acronyms 2nd edition --- TOC 1st screen

Scott Barthelmy scott at wuphys.UUCP
Sun Jun 9 11:29:36 AEST 1985

	1)  Introduction
	2)  New combined list of traditonal acronyms
	3)  List of ATT related acronyms
	4)  List of slightly non-traditional acronyms


A while back I posted a list of acronyms(first edition) with
expansion/definitions along with a request that I wanted more.
Below is a compilation of what I had, and what people sent me.

I would like to thank the following people for contributing:
	Roger R. Gowland	hvmga!rgowland
	Carl Deitrick		iham1!cbd
	Dave Curry		pur-ee!davy
	Rick Heli		ucdavis!groucho:ccrrick
	Lynn Ihlenfeldt		mmm!lynn 
	??????			elsie!sck
	Kevin Koch		dec-elgar!koch
	Greg Noel		ncr-tp!greg
	Maurice			trwrba!suhre
	Lum Johnson		osu-eddie!lum
	??????			lsuc!msb
	Marty Olevitch		wuphys!marty
	Mike D. Jones		wuphys!mike
	Jack Applin		hpfclg!jack
	Craig Werner		aecom!werner

Here are some random comments in no particular order:

Several people suggested some books of precompiled acronym listngs.
As I was to repost the second edition of the list to the net, I turned
down the offers to avoid copyright entanglements.

One person(lsuc!msb) sent me about 120 corrections (typos and spelling)
to the first edition (I doubt that I will ever know how to spell missile).

For a machine readable list of acronyms, it was unconscionable to
forget to include CS.

A couple of people mentioned that some of the entries are really
abriviations or word (laser, etc).  Maybe I should ammend the
subject line to include abbreviations.  And since I have seen AAAAAA
in several places now, whether it was real or fake  originally, it is
now real.

I added another 100+ to the list.

If people wish to send me more acronyms (please not a bounce-back of
the first edition list), I may(?) get around to doing a third edition
(if there are plenty of responses).

I hope people don't flame about this in net.sources.  I take sources
to mean general knowlege listings (which in a CS environ means programs).
It is also in net.misc to followup on the original posting/request.
If this really does offend people's sensibilities, send mail.

Much thanks to everyone,
Scott Barthelmy		ihnp4!wuphys!scott	"I am a child of the unixverse."

2)   ACRONYMS (2nd edition)

