less, a paginator

Jim Scardelis frodo at wcom.UUCP
Wed Jun 5 14:14:18 AEST 1985

> This is a pagination program similar to more or pg.
> It has been run on 4.1BSD, 4.2BSD and System V, 
> but has not been tested on any other system.
> To install, delete everything down to the cut line below, 
> put the file in an empty directory, and run sh on the file.
> Then read the file called INSTALLATION.
> Problems, complaints, praise to the author.
> 	Mark Nudelman		nsc!nsc-pdc!mark
> 	National Semiconductor	tektronix!reed!nsc-pdc!mark

Attached is a shar archive containing a diff file "screen.diff" to be
applied to screen.c, and "makefile.xen" for compiling less under
Xenix 3.0 on an IBM PC/AT.

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by frodo on Wed Jun  5 00:08:07 EDT 1985
# Contents:  screen.diff makefile.xen
echo x - screen.diff
sed 's/^@//' > "screen.diff" <<'@//E*O*F screen.diff//'
> #if XENIX
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/ioctl.h>
> #endif
@//E*O*F screen.diff//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r screen.diff
echo x - makefile.xen
sed 's/^@//' > "makefile.xen" <<'@//E*O*F makefile.xen//'
# Makefile for "less"
# Invoked as:
#	make all
#   or	make install
# Plain "make" is equivalent to "make all".
# If you add or delete functions, remake funcs.h by doing:
#	make newfuncs
# This depends on the coding convention of function headers looking like:
#	" \t public <function-type> \n <function-name> ( ... ) "
# Also provided:
#	make lint	# Runs "lint" on all the sources.
#	make clean	# Removes "less" and the .o files.
#	make clobber	# Pretty much the same as make "clean".


# System-specific parameters

# Define XENIX if running under XENIX 3.0

# TERMIO is 1 if your system has /usr/include/termio.h.
# This is normally the case for System 5.
# If TERMIO is 0 your system must have /usr/include/sgtty.h.
# This is normally the case for BSD.

# off_t is the type which lseek() returns.
# It is also the type of lseek()'s second argument.
off_t = long

# REGCMP is 1 if your system has the regcmp() function.
# This is normally the case for System 5.
# RECOMP is 1 if your system has the re_comp() function.
# This is normally the case for BSD.
# If neither is 1, pattern matching is supported, but without metacharacters.

# LIBS is the list of libraries needed.
LIBS = -lcurses -ltermlib

# INSTALL_LESS is a list of the public versions of less.
# INSTALL_MAN is a list of the public versions of the manual page.
INSTALL_LESS =	/usr/lbin/less
INSTALL_MAN =	/usr/man/manl/less.l

# OPTIM is passed to the compiler and the loader.
# It is normally "-O" but may be, for example, "-g".


	"-Doff_t=$(off_t)" \



SRC =	main.c prim.c ch.c position.c input.c output.c screen.c \
	line.c signal.c help.c ttyin.c command.c version.c
OBJ =	main.o prim.o ch.o position.o input.o output.o screen.o \
	line.o signal.o help.o ttyin.o command.o version.o


all: less

less: $(OBJ)
	cc $(OPTIM) -o less $(OBJ) $(LIBS)

install: install_man install_less

install_man: less.l
	for f in $(INSTALL_MAN); do  rm -f $$f; cp less.l $$f;  done
	touch install_man
install_less: less
	for f in $(INSTALL_LESS); do  rm -f $$f; cp less $$f;  done
	touch install_less

$(OBJ): less.h funcs.h

	lint -h $(DEFS) $(SRC)

	mv funcs.h funcs.h.OLD
	awk -f mkfuncs.awk $(SRC) >funcs.h

	rm -f $(OBJ) less

	rm -f *.o less install_less install_man
@//E*O*F makefile.xen//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r makefile.xen
exit 0

uucp: {vax135|ihnp4}!timeinc!wcom!frodo		
"The opinions expressed herein are those of my computer, and not necessarily
      those of myself, Warner Computer Systems, or any other computer or
        company along the line. "

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