Little Smalltalk, repeated

tim budd budd at arizona.UUCP
Fri Jan 25 01:01:44 AEST 1985

Sorry for more or less repeating myself, but several arpa-nauts pointed
out the fact that net.sources goes where net.lang.st80 does not - 
specifically, net.lang.st80 does not get to arpa-land.

So, here is the entire text of the announcement made in net.lang.st80.
(and, buy the way, yes the distibution includes all sources).

     An interpreter for a  Smalltalk-like  language  is  now
available from the University of Arizona.  The system, known
as ``Little Smalltalk'', is written entirely in C, and  does
not  require  any special hardware beyond conventional ascii
terminals.  Unlike Smalltalk-80, Little Smalltalk is  not  a
complete  programming  environment,  but sits on top of Unix
and uses the Unix file  system  and  Unix  editors.   It  is
intended  to provide an introduction to some of the concepts
of Smalltalk (such as object oriented programming and inher-
itance)  for  individuals (particularly students) who do not
have  access  to  the  more  modern  hardware  required  for

     The language recognized by the Little Smalltalk  system
is  similar,  although  not  identical,  to the Smalltalk-80
language described in the book by Goldberg and Robson.   The
elimination  of the bit-mapped display and the mouse permit-
ted the removal of  much  of  the  graphics  kernel.   Other
changes  were  made in the interest of reducing size or sim-
plifying the implementation.  Among the most notable differ-
ences are:

*    No mice - no browser,  none  of  the  nice  environment
     described in the orange book

*    Fewer classes, many of the classes  in  the  blue  book
     have  been  eliminated for space or implementation rea-

*    No class methods - all classes respond to the same  set
     of messages

*    Instance variables have scope restricted to  the  class
     in which they are defined.

*    No indexed instance variables.

*    No pool variables (instead, there is  a  single  global
     dictionary the user can access).

*    Cascades have been redefined to  make  them  easier  to
     understand and more like expressions.

*    Internal representation is totally different from  that
     of the blue book.

     All these differences, and much more, are explained  in
detail  in the documentation distributed along with the dis-
tribution tape.

     Currently, the system has been ported to the  following

*    VAX 780 / Berkeley 4.2

*    PDP 11/70 and 11/44 (using separate I/D)

*    Ridge / ROS 3.0

*    DecPro 350 (using code mapping feature)

     As evidenced by the implementations on  the  11/70  and
the  DecPro, size requirements for the system are not large,
although it would probably not fit on  a  pure  64K  address

     The system is totally independent of the Xerox  virtual
image, and in fact has been produced using only the descrip-
tion provided by the blue book.

     The little Smalltalk system can be obtained by  sending
a  check  for  $15  (US)  payable  to  ``The  University  of
Arizona'', to the following address:

        Timothy A. Budd
        Smalltalk Distribution
        Department of Computer Science
        The University of Arizona
        Tucson, Arizona

     Please specify  along  with  your  request  your  name,
address,  electronic  mail address, the type of computer you
will be using and its operating system.  Source  is  distri-
buted in 9-track tar format, preferably 1600 bpi.

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