vc (registered trademark, SII)

Bill Ezell wje at sii.UUCP
Sat Jan 19 01:58:03 AEST 1985

In reference to the modified 'sc' spreadsheet sources that were posted
to net.sources, I would like to point out that there is another
spreadsheet for Unix, called 'vc'. 'vc' is a registered trademark
of Software Innovations, Inc.  The sii spreadsheet is nothing like sc,
in that it supports multiple windows, automatic recalculation
ordering (via dependency graph ordering), etc.  The sii spreadsheet has
been around since late 1981.

The main reason that I'm posting this article is that the use of the name 'vc'
for the modified version of 'sc' is causing mass confusion about what product
is what, and is violating sii's trademark.

You wouldn't beleive how much hassle it is getting a trademark in the first
place; sii can lose it by not enforcing proper use of the trademark.

Why not call the modified 'sc' something like 'sc2'?

	Bill Ezell

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