"); break;
		case B1800 : printf("1800"); break;
		case B2400 : printf("2400"); break;
		case B4800 : printf("4800"); break;
		case B9600 : printf("9600"); break;
		case EXTA : printf("External A"); break;
		case EXTB : printf("External B"); break;

		default    : printf("Error"); break;
	printf(" Baud\r\n");

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