Orphaned Response

haddock at waltz.UUCP haddock at waltz.UUCP
Thu Jan 10 07:05:00 AEST 1985

	/**** waltz:net.sources / ucbvax!medin /  6:30 pm  Mar 29, 1984 ****/
	Has anyone written an ouput filter for plot, graph, and/or
	ditroff (troff in disguise)?
	I'd like to use one as a cheap output device for graphics.


	PS  I know that the resolution is poor for troff, its the
	graphics stuff that I really want to use it for.
/* ---------- */

I finally got around to writing such a plot filter around New Year's.
It was intended for TI's 855 printer attached to our 750 but will
work with the various printers from Epson.   I'm currently polishing
it and plan to distribute it thru net.sources.

One interesting note is that the output from this filter, when saved
to a file, can be downloaded to a micro and sent to an Epson attached
to it.   I've done this and it works just great - no need to have an
Epson attached to your UNIX machine.  It'll take a little work but
it appears that my filter should be runnable on an IBM-PC or similar
machine provided you have sufficient memory for the bitmap.  The only
thing that needs to be done is to have graph(1) or plot(3) implemented
on said type machines.   Any takers???

Has anyone actually USED the -g option on 4.2's LPR ???  All I get
are single blank pages, multiply queued (n = ?).   Oh, we're (ab)using
Ultrix on Waltz.

			|\/   o \    o
	-Rusty-		|   (  -<  O o		Where's the fish?

ARPA:	Haddock%Waltz%TI-CSL at CSNet-Relay
	Rusty at Maryland (forwarded to CSNet address)
CSNet:	Haddock at TI-CSL
USENET:	{convex!smu, ut-sally, texsun, rice} ! waltz ! haddock

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