A/D	- Analog to Digital converter (see ADC)
A/P	- Accounts Payable
A/R	- Accounts Receivable
AA	- Affirmative Action committee
AA	- Alcoholics Anonymous
AA	- Antiaircraft Artillery
AA	- Associate in Accounting
AA	- Automobile Association (in England)
AAA	- American Automobile Association
AAAAAA	- the Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Assinine Acronyms
AAAL	- American Academy of Arts and Letters
AAAS	- American Association for the Advancement of Science  -  A.A.A.S
AAII	- American Association of Individual Investors
AAMSI	- American Association for Medical Systems Informatics
AAP	- Affirmative Action Program
AARC	- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
AB	- ABle seaman
ABA	- American Bar Association
ABA	- American Basketball Association
ABA	- American Booksellers Association
ABC	- American Broadcasting Company
AC	- Alternating Current (ac, see also DC)
AC	- Ante Christum (before Christ)
AC	- Ante Cibum (before meals)
ACAA	- Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Administration
ACBL	- American Contract Bridge League
ACBL	- American Contract Bridge League
ACE	- Automatic Calibration and Equalization
ACM	- Association for Computing Machinery
ACTS	- Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
ACW	- Alternating Continuous Waves
AD	- After Date
AD	- Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
ADC	- Analog to Digital Converter
ADF	- Automatic Direction Finder
ADM	- ADMiral
ADP	- Adenosine Di-Phosphate
ADT	- Atlantic Daylight Time
AEC	- Atomic Energy Commission
AEF	- American Expeditionary Force (see BEF)
AF	- Air Force
AF	- Audio Frequency
AFB	- Air Force Base
AFC	- American Football Conference
AFC	- Automatic Flight Control
AFC	- Automatic Frequency Control
AFIPS	- American Federation of Information Processing Societies
AFLCIO	- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFSC	- Air Force Systems Command
AFTRA	- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
AG	- Adjutant General
AG	- Attorney General
AGCT	- Army General Classification Test
AH	- Avalon Hill (major wargame manufacturer)
AHL	- American Hockey League
AHQ	- Air HeadQuaters
AI	- Artificial Intelligence
AIAA	- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AID	- Agency for International Development
AIDS	- Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrom
AL	- American League (baseball)
ALA	- American Library Association
ALA	- Automobile Legal Association
ALBM	- Air-to-Land Ballistic Missile
ALC	- Automatic Load Control
ALGOL	- ALGOrithmic Language
ALGOL	- ALGOrithmic Language
ALU	- Arithmetic Logic Unit
AM	- Amplitude Modulation
AM	- Ante Meridiem (before noon)
AMA	- American Medical Association
AMBA	- Association of Master of Business Administration
AMC	- Albany Medical College
AMD	- Advanced Micro Devices
AMORC	- Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis
AMP	- Adenosine MonoPhosphate
AMP	- Adenosine MonoPhosphate
AMPAS	- Acedemy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
AMRAAM	- Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missile
AMSAT	- radio AMateur SATellite corp.
AMU	- Atomic Mass Unit
AMVET	- AMerican VETeran
ANC	- Army Nurse Corps
ANG	- Air National Guard
ANOVA	- ANalysis Of VAriance
ANPA	- American Newspaper Publishers Association
ANSI	- American National Standards Institute
ANZUS	- Australia, New Zealand, United States
AO	- Account Of
AOL	- Absent Over Leave (see AWOL)
AP	- Additional Premium
AP	- Associated Press
APB	- All Points Bulletin
APO	- Army Post Office
APR	- Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest)
AQ	- Accumulator-Quotient register
AR	- Address Register
ARC	- American Red Cross
ARCNET	- Attached Resource Computer local area NETwork
ARO	- After Receipt of Order
ARPA	- Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARRL	- Amateur Radio Relay League
ARV	- American Revised Version
ASAP	- As Soon As Possible
ASCAP	- American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
ASCII	- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASDIC	- Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (British for sonar)
ASHRAE	- Amer. Soc. of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-cond. Engineers, inc.
ASIC	- Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASSR	- Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
AST	- Atlantic Standard Time
ASV	- American Standard Version
AT	- Atlantic Time
AT&T	- American Telephone & Telegraph
ATB	- Advanced Technology Bomber (stealth bomber)
ATC	- Air Traffic Control
ATF	- Advanced Technology Fighter
ATP	- Adenosine TriPhosphate
AUS	- Army of the United States
AWACS	- Airborne Warnings And Control Systems
AWK	- al Aho, peter Weinberger, brian Kernighan (pattern scanning language)
AWOL	- Absent WithOut Leave (also Absent Without Official Leave) (see AOL)
ApJ	- Astrophysical Journal   -    Ap J
BA	- Bachelor of Arts
BASIC	- Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BB	- Bases on Balls
BB	- Best of Breed
BBA	- Bachelor of Business Administration
BBB	- Better Business Bureau
BBC	- British Broadcasting Corporation
BBN	- Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
BC	- Before Christ
BC	- British Columbia
BCD	- Bad Conduct Discharge
BCD	- Binary Coded Decimal
BCD	- Binary Coded Decimal
BCDIC	- Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
BCE	- Before the Common Era (substitute for BC)
BCS	- Bachelor of Commercial Science
BD	- Bachelor of Divinity
BD	- Bank Draft
BD	- Bills Discounted
BE	- Bill of Exchange
BEF	- British Expeditionary Force (see AEF)
BEM	- Bug Eyed Monster
BENELUX	- BElgium, NEtherlands, and LUXembourg
BER	- Bit Error Rate
BF	- Brought Forward
BFA	- Bachelor of Fine Arts
BHP	- Brake HorsePower
BID	- Bis In Die (twice a day)
BIOS	- Basic Input Output System
BLT	- Bacon Lettuce & Tomato
BLT	- Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato
BLT	- Becon, Lettuce and Tomato
BM	- Basal Metabolism
BM	- Bowel Movement
BMA	- Bank Marketing Association
BMEWS	- Ballistic Missile Early Warning
BMO	- Ballistic Missile Office
BMR	- Basal Metabolism Rate
BO	- Body Odor
BO	- Branch Office
BO	- Buyer's Option
BOQ	- Bachelor Oficers' Quarters
BP	- Blood Pressure
BP	- British Pharmacopoeia
BPI	- Bits Per Inch
BPOE	- Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
BR	- Bills Receivable
BR	- British Rail
BRS	- Bibliographic Retrival Service
BS	- Bachelor of Science
BS	- Bill of Sale
BSA	- Birmingham Small Arms
BSA	- Boy Scouts of America
BSD	- Berkeley Software Distribution
BSN	- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSTJ	- Bell System Technical Journal
BSc	- Bachelor of SCience
BTL	- Bell Telephone Laboratories
BTO	- Bachman Turner Overdrive
BTU	- British Thermal Unit
BTW	- By The Way
BThU	- British Thermal Unit
BV	- Blessed Virgin
BWI	- Baltimore-Washington Internationmal (airport)
BWI	- British West Indies
BX	- Base eXchange (see PX)
Bit	- BInary digiT
C/O	- in Care Of
CA	- Chartered Accountant
CA	- Chief Accountant
CA	- Chronological Age
CAB	- Civil Aeronautics Board
CACM	- Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery
CAD	- Computer Aided Design (sometimes seen as CAD/CAM)
CAE	- Computer Aided Engineering
CAM	- Computer Aided Manufacturing (sometimes seen as CAD/CAM)
CAM	- Content Addressable Memory
CAP	- Civil Air Patrol
CATV	- Community Antenna TeleVision
CAVU	- Ceiling And Visability Unlimited
CBC	- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBD	- Cash Before Delivery
CBS	- Columbia Broadcasting System
CBW	- Chemical and Biological Warfare
CC	- Carbon Copy
CC	- Carbon Copy
CCA	- Computer Corporation of America
CCC	- Canadian Committee on Cataloguing
CCC	- Civil(ian) Conservation Corps
CCC	- Command, Control, and Communications
CCCCM	- CCC CounterMeasures (sometimes C^3CM)
CCCI	- Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
CCD	- Charge Coupled Device (see CID)
CCI	- Computer Consoles, Incorporated
CCIP	- Continuously Computed Impact Point
CCITT	- Comite' de Consultatif von Telegraphique et Telephonique
CCRP	- Continuously Computed Release Point
CCTV	- Closed Circuit TeleVision
CD	- Certificate of Deposit
CD	- Civil Defense
CD	- Compact Disk
CDC	- Control Data Corporation, inc.
CDR	- CommanDeR
CDT	- Central Daylight Time
CE	- Chemical Engineer
CE	- Civil Engineer
CE	- Common Era (substitute for AD)
CE	- Corps of Engineers
CE	- Customer Engineer
CEA	- Council of Economic Advisors
CEA	- County Education Athority
CED	- Committee for Economic Development
CENS	- Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Seclay
CENTO	- CENtral Treaty Organization
CEO	- Chief Executive Officer
CERN	- organisation (formerly Conseil) Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaires
CF	- Carry Forward
CFD	- Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFI	- Cost, Freight, and Insurance
CFL	- Canadian Football League
CG	- Coast Guard
CG	- Commanding General
CH	- ClearingHouse
CH	- CourtHouse
CH	- Customs House
CHP	- California Highway Patrol
CIA	- Central Intelligence Agency
CID	- Central Institute for the Deaf
CID	- Charge Injection Device (see CCD)
CID	- Computer Integrated Design
CIM	- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIT	- California Institute of Technology
CIT	- Case Institute of Technology (part of CWRU, Cleveland, OH)
CLU	- Chartered Life Underwriter
CM	- Congregation of the Mission
CMOS	- Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS)
