CMD003 TOPS20 style parser Part 0 of 6

mem at sii.UUCP mem at sii.UUCP
Sun Jun 9 03:27:55 AEST 1985


A week or two ago, I posted a document for my TOPS-20 style command parsing
library for personal computers, and asked if anyone was interested in having
me post the sources.  After much favorable response, I am doing that now.
The concensus (is that a word?  it isn't in my dictionary) was that it
should go to net.sources, so here it is.

I have divided the posting into 6 parts, plus this introduction, in hopes
of having each part small enough to make it successfully.  They contain
the following:

part 1: comnd.doc
part 2: comnd.r, comnd.edt
part 3: test.c, comnd.h, comndi.h, mem.h, cpm.h
part 4: comnd.c
part 5: cmdpf1.c, cmdpf2.c
part 6: cmdpfd.c, cmdpsd.c, cmdoss.cpm, date.cpm

I am also attempting to reply via mail to those people who asked me to.

Mark Mallett
decvax!sii!mem  or  ittvax!sii!mem

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