
ekrell at ucla-cs.UUCP ekrell at ucla-cs.UUCP
Sat Jan 19 15:53:46 AEST 1985

In article <374 at wxlvax.UUCP> rlw at wxlvax.UUCP (Richard L. Wexelblat) writes:
>04/18	Independence Day in Chile
  should be 09/18
>09/01	Army Day in Chile
  should be 09/19
>09/11	National Holiday in Chile
  a better description would be "Military cue (1973)".
>09/18	Independence Day in Chile
>09/19	Army Day in Chile

    Eduardo Krell               UCLA Computer Science Department
    ekrell at ucla-locus.arpa      ..!{sdcrdcf,ihnp4,trwspp,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!ekrell

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