CMRR	- Common Mode Rejection Ratio
CMSgt	- Chief Master Sergeant
CN	- Canadian National (railways)
CNN	- Cable News Network
CNO	- Chief of Naval Operations
CNR	- Canadian National Railways
CNR	- Carrier to Noise Ratio
CNS	- Central Nervous System
CNS	- Central Nervous System
CO	- Cash Order
CO	- Central Office (telephony)
CO	- Commanding Officer
CO	- Conscientious Objector
COBOL	- COmmon Business Oriented Language
COD	- Collect On Delivery; Cash On Delivery
CP	- Canadian Pacific
CP	- Chemically Pure
CP	- Command Post
CP	- the Canadian Press
CPA	- Certified Public Accountant
CPFF	- Cost Plus Fixed Fee
CPM	- Control Program Monitor (sometimes CP/M)
CPO	- Chief Petty Officer
CPO	- Chief Post Office
CPR	- Canadian Pacific Railway
CPT	- CaPTain
CPU	- Central Processor Unit
CPW	- Certified Public Weigher
CQ	- Change of Quarters
CQ	- Charge of Quarters
CRC	- Cyclical Redundancy Character
CRT	- Cathode Ray Tube (also generic refernce to a terminal)
CRTC	- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
CS	- Civil Servant
CS	- Computer Science
CS	- Computer Science; Computing Science
CS	- County Seat
CSA	- Confederate States of America
CSM	- Command Sergeant Major
CSOC	- Consolidated Space Operatons Center (at Colorado Springs)
CST	- Central Standard Time
CT	- Central Time
CTC	- Canadian Transport Commission
CTC	- Centralized Traffic Control (railways)
CTIO	- Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory
CTV	- Canadian TeleVision network
CU	- Close-Up
CV	- Curriculum Vitae
CW	- Chemical Warfare
CW	- Child Welfare
CW	- Churdwarden
CW	- Continuous Wave
CWO	- Cash With Order
CWO	- Chief Warrant Officer
CWRU	- Case Western Reserve University
CYO	- Catholic Youth Organization
CZ	- Canal Zone
D/A	- Digital to Analog converter
D/F	- Direction Finding
DA	- Days after Acceptance
DA	- Department of Agriculture
DA	- Deposit Account
DA	- District Attorney
DA	- Don't Answer
DAC	- Digital to Analog Converter
DAR	- Daughters fo the American Revolution
DARPA	- Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency
DATA	- Defense Air Transport Administration
DAV	- Disabled American Veterans
DB	- DataBase
dbms	- DataBase Management System (rdbms for Relational ...)
DC	- Direct Current (dc, see also AC)
DC	- District of Columbia
DCC	- Descriptive Cataloguing Committee
DD	- Days after Date
DD	- Demand Draft
DD	- Dishonourable Discharge
DD	- Doctor of Divinity
DDC	- Digital Data Converter
DDD	- Direct Distance Dial(ing)
DDN	- Defense Data Network
DDS	- Doctor of Dental Science
DDS	- Doctor of Dental Surgery
DEC	- Digital Equipment Corporation
DEW	- Distant Early Warning (as in DEW Line)
DF	- Damage Free
DF	- Direction Finding
DFC	- Distinguished Flying Cross
DFM	- Distinguished Flying Medal
DFS	- Depth-First Search
DFW	- Dallas-Ft.Worth (regional airport)
DG	- Dei Gratia (by the grace of God)
DG	- Director General
DHHS	- Department of Health and Human Services
DHSS	- british Department of Health and Social Security
DID	- Direct Inward Dialing
DIY	- Do It Yourself
DJ	- Disc Jockey
DJ	- Disc Jockey
DLA	- Defense Logistics Agency
DLO	- Dead Letter Office
DMA	- Direct Memory Access
DMD	- Doctor of Dental Medicine
DME	- Distance Measuring Equipment
DMOS	- Diffussion Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS)
DMV	- Department of Motor Vehicles (Calif)
DMZ	- DeMilitarized Zone
DNA	- DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
DNA	- Digital Network Architecture
DOA	- Dead On Arrival
DOB	- Date Of Birth
DOD	- Department Of Defense
DOS	- Disk Operating System
DOT	- Department Of Transportation
DP	- Data Processing
DP	- Displaced Persons (expelled from native land)
DP	- Double Play
DR	- Dead Reckoning
DR	- Dining Room
DRAM	- Dynamic Random Access Memory (as opposed to static RAM)
DRG	- Democratic Republic of Germany (East Germany)
DRI	- Digital Research, Incorporated
DSM	- Distinguished Service Medal
DSO	- Distinguished Service Order
DSP	- Decessit Sine Prole (died without issue)
DSP	- Digital Signal Processing
DST	- Daylight Saving Time
DT	- Delirium Tremens
DTR	- Data Terminal Ready
DUT	- Device Under Test
DV	- Deo Vo lente (God willing)
DVM	- Digital Volt Meter
DVM	- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
DWI	- Driving While Intoxicated
DX	- Distance (as in long distance rado communication)
E	- East
E&EO	- Errors and Omissions Excepted
EBCDIC	- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
ECAFE	- Economic Commission for Africa and the Far East
ECC	- Error Correction Code (corrects error in memory or transmission)
ECCM	- Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures
ECG	- ElectroCardioGram
ECL	- Emitter Coupled Logic (see also TTL)
ECM	- Electronic Counter Measure
ECM	- European Common Market
ECO	- Engineering Change Order
ECT	- ElectroConvulsive Therapy
EDP	- Electronic Data Processing
EDT	- Eastern Daylight Time
EE	- Electrical Engineer
EE	- Electrical or Electronics Engineer
EEC	- European Economic Comunity
EEG	- ElectroEncephaloGram
EEPROM	- Electrically erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EHF	- Extremely High Frequency (30-300GHz)
EKG	- ElectroKardioGramm (see ECG)
EL	- ElectroLuminescent (as in display)
ELF	- Extremely Low Frequency
ELP	- Emerson, Lake and Palmer (the rock band)
EM	- Enlisted Man (see EW)
EMF	- ElectroMotive Force
EMR	- ElectroMagetic Response
EMT	- Emergency Medical Technician
EMU	- ElectroMagnetic Unit
ENS	- ENSign
EP	- Extended Play
EPA	- Environmental Protection Agency
EPROM	- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EQ	- Educational Quotient (see IQ)
ER	- Emergency Room
ERA	- Earned Run Average
ESA	- European Space Agency
ESE	- East South East
ESM	- Electronic Support Measures
ESO	- European Southern Observatory
ESP	- Extra Sensory Perception
EST	- Eastern Standard Time
ET	- Eastern Time
ET	- ExtraTerrestial
ETA	- Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD	- Estimated Time of Departure
ETV	- Education TeleVision
EVA	- ExtraVehicular Activity
EW	- Electronic Warfare
EW	- Enlisted Woman (see EM)
FA	- Football Association (British soccer--a word derived from Association)
FAA	- Federal Aviation Agency
FAO	- Food and Agriculture Organization of the united states
FAS	- Free Alongside Ship
FAX	- FAcsimile
FB	- Freight Bill
FBI	- Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC	- Federal Communication Commission
FDA	- Food and Drug Administration
FDIC	- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDM	- Frequency Division Multiplexing
FEPC	- Fair Employment Practices Commission
FET	- Federal Excise Tax
FET	- Field Effect Transistor
FFA	- Future Farmers of America
FFT	- Fast Fourier Transform
FHA	- Federal Home Administration
FHA	- Future Homemakers of America
FICA	- Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FIDO	- Fog Investigation Dispersal Operation
FIFO	- First In First Out (as in registers and buffers)
FILO	- First In Last Out (see also FIFO)
FIO	- Frequency In and Out
FLOP	- FLoating point Operations Per Second
FLOPS	- FLoating-point OPerations per Second
FM	- Frequency Modulation
FMB	- Federal Maritime Board
FMCS	- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FO	- Foreign Office
FO	- Forward Observer
FOB	- Free On Board
FOC	- Free Of Charge
FOR	- Free On Rail
FORTRAN	- FORmula TRANslation
FOT	- Free On Truck
FOV	- Field Of View
FPC	- Fish Protein Concentrate
FPHA	- Federal Public Housing Athority
FPLA	- Field Programmable Logic Array (see PLA)
FPM	- Feet Per Minute
FPO	- Feild Post Office
FPO	- Fleet Post Office
FPS	- Feet Per Second
FRG	- Federal Republic of Gernmany (West Germany)
FRS	- Federal Reserve System
FSK	- Frequency Shift Keying
FSLIC	- Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
FSW	- Forward Swept Wings
FTC	- Federal Trade Commission
FUBAR	- F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
FWD	- Front Wheel Drive
FWHM	- Full Width at Half Maximum
FYI	- For Your Information
FYI	- For Your Information
GA	- Gamblers Anonymous
GA	- General Assembly
GA	- General Average
GA	- General of the Army
GAAP	- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAR	- Grand Army of the Republic
GATT	- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAW	- Guarenteed Annual Wage
GB	- Great Britain
GBIP	- General Purpose Interface Bus
GC	- Garbage Collection (LISP)
GC	- Gas Chromatograph (or Chromatography
GCA	- Ground Controlled Approach
GCD	- Ground Controlled Descent
GCM	- General Court Martial
GCR	- Group-Coded Recording (magnetic tape, 6250 bpi)
GCT	- Greenwich Civil Time
GHQ	- General HeadQuarters
GHz	- Giga HertZ (unit of frequency, 1,000,000,000 cycles per second)
GI	- Galvanized Iron
GI	- Gastro Intestinal (as in upper GI)
GI	- General Issue
GI	- Government Issue
GIGO	- Garbage In Garbage Out
GIGO	- Garbage In Garbage Out
GISS	- Goddard Institute for Space Studies
GKS	- Graphics Kernel System
GM	- General Manager
GM	- General Motors
GM	- Guided Missile
GMT	- Greenwich Mean Time
GNP	- Gross National Product
GP	- General Practitioner
GPO	- General Post Office
GPO	- Government Printing Office
GPS	- Global Positioning System
GQ	- General Quarters
GRB	- Gamma Ray Burst(er)
GREP	- Global Regular Expression Print (UNIX command)
GRO	- Gamma Ray Observatory
GS	- Glide Slope
GSA	- General Services Adminstration
GSA	- Girl Scouts of America
GSFC	- Goddard Space Flight Center
GT	- Gross Ton
GTE	- General Telephone and Electric
