C long -> short name converter

Mark Mendel mark at digi-g.UUCP
Sat Jun 15 03:12:05 AEST 1985

It is hypothetical no longer!  A while back I asked if anybody had actually
written a program to de-flexname C source.  I recieved one response, but
that program generated a .h file that required flexnames in the C Preprocessor.
Our cpp doesn't have flexnames.

So, I hacked the posted ANSI C scanner into xcp: an extended C pre-preprocessor.
Here is a sample makefile line to wire it in:

INCLUDES = -I/usr/me/includes
CFLAGS = whatever $(INCLUDES)

	xcp $(INCLUDES) $< >tmpxcp.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c tmpxcp.c
	mv tmpxcp.o $*.o

I haven't written a man page, but look at the start of the source for a
terse description of the various options.

My intent was to expand this program to handle further features of C that
are frequently missing: enums, structure passing(?), etc.

However, it turns out that our compiler already handles these, so I won't
bother! If someone else does this, however, they'll probably need to also
use the YACC part of the grammar.

----------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# xcp.l Makefile
echo x - xcp.l
cat > "xcp.l" << '//E*O*F xcp.l//'
/* xcp - translate long names in C to unique shorter stuff.
   usage:  xcp [-n nameLength] [-I includeDirectory]... file.c >tmp.c
	   cc -o file.c tmp.c
	   rm tmp.c

   xcp copies file to stdout, prefixing all non-reserved identifiers
   more than nameLenghth (default: 8) characters long with a two alphabetic

   The output is suitable input for the C compiler.

   The two characters are based on a hash of the full name and are unlikely
   to be the same for different identifiers.

   The characters are in the range a-v, and are uppercase if the original
   identifier starts with a lowercase letter, otherwise they are lower case.

   Include files are processed and the orignal include directive is commented
   out.  The -I option works just like cc.  xcp is not smart enough to 
   detect #includes that are conditionally compiled out.  For this reason,
   xcp generates a warning message only if it cannot open an include file.

   #line directives are added to the output so that cc can give sensible error 

   850612 MGM	Fixed handling of very long string constants.
   Monday MGM	Mark G. Mendel, ORIGINAL

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define	RET(val)	/* */


D			[0-9]
L			[a-zA-Z_]
W			[ \t\v\f\n]

"/*"			{ ECHO; comment(); }

"auto"			{ ECHO; RET(AUTO); }
"break"			{ ECHO; RET(BREAK); }
"case"			{ ECHO; RET(CASE); }
"char"			{ ECHO; RET(CHAR); }
"const"			{ ECHO; RET(CONST); }
"continue"		{ ECHO; RET(CONTINUE); }
"default"		{ ECHO; RET(DEFAULT); }
"do"			{ ECHO; RET(DO); }
"double"		{ ECHO; RET(DOUBLE); }
"else"			{ ECHO; RET(ELSE); }
"enum"			{ ECHO; RET(ENUM); }
"extern"		{ ECHO; RET(EXTERN); }
"float"			{ ECHO; RET(FLOAT); }
"for"			{ ECHO; RET(FOR); }
"goto"			{ ECHO; RET(GOTO); }
"if"			{ ECHO; RET(IF); }
"int"			{ ECHO; RET(INT); }
"long"			{ ECHO; RET(LONG); }
"register"		{ ECHO; RET(REGISTER); }
"return"		{ ECHO; RET(RETURN); }
"short"			{ ECHO; RET(SHORT); }
"signed"		{ ECHO; RET(SIGNED); }
"sizeof"		{ ECHO; RET(SIZEOF); }
"static"		{ ECHO; RET(STATIC); }
"struct"		{ ECHO; RET(STRUCT); }
"switch"		{ ECHO; RET(SWITCH); }
"typedef"		{ ECHO; RET(TYPEDEF); }
"union"			{ ECHO; RET(UNION); }
"unsigned"		{ ECHO; RET(UNSIGNED); }
"void"			{ ECHO; RET(VOID); }
"volatile"		{ ECHO; RET(VOLATILE); }
"while"			{ ECHO; RET(WHILE); }

{L}({L}|{D})*		{ check_type(); }

\"			{ ECHO; stringlit(); RET(STRING_LITERAL); }

^"#"[ \t]*"include"[ \t]+	{ include( ); }

.			{ ECHO;	/* pass all else */ }


#define	MAXFILES	5	/* max depth of nested #includes */
#define	MAXID		80	/* max char's in identifier 	*/

