Scribe, Diablo Printers & VMS: Help !!!

George Jones george at osu-eddie.UUCP
Wed Jan 9 23:56:07 AEST 1985

	I am looking for a working copy of PODTYPE for VMS.

	The Site at which I work has a DIABLO 630 ECS (Extended
	Character Set) printer and SCRIBE.  We also have a copy
	of PODTYPE.FOR supplied by UNILOGIC, but have been unable
	to get it to function properly.

	If anyone knows of an up-and-flying version of this program
	I would greatly appriciate it if you could send me a copy of

			George Jones
			Ohio State University 
			CSNet: george at Ohio-State
			UUCP:  ..!{ihnp4,cbosgd}!osu-eddie!george

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