GWEN	- Ground Wave Emergency Network
HAL	- Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer (2001)
HBM	- Her British Majesty; His British Majesty
HBO	- Home Box Office
HC	- Holy Communion
HC	- House of Commons
HCL	- High Cost of Living
HD	- Heavy Duty
HDA	- Head Disk Assembly (in winchester disk drives)
HDLC	- High-level Data Link Control (IBM network stuff)
HDTV	- High Definition Television
HE	- His Eminence; His Excellency
HEAO	- High Energy Astronomical Observatory
HF	- High Frequency (3-30MHz)
HMOS	- High preformance Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS)
HMS	- His/Her Majesty's Ship
HP	- Hewlett Packard, inc.
HP	- High Pressure
HP	- Higher Power (sort of an AA "in" term, usually God)
HP	- HorsePower
HPGe	- High Purity Germanium
HQ	- HeadQuarters
HR	- House of Representatives
HRH	- Her Royal Highness
HRH	- His Royal Highness
HS	- High School
HST	- Hawaiian Standard Time
HT	- High Tension (as in electric power transmission)
HUAC	- House Unamerican Activities Committee
HUD	- Heads Up Display
HUD	- Housing and Urban Development
Hb	- HemogloBin
Hz	- HertZ (unit of frequency, cycles per second)
IAEA	- International Atomic Energy Agency
IATA	- International Air Transport Association
IBM	- International Business Machines, inc.
IC	- Integrated Circuit
ICBM	- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICJ	- International Court of Justice
ICRC	- International Cosmic Ray Conference
IDA	- International Development Association
IDDD	- International Direct Distance Dial
IE	- Indo-European
IEEE	- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IF	- Intermediate Frequency (as in IF stage)
IFC	- International Finance Corporation
IFC	- International Freighting Corporation
IFLA	- International Federation of Library Associations
IGY	- International Geophysical Year
IHP	- Indicated HorsePower
IIHF	- International Ice Hockey Federation
IIL	- Integrated Injection Logic
ILO	- International Labor Organization
ILS	- Instrument Landing System
IMF	- International Monetary Fund
IMP	- Interface Message Processor (ARPAnet)
IMSL	- International Mathematics and Statistics Library
INRA	- Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews)
INWATS	- INward Wide Area Telephone Service
IO	- Input Output (sometimes I/O)
IOOF	- International Order of Odd Fellows
IOU	- I Owe you(U)
IP	- Innings Pitched
IQ	- Intelligence Quotient  (see EQ)
IR	- Index Register
IRA	- Individual Retirement Account
IRA	- Individual Retirement Account
IRA	- Irish Republican Army
IRAS	- Infrared Astronomical Satellite
IRBM	- Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
IRDS	- InfraRed Detection Set
IRE	- Institute of Radio Engineers (old name for the now IEEE, which see)
IRS	- Internal Revenue Service
ISBD	- International Bibliographic Description
ISCH	- Interstitial-Cell-Stimulating Hormone (same as LH)
ISEE	- International Sun Earth Explorer (usually ISEE-3)
ISO	- International Standards Organization
ISPM	- International Solar Polar Mission
ISRG	- Independent Space Research Group
ITU	- International Telecommunications Union
IUS	- Inertial Upper Stage
JACM	- Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
JBS	- John Birch Society
JC	- Jesus Christ
JC	- Joint Compound (plumbing)
JC	- Julius Caesar
JC	- Junior College
JCA	- Jewelry Crafts Association
JCAC	- Joint Civil Affairs Committee
JCAE	- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
JCEE	- Joint Council on Economic Education
JCET	- Joint Council on Educational Television
JCS	- Joint Chiefs of Staff
JD	- Justice Department
JDS	- John Dewey Society
JES	- John Ericsson Society
JFK	- John F. Kennedy (international airport)
JGR	- Journal of Geophysical Research
JIC	- Joint Intelligence Center
JIC	- Just in Case
JMS	- John Milton Society
JO	- Job Order
JO	- Junior Officer
JPL	- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JRC	- Junior Red Cross
JSC	- Johnson Space Center
JSRC	- Joint Services Review Committee
JTIDS	- Joint Tactical Information Distribution Systems
JV	- Junior Varsity
K9	- canine (K9 corps - army dogs)
KC	- King's Counsel (QC when queen reigning)
KC	- Knights of Columbus
KD	- Kiln Dried
KD	- Knocked Down
KERMIT	- Kl-10 Error-free Reciprocal Micro Interconnect over Tty lines
KHz	- Kilo HertZ (unit of frequency, 1000 cycles per second)
KI	- Kiwanis International
KIA	- Killed In Action
KIAS	- Knot Indicated Air Speed
KO	- Knock Out
KP	- Kitchen Police
KPNO	- Kitt Peak National Observatory
KPO	- KeyPunch Operator
KS	- King's Scholar
KSC	- Kennedy Space Center
LA	- Los Angeles
LA	- Low Altitude
LADAR	- LAser Detection And Ranging
LAM	- Master of Liberal Arts
LAN	- Local Apparent Noon
LAN	- Local Area Network
LAR	- Local Acquisition Radar
LASER	- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LAT	- Local Apparent Time
LAX	- Los Angeles International Airport
LB	- Light Bomber
LBHS	- Long Beach High School
LBL	- Lawrence Berkeley Labs
LC	- inductor-Capacitor circuit (as in filters, L is symbol inductance)
LCD	- Liquid Crystal Display
LCD	- Lowest Common Denominator
LCDR	- Lieutenant Commander
LCT	- Landing Craft Tanks
LDEF	- Long Duration Exposure Facility
LED	- Light Emitting Diode
LEM	- Lunar Excursion Module
LF	- Low Frequency (30-300KHz)
LH	- Left Hand
LH	- Lower Half
LH	- Luteinizing Hormone (same as ISCH)
LHD	- Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor (doctor of human letters)
LHS	- Left Hand Side
LI	- Long Island
LIFO	- Last In First Out (see FIFO)
LISP	- LISt Processing Language
LL	- Late Latin
LLB	- Legum Baccalaureus (bachelor of laws)
LLD	- Legum doctor (doctor of laws)
LM	- Life Master (Contract Bridge ranking)
LM	- Lunar Module
LM	- Lunar Module
LMC	- Large Magellanic Cloud (see SMC)
LNG	- Liquefied Natural Gas
LOP	- Lines Of Position
LP	- Long Play(ing)
LP	- Long Playing record
LP	- Low Pressure
LPC	- Linear Predictive Coding (speech processing)
LPG	- Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPG	- Low Pressure Gas
LPN	- Licensed Practical Nurse
LRBM	- Long Range Ballistic Missile
LRC	- Longitudinal Redudancy Character
LRC	- Longitudinal Redundancy Character
LRU	- Line Replaceable Unit
LS	- Left Side
LS	- Letter Signed
LS	- Locus Sigilli (place of seal)
LSB	- Least Signficant Bit; Least Significant Byte
LSD	- Least Signficant Digit
LSD	- LySergic acid Diethylamide
LSD	- pounds (Libra), shillings (Sestertii), and (old) pence (Denarii)
LSI	- Large Scale Integration
LSS	- Life Support System
LT	- Long Ton
LT	- Low Tension
LTC	- Lieutenant Colonel
LTJG	- Lieutenant Junior Grade
LTL	- Less than Truckload Lot
LUG	- Local Users Group
LZ	- Landing Zone
Laser	- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MAC	- Military Air Command
MACSYMA	- project MAC's SYmbolic MAnipulation System
MAD	- Mutual Assured Destruction
MADD	- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
MARBI	- MAchine Readable form of Bibliographic Information
MARC	- MAchine Readable card Catalog
MASH	- Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MAST	- Multi-Application SOnar Trainer
MAT-CALS- Marine Air Traffic-Control And Landing System
MBA	- Master Business Adminstration
MC	- Master of Ceremonies
MCPO	- Master Chief Petty Officer
MD	- Doctor of Medicine
MD	- Medical Doctor
MD	- Months after Date
MDT	- Mean Down Time
ME	- Mechanical Engineer
MEd	- Master of EDucation
MF	- Medium Frequency (300-3000KHz)
MF	- Middle French
MFA	- Master Fine Arts
MFLOPS	- Million FLoating-point OPerations per Second
MG	- Machine Gun
MG	- Major General
MG	- Military Government
MGM	- Metro-Goldwyn Mayer
MHD	- MagnetoHydroDynamics
MHz	- Mega HertZ (unit of frequency, 1,000,000 cycles per second)
MI	- Military Intelligence
MIA	- Missing In Action
MIMD	- Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data
MIPS	- Million Instructions Per Second
MIRV	- Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle
MIS	- Microcomputer Information Services
MIT	- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ML	- Middle Latin
MLA	- Member of Legislative Assembly (see MPP)
MLD	- Minimum Lethal Dose
MLS	- Microwave Landing System
MLS	- Microwave Landing System
MM	- Maryknoll Missioners
MMU	- Memory Management Unit
MNA	- Member of National Assembly (Quebec)
MO	- Mail Order
MO	- Medical Officer
MO	- Modus Operandi
MO	- Money Order
MOS	- Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSFET	- Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOU	- Memorandum Of Understanding
MOUSE	- Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of Earth
MP	- Melting Point
MP	- Member of Parliament
MP	- Metropolitan Police
MP	- Military Police(man)
MPG	- Miles Per Gallon
MPH	- Mile Per Hour
MPH	- Miles Per Hour
MPP	- Member of Provincial Parliament (Canada; also MLA)
MS	- ManuScript
MS	- Master of Science
MS	- Military Science
MS	- Motor Ship
MS	- Multiple Sclerosis
MSB	- Most Signficant Bit; Most Significant Byte
MSD	- Most Signficant Digit
MSG	- MonoSodium Glutimate
MSL	- Mean Sea Level
MSS	- ManuScriptS
MST	- Mountain Standard Time
MT	- Metric Ton
MT	- Mountain Time
MTBF	- Mean Time Between Failures
MTV	- Music TeleVision
MUF	- Maximum Usable Frequency (max freq during sunspot activity)
MUNG	- Mung Until No Good (see the hacker's dictionary)
MVA	- MegaVolt Ampere
MX	- Missile eXperimental
Maser	- Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MeV	- Million Electron Volts
N	- North
NA	- Narcotics Anonymous
NA	- North America
NA	- Not Applicable