/* external functions */
char *rindex(), *strncat(), *strcpy();
FILE *fopen();

/* external variables */
extern FILE *yyin;
extern int yylineno;

int	namlen = 8;	/* length of identifiers supported by compiler */

char    **incdir;	/* include directories */
int	nincdir = 0;

char	basdir[64];	/* the directory of sourcefile */

int inclev = 0;		/* current #include depth */
char *fname[MAXFILES];	/* source file name stack */
FILE *fp[MAXFILES];	/* source stream stack */
int  fline[MAXFILES];	/* line counter stack */

main(ac, av)
    int ac; char **av;
    int junk;

    if( !qscanargs( ac, av,
	    "% n%-namelength!d I%-directory!*s sourcefile!s",
	       &junk, &namlen, &junk, &nincdir, &incdir, &fname[0] ) )
	exit( 1 );

    if( !(yyin = fopen( fname[0], "r" )) )
	Errprintf( "%s: can't read.\n", fname[0] );

    /* calculate the source file directory */
    if( **fname != '/' )
	strcpy( basdir, "./" );

    if( rindex( fname[0], '/' ) )
	strncat( basdir, fname[0], rindex( fname[0], '/' ) - fname[0] );
    fprintf( yyout, "#line 1 \"%s\"\n", fname[0] );

    int ch;

    while( ch = input() ) {
	putchar( ch );
	if( ch == '\\' )
	    putchar( input() );
	else if( ch == '"' || ch == '\n' )
    if( ch != '"' )
	yyerror( "expected closing quote" );

	char c, c1;

	while ((c = input()) != '*' && c != 0)

	if( c != 0 )
	    putchar( c );

	if ((c1 = input()) != '/' && c != 0)
		goto loop;

	if (c != 0)

/* transform long identifiers */
int check_type()
    register char *cp;
    register unsigned int h;

    if( yyleng > namlen ) {
	for( h=0, cp=yytext; *cp; ++cp )
	    h = (h << 1) + ((h >> 15) & 1) + *cp;
	putchar( h % 23 + (isupper(*yytext)? 'a': 'A') );
	putchar( (h/23) % 23 + (isupper(*yytext)? 'a': 'A') );

    int quote, i;
    char name[64], fullname[64], *cp;
    FILE *nfp;

    printf( "/*" );
    quote = input();
    if( quote != '"' && quote != '<' ) {
	yyerror( "expected quote" );
    if( quote == '<' )
	quote = '>';
    cp = name;
    while( (i = *cp = input()) != quote && i != 0 && i != '\n' ) {
	putchar( i );
    if( i )
    while( (i = input()) && i != '\n' )
    if( *cp != quote ) {
	yyerror( "missing end quote" );
    *cp = 0;

    while( 1 ) { /* do exactly once! */
	if( quote == '"' ) {
	    if( *name == '/' ) {
		strcpy( fullname, name );
		if( nfp = fopen( fullname ) )
	    sprintf( fullname, "%s%s", basdir, name );
	    if( nfp = fopen( fullname, "r" ) )
	    for( i = 0; i < nincdir; ++i ) {
		sprintf( fullname, "%s/%s", incdir[i], name );
		if( nfp = fopen( fullname, "r" ) )
	    if( nfp ) break;
	sprintf( fullname, "/usr/include/%s", name );
	if( nfp = fopen( fullname, "r" ) )
	yyerror( "can't read include file" );

    fp[ inclev ] = yyin;
    fline[ inclev++ ] = yylineno;

    yyin = nfp;
    fname[inclev] = fullname;
    printf( "#line 1 \"%s\"\n", name, fullname );

    extern FILE *yyout, *yyin;

    fclose( yyin );
    if( --inclev < 0 )
    yylineno = fline[ inclev ];
    yyin = fp[ inclev ];
    fprintf( yyout, "#line %d \"%s\"\n", yylineno, fname[inclev] );

char *s;

	fprintf(stderr,"\"%s\":%d:%s\n", fname[inclev], yylineno, s );
//E*O*F xcp.l//
echo x - Makefile
cat > "Makefile" << '//E*O*F Makefile//'
# note: the only routine used from the library ut.a is qscanargs(),
# the command line processor distributed over the net a while back.
# Let me know if you need the source.


xcp	: xcp.o
	cc -o xcp xcp.o /usr1/mark/lib/ut.a -ll
//E*O*F Makefile//
exit 0

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