XINU Source (not yet....)

T.HARTNETT th at nvuxd.UUCP
Tue Jan 29 08:54:05 AEST 1985

	Thanks to all who responded with interest.  Also special thanks to
those, and there were many, who expressed concern over copyright violations. 

	I had thought of that several weeks before posting my offer to send
the source out over the net...   I talked with Doug Comer several weeks ago
and again today, and was assured that the, even though the book is copy-
righted, the source code contained therein is public domain and posting it
on the net should not have legal consequences.  His concern, which is valid,
was that my version, which was typed in by hand, could have embedded errors
and not function as intended or "advertised".  I'll get this mess straight
as soon as possible....   Send me mail if you have any suggestions....

	I'd planned on posting only the code which is presented in the
text on XINU, and then with a clear understanding that I entered it by
hand and was only trying to save others the time and energy of doing the

	I've gotten mega-mail about XINU and this is an attempt to answer
the two most straightforward questions:

	1) XINU is an operating system which is the subject of the book
by Doug Comer,  
	Operating System Design, The XINU Approach, by Douglas Comer,
	Prentice-Hall, 1984, ISBN 0-13-637539-1.

	2) The code can be obtained from:
		James Fegen,
		College Editorial
		Prentice-Hall, Inc.
		Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
	Cost is $60 plus a copy of your UNIX source ( this is because
	the distribution includes lsi11 tools ( assembler, compiler, loader,
	etc. ))

	Also,  many people seem to have the M68000, as the target processor,
in mind for XINU.  This is what I'm presently using the O.S. on.  I am
looking into what's involved in releasing the mods I included to port the
O.S. from the lsi11 to the 68000.

	Sorry for the mess, but I'm trying.....

					Tom Hartnett

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