NAACP	- Natioanl Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAACP	- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAB	- Natioanal Association of Broadcasters
NABISCO	- NAtional BIScuit COmpany
NAD	- Network Access Device
NADGE	- NATO Air Defense Ground Environment
NAR	- Nuclear Acoustic Resonance
NAS	- National Academy of Sciences
NASA	- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO	- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NB	- New Brunswick
NB	- Nota Bene
NBA	- National Basketball Association
NBC	- National Broadcasting Company
NBFM	- NarrowBand Frequency Modulation
NBS	- National Bureau of Standards
NBVM	- Narrow Band Voice Modulation
NC	- No Charge
NC	- North Carolina
NCE	- New Catholic Edition
NCO	- Non-Commissioned Officer
NCR	- National Cash Register
NCV	- No Commercial Value
ND	- No Date
ND	- North Dakota
NDEA	- National Defense Education Act
NDP	- New Democratic Party (Canada)
NDSL	- National Defense Student Loan
NDT	- Newfoundland Daylight Time
NE	- New England
NE	- North East
NEB	- New English Bible
NEC	- Nippon Electric Company
NEI	- Not Elsewhere Included
NES	- Not Elsewhere Specified
NET	- National Educational Telivision
NF	- No Funds
NFC	- National Football Conference
NFL	- National Football League
NG	- National Guard
NG	- No Good
NHI	- National Health Insurance
NHI	- National Health Insurance
NHL	- National Hockey League (the "nation" is Canada, BTW)
NIC	- Network Information Center (ARPAnet)
NIH	- National Institute of Health
NIM	- Nuclear Instrumentation Module (an electronic instr. standard)
NJ	- New Jersey
NL	- National League (baseball)
NLM	- National Library of Medicine
NLRB	- National Labor Relations Board
NM	- Nautical Mile
NM	- New Mexico
NM	- Night Message
NM	- No Mark; Not Marked
NMOS	- N channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (N-MOS) (see MOS)
NMR	- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NNE	- North North East
NNW	- North North West
NORAD	- NORth American Defense Command (?)
NOS	- Not Otherwise Specified
NP	- No Protest
NP	- Nondeterministic-Polynomial
NP	- Notary Public
NP	- Noun Phrase
NPN	- Negative-Positive-Negative (transistor)
NPN	- NonProtein Nitrogen
NPR	- National Public Radio
NRA	- National Rifle Association
NRC	- National Research Council
NRE	- Non-Recurring Engineering (as in NRE costs)
NRL	- Naval Research Labs
NRZ	- Non-Return to Zero
NRZI	- Non-Return to Zero Indicates
NRZI	- Non-Return to Zero Inverted (magnetic tape, 800 bpi)
NS	- Not Specified
NS	- Nova Scotia
NS	- Nuclear Ship
NSA	- National Security Agency
NSC	- National Security Council
NSF	- National Science Foundation
NST	- Newfoundland Standard Time
NSW	- New South Wales
NT	- New Testament
NT	- Newfoundland Time
NT	- Northern Territory
NTP	- Normal Temperature and Pressure (see STP)
NTSB	- National Transportation Safety Board
NU	- Name Unknown
NUSC	- Naval Underwater Systems COmmand
NW	- North West
NWT	- North West Territories
NY	- New York
NYC	- New York City
NYSE	- New York Stock Exchange
NZ	- New Zealand
OA	- Office Automation
OA	- Overeaters Anonymous
OAS	- Organization Of American states
OBE	- Order of the British Empire
OBS	- Omni Bearing Selector
OC	- Order of Canada
OCDM	- Office of Civil Defense and Mobilization
OCLC	- Online Computer Library Center (Ohio College Library Catalog)
OCS	- Officer Candidate School
OD	- Doctor of Optometry
OD	- Oculus Dexter (right eye)
OD	- Officer of the Day
OD	- Over Dose
OE	- Old English
OED	- Oxford English Dictionary
OEM	- Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEO	- Office of Economic Opportunity
OES	- Order of the Eastern Star
OF	- Old French
OFM	- Order of Friars Minor
OFS	- Order of Free State
OG	- Original Gum
OJT	- On the Job Training
OMV	- Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle
ON	- Old Norse
ONI	- Office of Navel Intelligence
OP	- Observation Post
OP	- Order of Preachers
OP	- Out of Print
OPEC	- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OR	- Operatng Room
OR	- Owner's Risk
OROM	- Optical Read Only Memorey
OS	- Oculus sinister (left eye)
OS	- Ordinary Seaman
OS	- Out of Stock
OSB	- Order of St. Benedict
OSCAR	- Orbiting Satelite Carry Amateur Radio (1st launched 12 Dec 1961)
OSF	- Order of St. Francis
OSS	- Office of Strategic Services (later CIA)
OT	- Old Testament
OT	- OverTime
OTB	- Off-Track Betting
OTC	- Over The Counter stocks
OTH-B	- Over The Horizon - Backscatter (as in radar)
OTS	- Officers' Training School
PA	- Per Annum
PA	- Power of Attorney
PA	- Press Agent
PA	- Private Account
PA	- Public Address
PA	- Purchasing Agent
PABX	- Private Automatic Branch eXchange
PAD	- Packet Assembler-Disassembler (for networking)
PBS	- Public Broadcasting System
PBX	- Private Branch eXchange (mini-telephone network system)
PC	- Peace Corps
PC	- PerCent; PerCentage
PC	- Personal Computer
PC	- Post Card
PC	- Post Cibum (after meals)
PC	- Privy Council
PC	- Program Counter
PC	- Progressive Conservative party (Canada)
PCB	- PolyChlorinated Biphenyls
PCB	- Printed Circuit Board
PCOE	- Port Of Entry
PCS	- Permanent Change of Station
PD	- Per Diem
PD	- Police Department
PD	- Potential Difference
PDP	- Programmed Data Processor
PDQ	- Pretty Damned Quick
PDT	- Pacific Daylight Time
PE	- Phase Encoded
PE	- Physical Education
PE	- Prince Edward island
PE	- Printer's Error
PE	- Professional Engineer
PE	- Protestant Episcopal
PEI	- Prince Edward Island
PHA	- Pulse Height Analyser (or Analysis)
PHS	- Public Health Service
PIT	- Principal, Interest, and Taxes
PLA	- Programmable Logic Array
PLL	- Phase Lock Loop
PLO	- Please Leave On
PM	- PayMaster
PM	- Police Magistrate
PM	- Post Meridiem
PM	- PostMaster
PM	- PostMortem
PM	- Preventive Maintenance
PM	- Prime Minister
PM	- Provost Marshal
PMO	- Prime Minister's Office
PMOS	- P channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (P-MOS) (see MOS)
PMT	- PhotoMultiplier Tube
PN	- Promissory Note
PNP	- Positive-Negative-Positive (transistor)
PO	- PettyOfficer
PO	- Post Office
PO	- Postal Order
PO	- Purchase Order
POC	- Point Of View
POC	- Port Of Call
POD	- Pay On Delivery
POE	- Port Of Embarkation
POGO	- Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory
POW	- Prisoner Of War
PP	- Parcel Post
PP	- Past Participle
PPB	- Parts Per Billion
PPC	- Pour Prendre Conge' (to take leave)
PPM	- Parts Per Million
PPN	- Project Programmer #
PPN	- parameterized post-Newtonianformalism for general relativity
PPT	- Pulse Pair Timing
PQ	- Province of Quebec
PR	- PayRoll
PR	- Public Relations
PR	- Puerto Rico
PROM	- Programmable Read Only Memory
PS	- PostScript
PS	- Public School
PSG	- Platoon Sergeant
PSK	- Phase Shift Keying
PST	- Pacific Standard Time
PT	- Pacific Time
PT	- Patrol Torpedo (as in PT boat)
PT	- Physical Therapy
PT	- Physical Training
PTA	- Parent-Teacher Association
PTO	- Please Turn Over
PVO	- Pioneer Venus Orbiter
PW	- Prisoner of War (usually POW)
PX	- Post eXchange (see BX)
PhysRev	- Physical Review Journal   - Phys Rev
QC	- Queen's Counsel
QD	- Quaque Die (daily)
QDA	- Quantity Discount Agreement
QED	- Quod Erat Demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated)
QEF	- Quod Erat Faciendum (which was to be done)
QEI	- Quod Erat Inveniendum (which was to be found out)
QID	- Quater In Die (four times a day)
QM	- QuarterMaster
QMC	- QuarterMaster Corps
QMG	- QuarterMaster General
QNS	- Quantity Not Sufficient
RA	- Regular Army
RA	- Research Assistant
RA	- Royal Academy
RAAF	- Royal Australian Air Force
RADAR	- RAdio Detection And Ranging
RADM	- Rear ADMiral
RAF	- Royal Air Force
RAM	- Random Access Memory
RB	- Rhythm and Blues (commonly R and B)
RBC	- Red Blood Cells
RBC	- Red Blood Count
RBI	- Runs Batted In
RC	- Red Cross
RC	- Resistor-Capacitor circuit (as in filters)
RC	- Roman Catholic
RCAF	- Royal Canadian Air Force
RCMP	- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RD	- Research and Development (commonly R and D)
RD	- Rural Delivery
RDF	- Radio Direction Finding
REA	- Rail Express Agency
REM	- Rapid Eye Movement
RF	- Radio Frequency
RFC	- Request For Comments
RFD	- Rural Free Delivery
RFI	- Radio Frequency Interference
RH	- Right Hand
RHS	- Right Hand Side
RIACS	- Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (NASA)
RIF	- Reading Is Fundamental
RIP	- Rest In Peace (or Requiescat In Pace : latin)
RISC	- Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RLL	- Run Length Limited
RMS	- Root Mean Square
RN	- Registered Nurse
RN	- Royal Navy
RNA	- RiboNucleic Acid
RNZAF	- Royal New Zealand Air Force
ROG	- Receipt Of Goods
ROM	- Range Of Motion (mdeical)
ROM	- Read Only Memory
ROM	- Rupture Of Membrane (as in birth)
ROTC	- Reserve Officers' Training Corps
ROYGBIV	- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
RPG	- Role Playing Game
RPM	- Revolutions Per Minute
RPN	- Reverse Polish Notation
RPO	- Railway Post Office
RPS	- Revolutions Per Second
RPV	- Remotely Piloted Vehicle
RR	- RailRoad
RR	- Rural Route
RS	- Recording Secretary
RS	- Revised Status
RS	- Right Side
RS	- Royal Society
RSFSR	- Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
RSV	- Revised Standard Edition
RSVP	- Repondez S'il Vous Plait (please reply)
RSWC	- Right Side up With Care
RT	- RadioTelephone
RTTY	- Radio Teletype
RW	- Right Worshipful
RW	- Right Worthy
Radar	- RAdio Detection And Ranging
S	- South
SA	- SOuth Africa
SA	- Salvation Army
SA	- Seaman Apprentice
SA	- Sex Appeal
SA	- Sine Anno (without date)
