menunix for 4.2 BSD

John Nelson john at genrad.UUCP
Mon Jan 21 04:15:13 AEST 1985

I haven't finished compiling menunix, but I DID notice that the sources did
not extract properly, mostly due to the fact that there were imbedded
control characters in literals which seem to have been stripped out by mailers
(because the author did not use \xxx to indicate control characters.)

menu.h:		#define ESC ''	/* this should be '\033' */

file.c,menu.c,image.c,linedit.c:  in each case, the string "" should be
       replaced with "\007" wherever it occurs.

Actually, image.c is included, but not used anywhere.  I am fairly sure that
this is all that needs to be fixed, since the number of additions makes the
character count correct (if you were typing in the control character itself
instead of the \xxx sequence instead).

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