New Newsgroup Proposal

Bernie Roehl broehl at wateng.UUCP
Tue Jan 8 00:38:23 AEST 1985

Given the number of (a) re-postings, and (b) requests for re-postings,
I propose that we set up a newsgroup 'net.sources.repost' that will contain
the repostings themselves, and that people mail re-post requests to the
original poster (rather than posting to net.sources and/or net.sources.repost).

This would avoid having to wade through perpetual repostings (and requests for
same) of things that you either got intact the first time 'round, or have no
interest in.  (Note that if you have no interest in a particular posting, the
fact that it was not intact and needed to be reposted is of essentially no
interest whatsoever to you).

Please do *not* respond to this by mail; I already get lots, thank you.
I suggest moving this discussion *immediately* to a different newsgroup,
since it definitely does not belong in net.sources (though this is the
logical place to put this initial posting, since this is the only group
whose readers would be affected by the change).
					--Bernie Roehl
					U of Waterloo Engineering

        -Bernie Roehl    (University of Waterloo)

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