SA	- South America
SA	- Subject to Approval
SAA	- South Atlantic Anomaly
SAC	- Strategic Air Command (see TAC)
SADD	- Students Against Drunk Driving
SAM	- Surface to Air Missile
SAMTO	- SpaceAnd Missile Test Organization
SAP	- Second Audio Program
SASE	- Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope
SAW	- Surface Acoustic Wave
SBA	- Small Business Administration
SC	- South Carolina
SCADC	- Standard Central Air Data Computer
SCUBA	- Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SCUBA	- Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SCUBA	- SelfContained Underwater Breathing Aperatus
SD	- South Dakota
SDI	- Stategic Defence Initiative
SDO	- Staff Duty Officer 
SE	- South East
SEATO	- SouthEast Asia Treaty Organization
SEC	- Security Exchange Commission
SEM	- Scanning Electron Microscope
SF	- San Francisco
SF	- Science Fiction; Speculative Fiction
SHF	- Super High Frequency (3-30GHz)
SI	- Staten Island
SIAM	- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SIMD	- Single Instruction, Multiple Data
SJ	- Society of Jesus
SL	- Salvage Loss
SLA	- Special Libraries Association
SLA	- Special Library Association
SLA	- Synchronous Line Adapter
SLAN	- Sine Loco, Anno, (vel) Nomine (without place, year, or name)
SLAR	- Side Looking Airborne Radar
SLBM	- Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles
SLP	- Super Long Play (VHS VCR)
SM	- Service Mark
SMA	- Sergeant Major of the Army
SMC	- Small Magellanic Cloud (see LMC)
SMD	- Storage Module Device (interface standard for disk drives)
SMD	- Surface Mounted Devices
SMERSH	- Abbr. of Russian phrase meaning "Death to the spies."
SMILS	- Sonobouy Missile Impact Location System
SMM	- Solar Maximum Mission
SN	- Super Nova
SNA	- Systems Network Architecture (IBM network)
SNAFU	- Situation Normal -- All F**** Up
SNAFU	- Situation Normal -- All Fouled Up (also, F*cked)
SNAFU	- Situation Normal: All F***ed Up
SNCF	- Societe National des Chemins de Fer (French National Railways)
SNOBOL	- StriNg Oriented symbOLic Language
SNR	- Signal to Noise Ratio
SO	- Seller's Option
SO	- Significant Other
SO	- Strike Out
SOH	- Start Of Header, ASCII contol character (dec=01,control-A)
SOHIO	- Standard Oil of oHIO
SOL	- Short on Landing (or, colloquially, Shit Out of Luck)
SOP	- Standard Operating Procedure
SOS	- Silicon On Saphire
SP	- Shore Patrol
SP	- Short Play (VHS VCR)
SP	- Southern Pacific
SP	- Stack Pointer
SPCA	- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCC	- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
SPNI	- Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
SRAM	- Short Range Attack Missile
SRB	- Solid fuel Rocket Booster
SRI	- Stanford Research Institute
SRO	- Standing Room Only
SSA	- Society Security Administration
SSB	- Single Side Band
SSE	- South-SouthEast
SSG	- Staff SerGeant
SSI	- Small Scale Integration
SSR	- Secondary Surveillance Radar
SSR	- Soviet Socialist Republic
SSTV	- Slow Scan TeleVision
SSW	- South-SouthWest
ST	- Short Ton
STD	- Sacrae Theologiae Doctor (doctor of sacred theology)
STD	- Sexually Transmitted Disease (replaces VD)
STD	- Subscriber Trunk Dialing (British for DDD)
STL	- St. Louis (airport designation)
STOL	- Short TakeOff and Landing
STP	- Standard Temperature and Pressure (see NTP)
SUNOCO	- SUN Oil COmpany
SW	- South West
Sci-Fi	- SCIence FIction (often used pejoratively of what really isn't)
Scuba	- Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Sonar	- SOund Detection And Ranging
TA	- Teaching Assistant
TAC	- Tactical Air Command (see SAC)
TAC	- Terminal Access Controller
TB	- TuBerculosis
TBA	- To Be Announced
TBD	- To Be Determined
TC	- Teachers College
TCA	- Terminal Controlled Airspace
TD	- TouchDown
TD	- Treasury Department
TDY	- Temporary DutY
TIA	- Thanks In Advance (special to USENET)
TIA	- Transient Ischemic Attack
TID	- Ter In Die (three times a day)
TKO	- Technical Knock Out
TL	- Total Loss
TLC	- Tender Loving Care
TM	- TradeMark
TMA	- Tycho Magnetic Anomaly (2001)
TMO	- Telephone Money Order
TNT	- TriNitro Toluene
TO	- Telegraph Office
TO	- Turn Over
TODS	- Transactions on Database Systems (ACM)
TOMS	- Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM)
TOOIS	- Transactions on Office Information Systems (ACM)
TOPLAS	- Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (ACM)
TOW	- Tube launched, Optically tracked, and Wire guided
TPC	- The Phone Company (from classic movie: _The President's Analyst_)
TPO	- Traveling Post Office
TSR	- TSR (Fortune 500 Company that manufactures Dungeons & Dragons)
TTL	- Transistor Transistor Logic
TTY	- TeleTYpe
TV	- TeleVision
TVA	- Tennesee Valley Authority
TWA	- Trans World Airlines
TWIMC	- To Whom It May Concern
TWT	- Traveling Wave Tube
TWX	- TeletypeWriter eXchange
Teflon	- polyTEtraFLuOrethyleNe
UA	- United Artists
UAR	- United Arab Republic
UART	- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UBA	- UniBus Adapter
UBC	- Universal Blibliographic Control
UCB	- University of California at Berkeley
UCB	- University of California at Berkeley
UCD	- University of California at Davis
UCI	- University of California at Irvine
UCLA	- Univeristy of California at Los Angeles
UCLA	- University of California at Los Angeles
UCLA	- University of California at Los Angeles
UCR	- University of California at Riverside
UCSB	- University of California at Santa Barbara
UCSC	- University of California at Santa Cruz
UCSD	- University of California at San Diego
UCSF	- University of California at San Francisco
UFO	- Unidentified Flying Object
UH	- Upper Half
UHF	- Ultra High Frequency
UHF	- Ultra High Frequency (300-3000MHz)
UK	- United Kingdom
UL	- Underwriters Laboratory
UMT	- Universal Military Training
UN	- United Nations
UNESCO	- United Nations Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization
UNICEF	- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (now United Nat. Child. Fund)
UNIX	- Not an acronym at all.  Was a joke on MIT's MULTICS.
UNO	- United Nations Organization
UP	- Union Pacific
UPI	- United Press International
UPI	- United Press International
UPS	- Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS	- United Parcel Service
UR	- University of Rochester
USA	- Union of South Africa
USA	- United States Army
USA	- United States of America
USAF	- United States Air Force
USAFA	- United States Air Force Academy (in Colorado Springs)
USC	- University of Southern California
USC	- Univesity of Southern California
USCG	- United States Coast Guard
USDA	- United States Department of Agriculture
USES	- United States Employment Service
USFL	- United States Football League
USIA	- United States Information Agency
USM	- United States Mail
USMC	- United States Marine Corps
USN	- United States Navy
USO	- United Service Organizations
USP	- United States Pharmacopeia
USPS	- United States Postal Service
USS	- United States Ship
USSR	- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USW	- Und so weiter
UT	- Universal Time
UTC	- Coordinated Universal Time
UV	- UltraViolet
UW	- UnderWriter
UW	- Univ of Wisconsin
VA	- Veterans Administration
VAR	- Value Added Remarketers
VASI	- Visual Approach Slope Indicator
VAT	- Value Added Tax
VAX	- Virtual Address eXtended
VCO	- Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCR	- VideoCassette Recorder
VD	- Venereal Disease (see also STD)
VF	- Video Frequency
VFW	- Volunteer Fire Department
VG	- Very Good
VG	- Vicar-General
VHF	- Very High Frequency (30-300MHz)
VHS	- Video Home System (VCR)
VHSIC	- Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
VIP	- Very Important Person
VISTA	- Volunteers In Service To America
VJ	- Video Jockey
VL	- Vulgar Latin
VLA	- Very Large Array radio telescope in Arizona or New Mexico
VLF	- Very Low Frequency (3-30KHz)
VLSI	- Very Large Scale Integration
VM	- Virtual Memory
VMOS	- Vertical Metal Oxide Semiconductor (V-MOS) (see MOS)
VOA	- Voice Of America
VOQ	- Visiting Officer's Quarters
VRC	- Vertical Redundancy Character
VTOL	- Vertical TakeOff and Landing
VTR	- VideoTape Recorder
VVSS	- Vertical Volute Spring Suspension
W	- West
WA	- Western Australia
WAC	- Womens Air Corps
WARC	- World Administrative Conference
WATS	- Wide Area Telephone Service
WATS	- Wide Area Telephone Service
WB	- Water Ballast
WB	- WayBill
WBC	- White Blood Cells
WC	- Water Closet
WC	- Without Charge
WCTU	- Women's Christian Temperance Union
WHBL	- World Home Bible League
WORM	- Write Once, Read Many time
WSI	- Wafer Scale Integration
WSW	- West-SouthWest
WU	- Washington University
WV	- West Virginia
WW	- World War
XD	- without Dividend
XL	- eXtra Large
XMTR	- transMiTteR (the X is for trans)
XO	- eXecutive Officer
XOR	- eXclusive OR (logical function)
XSECT	- cross SECTion
XTAL	- crysTAL (another version of x for crys, see XMTR)
YA	- Yet Another
YB	- YearBook
YMCA	- Young Mens Christian Association
YMHA	- Young Mens Hebrew Association
YOB	- Year Of Birth
YST	- Yukon Standard Time
YT	- Yukon Territory
YT	- Yukon Time
YWCA	- Young Womens Christian Association
YWHA	- Young Womens Hebrew Association
Z	- Zenith
Z	- Zero
ZB	- Zero Beat
ZETA	- Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly
ZGS	- Zero Gradient Synchrotron
ZI	- Zonal Index
ZIP	- Zone Improvement Plan (post office code)
ZK	- barrage balloon (navy symbol)
ZMRI	- Zinc Metals Research Institute
ZPG	- Zero Population Growth
ZPRSN	- Zurich Provisional Relative Sunspot Number
ZST	- Zone Standard Time
ZT	- Zone Time

