request for sources to automatic man page generator...

Bob Marcus marcus at wanginst.UUCP
Wed Jun 19 01:21:34 AEST 1985

In article <2423 at mit-hermes.ARPA> sundar at mit-hermes.ARPA (Sundar Narasimhan) writes:
>I heard that something like this was posted to the net a while
>ago. Please could whoever posted it send a copy to me, or repost
>it, or mail me a note saying how I can get it.
>Reply to: sundar at mit-hermes or sundar at mit-mc. 

I am very interested also.  This certainly merits a re-posting.
A universally-available man page generator would go a long way towards
standardization of documentation.

  Bob Marcus
Bob Marcus                               marcus at wanginst        (Csnet)
Wang Institute of Graduate Studies       decvax!wanginst!marcus (UUCP)
Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879           (617) 649-9731

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