You can merge this in as you see fit.  I left it separated in case
people thought that these were not general enough.

ACD	- Automatic Call Distributing system 
ACS	- Advanced Communications System
ACTS	- Automatic Coin Telephone Service 
ACU	- Alarm Control Unit
ADCI	- Automatic Display Call Indicator 
ADP	- Advanced Data Processing
ADS	- Automatic Voice System
AFADS	- Automatic Force Adjustment Data System 
AIC	- Automatic Intercept Center 
AIOD	- Automatic Identification Outward Dialing 
AIS	- Automatic Intercept System
AMA	- Automatic Message Accounting 
AMARC	- Automatic Message Accounting Recording Center 
ANC	- All Number Calling 
ANF	- Automatic Number Forwarding 
ANI	- Automatic Number Identification
AP	- All Points
ARPANET	- Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork
ATA	- Automatic Trouble Analysis 
ATM	- Automatic Teller Machine
ATTIS	- American Telephone and Telegraph Information Systems
AUTODIN	- AUTOmatic DIgital Network
AUTOVON	- AUTOmatic VOice Netework
BCP	- Byte Controlled Protocals
BDT	- Billing Data Transmitter
BELCORE	- BELL COmmunications REsearch
BICS	- Building Industry Consulting Services
BIOC	- Break Into Other Computers
BIS   	- Business Information System
BLF   	- Busy Line Field
BOC   	- Bell Operating Company
BOS   	- Business Office Supervisor
BSC   	- Binary Sychronous Communication
BTL	- Bell Telephone Laboratories
CAMA	- Centralized Automatic Message Accounting
CCI	- Computer Carrier Interupt
CCIS	- Common Channel Interoffice Signaling
CCSA	- Common Control Switching Arrangement
CDA	- Call Data Accumulator
CDO	- Community Dial Office
CEVI	- Common Equipment Voltage Indicator
CF	- Coin First payphone
CICS	- Customer Information Control System
CLR	- Combined Line and Recording
CLRC	- Circuit Layout Record Card
CMD	- Centralized Message Distribution
CMS	- Circuit Maintenance System
CN/A	- Customer Name / Address
CO	- Central Office
COER	- Central Office Equipment Report
COMAS	- Central Office Maintenance and Administration System
COSMIC	- COmmon System Main InterConnecting frame
COSMOS	- COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS
CPO	- Customer Premises Equipment
CREG	- Concentrated Range Extention with Gain
CSACS	- Centralized Status, Alarm and Control System
CSDC	- Circuit Switched Digital Capability
CSL	- Coin Supervising Link 
CSO	- Central Services Organization
CSP	- Control Switching Point
CSS	- Customer Switching System
DA	- Directory Assistance (/C = computerized, /M = Microfilm)
DACCS	- Digital Access Cross Connect System
DCTS	- Dimension Custom Telephone Service
DDD	- Direct Distance Dialing
DIAD	- (magnetic) Drum Information Assembler / Dispatcher
DIAS	- Defense Automatic Integrated System
DID	- Direct Inward Dialing
DLL	- Dial Long Line equipment
DNIC	- Data Network Identification Code
DNR	- Dialed Number Recorder
DOC	- Dynamic Overload Control
DP	- Dial Pulse
DRE	- Directional Reservation Equipment
DSA	- Dial System Assistance
DSS	- Direct Station Selection
DTF	- Dial Tone First payphone
DTMF	- Dial Tone Multi Frequency
EADASS	- Engineering and Administrative Data AcquiSition System
EAS	- Extended Area Service (or Engineering Admin. System) 
EBCDIC	- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
ECASS	- Electronically Controlled Automatic Switching System
ECDO	- Electronic Community Dial Office
ECO	- Electronic Central Office
EDTCC	- Electronic Data Transmission Communications Central
EMS	- Electronic Message System
EO	- End Office
ESAC	- Electronic Systems Assistance Center
ESS	- Electronic Switching System
ESSEX	- Experimental Solid State EXchange
ETFD	- Electronic Toll Fraud Device
ETS	- Electronic Translator System
EVX	- Electronic Voice eXchange
FACD	- Foriegn Area Customer Dialing
FAT	- Foriegn Area Translation
FTS	- Federal Telephone System
FX	- Foriegn eXchange
HACD	- Home Area Customer Dialing
HNPA	- Home Numbering Plan Area
HOBIS	- HOtel Billing Information System 
IDDD	- International Direct Distance Dialing 
IDF	- Intermediate Distributing Frame
INADS	- INitialization and ADministration System 
INWATS	- Inward Wide Area Telephone Service 
IOD	- Identified Outward Dialing
IP	- Intermediate Point
ISC	- International Switching Center
JIM	- Job Information Memorandum
KDCI	- Key Display Call Indicator
KP	- Key Pulse
KSU	- Key Service Unit
KTS	- Key Telephone System
KTU	- Key Telephone Unit
LAMA	- Local Automatic Message Accounting
LDX	- Long Distance eXtender
LIU	- Line Interface Unit
LL	- Long Lines
LLN	- Line Link Network
LLP	- Line Link Pulsing
LMOS	- Line Maintenance Operations System
LSS	- Loop Switching System
MAAP	- Maintenance And Admistration Panel
MCC	- Master Control Console
MDAS	- Magnetic Drum Auxiliary Sender
MDF	- Main Distrbution Frame
MF	- Multi-Frequency
MILNET	- MILitary NETwork
MTR	- Magnetic Tape Recording
MTSO	- Mobile Telephone Switching Office
NBO	- Network Build Out
NCA	- Network Control Analysis
NOTIS	- Network Operator Trouble Information System
NPA	- Number Plan Area
OCI	- Out of City Indicator
OIU	- Office Interface Unit
ONI	- Operator Number Identification
OSS	- Operation Support System
OUTWATS	- OUTward Wide Area Telephone Service
PAM	- Pulse Amplification Modulation
PATROL	- Program for Admistrative Traffic Reports On Line
PBX	- Private Branch Exchange
PCI	- Panel Call Indicator
PCM	- Pulse Code Modulation
PP	- Primary Point (or dial Post Pay payphone) 
PPCS	- Person to Person, Collect, Special
PSDS	- Public Switched Digital Service
RACEP	- Random Access and Correlation for Extended Performance 
RASC	- Residence Account Service Center
RC	- Regional Center
RCC	- Radio Common Carrier
RJE	- Remote Job Entry
RMATS	- Remote Maintenance Admistration and Traffic System
ROTS	- Rotary Out Trunks Selectors
RR	- Route Relay
RRO	- Rate and Route Operator
RSU	- Remote Switching Unit
RTA	- Remote Trunk Arrangement
RTAC	- Regional Technical Assistance Center
RU	- Receive Unit
SA	- Service Assistant
SAC	- Special Area Code
SAMA	- Step-by-step Automatic Message Accounting
SARTS	- Switched Access Remote Test System
SC	- Sectional Center
SCAN	- Switched Circuit Automatic Network
SCC	- Switching Control Center (or Specialized Common Carriers) 
SCOTS	- Surveilance and Control Of Transmission Systems

These came from Rick Heli and wuphys!mike (two people who must be heavily
into FRPG's).  Use and enjoy!

007	- James Bond 007
2044	- Superhero 2044
A	- Aftermath
AD&D	- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
AF	- Adventures in Fantasy
AG	- Arcade Game
B	- Book
BB	- Bunnies and Burrows
BC	- Battlecars
BD&D	- Basic Dungeons & Dragons
BH	- Boot Hill
BU	- Bushido
C	- Computer Game
C&S	- Chivalry & Sorcery
CH	- Cardboard Heroes
CHA	- Champions
CHI	- Chill:  Adventures into the Unknown
COC	- Call of Cthulhu
CW	- Car Wars
D&D	- Dungeons & Dragons
DD	- Daredevils
DM	- Dungeon Master
DQ	- Dragon Quest
E	- Espionage
ED&D	- Expert Dungeons & Dragons
EP	- Experience Points
EPT	- Empire of the Petal Throne
FRPG	- Fantasy Role Playing Game
FW	- Fringeworthy
GB	- Gangbusters
GM	- Game Master
GW	- Gamma World
H	- Harn
HF	- High Fantasy
HP	- Hit Points
HTK	- Hits To Kill
HW2000	- Highway 2000
JI	- Justice, Inc.
LOA	- Lands of Adventure
M	- Miniatures
MAG	- Magazine
MERP	- Middle-Earth Role Playing
MR	- Miniatures Rules
MSH	- Marvel Super Heroes
MSPE	- Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes
NPC	- Non-Player Character (see PC)
PA	- Play Aid
PBM	- Play by Mail Game
PC	- Player Character (see NPC)
R	- Rolemaster
RPG	- Role Playing Game
RQ	- Runequest
S	- Supplement
S&C	- Skull & Crossbones
SF	- Star Frontiers
SFRPG	- Science Fiction Role Playing Game
SG	- Starguard
SHCD	- Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
SHRPG	- Super Hero Role Playing Game
SO	- Space Opera
SP	- Star Patrol
STRPG	- Star Trek:  The Role-Playing Game
SW	- Superworld
T	- Traveller
T&T	- Tunnels & Trolls
TCT	- To Challenge Tomorrow
TFT	- The Fantasy Trip
TG	- Thieves' Guild
TMP	- The Morrow Project
TS	- Top Secret
TW	- Thieves' World
U	- Universe
V&V	- Villains & Vigilantes
WH	- Warhammer
WOW	- Worlds of Wonder
YRS	- Ysgarth Rules System

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