A faster /usr/bin/spell

Bill Vaughn bill at ur-cvsvax.UUCP
Fri Jun 28 04:00:54 AEST 1985

Here's a program that nicely speeds up /usr/bin/spell. It replaces both of
the "sort -u"'s in the pipeline toward the end of that shell script.  If this
is an 'old wheel' you've seen before, I'm sorry; just ignore it.  Otherwise,
I think you'll find it useful and easy to install.

Installation procedure:

1) Store the program to follow somewhere(/usr/src/usr.bin/spell is logical)
   and compile it with:
   	cc -O funiq.c -o funiq
   (If you want statistics on its use to be saved, compile it with:
   	cc -O -DSTATS funiq.c -o funiq
   and create a file calleds 'bstats' in /usr/dict.)

2) Move 'funiq' to an accessible place in the directory tree.

3) Edit /usr/bin/spell and replace the two instances of 'sort -u' with
   'funiq'. You might want to retain the old version for backup and for
   timing comparisons.

I think the program is commented well enough so that I don't have to say much
more. Enjoy!

Bill Vaughn
Center for Visual Science
Univ. of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627

Please post bugs/enhancements of funiq.c to net.sources.bugs

-----------------------------cut here------------------------------------
/* funiq.c
 * Written by Bill Vaughn,
 *		CVS, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY
 *		{seismo,allegra,decvax}!rochester!ur-cvsvax!bill
 * This program reads one line from the standard input, searches for
 * the line in an evolving binary tree sorted alphabetically.
 * If the line is NOT found, it is inserted in the tree and put on
 * the standard output. No action is taken if the line IS found.
 * The program is intended to work with one-word-per-line input,
 * but doesn't enforce that rule. The input to 'funiq' should be
 * random, NOT sorted. Sorted input gives worst case running time.
 * The program dynamically allocates all of its array space and uses
 * a binary tree storage method which, according to theory, has an
 * average search time proportional to log(N), where N is the number
 * of nodes in the tree at the time the search is performed.
 * Principal uses:
 * 1) 'Funiq' can replace the 'sort -u' in the pipeline in /usr/bin/spell. 
 *    'Funiq' will not block the pipe and it will run faster than sort.
 *    The input to /usr/lib/spell doesn't have to be sorted anyway; the
 *    final sort in the pipe does that. The reason for the 'sort -u' at
 *    that point in the pipeline is to limit the calls to the hashing
 *    function in /usr/lib/spell.  'Funiq' accomplishes this task much
 *    more efficiently.
 * 2) Also, 'funiq' can replace the default mode of 'uniq' in cases where
 *    the output need not be sorted.  The input should not be sorted
 *    (as opposed to 'uniq', where is must be sorted.)
 * Possible improvements:
 *	Use a balancing method on the binary tree to improve
 *	performance. See Knuth, 'Searching and Sorting', pp. 451-463
 *      for an algorithm to balance binary trees during insertion.
 *      It will require an extra byte of data per node however.
 *	(Further analysis reveals that this might not be worth the effort.)
 * Compilation:
 *		cc -O funiq.c -o funiq
 * or		cc -O -DSTATS funiq.c -o funiq	 (produces statistics)

#include <stdio.h>

/* The following defines the binary tree node structure

struct btreenode {
	char *str;
	struct btreenode *left, *right;

struct btreenode *head;		/* binary tree head*/
struct btreenode *alloc, *hend;	/* allocator pointers */
char *cstore, *cend;		/* character array begining and end */

char *nextstr(), *allocstr();
struct btreenode *nextnode(), *allocbtree();
char *calloc(), *malloc(), *gets();

/* Feel free to change the following allocation parameters as desired/needed.
 * One can spend as much or as little time in 'malloc/calloc' as one wants.
#define NODES	4096	/* Initial allocation for btree nodes */
#define STR	8192	/* Initial allocation for strings */
#define ADDNOD	1024	/* Additional allocation for btree nodes */
#define ADDSTR	2048	/* Additional allocation for strings */

#ifdef STATS
int charsused = 0;
char statfile[] = "/usr/dict/bstats";

char *argv[];
	register int n;
	register char *q;
	register struct btreenode *r;
#ifdef STATS
	register ncmps = 0;
	register maxdepth = 0;
	register nodesused = 0;
	register depth;
	register total = 0;
	FILE *f;

	if (argc > 1) {
		if (freopen(argv[1],"r",stdin) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr,"funiq: %s not accessible\n",argv[1]);

	/* Initialize the binary tree with first string of the input.
	 * Being a little more selective here might help
	 * balance the tree, but who knows? Random input is
	 * supposed to produce a reasonably balanced tree.

	q = cstore = allocstr(STR);	/* allocate string space */
	cend = cstore + STR;
	if (gets(q)==NULL)	/* get first line */

	alloc = head = allocbtree(NODES);/* allocate tree nodes */
	hend = head + NODES;	/* we're depending upon 'calloc' */
	alloc->str = q;		/* to set all the pointers to NULL */
	puts(q);		/* output the sucker */
#ifdef STATS
	q = nextstr(q);		/* get new string pointer. */

	/* Traverse tree with each input line, inserting and printing
	 * it if it's NOT found and discarding it if it is.
	while(gets(q)!=NULL) {
		r = head;
#ifdef STATS
		while ((ncmps++ , (n = strcmp(q,r->str))) != 0) {
		while ((n = strcmp(q,r->str)) != 0) {
			if (n < 0) {
				if (r->left != NULL) {
					r = r->left;
#ifdef STATS
					continue;	/* traversing left */
				else {
					/* Creating a left subtree */
					r->left = nextnode();
#ifdef STATS
					puts( (r->left)->str = q );
					q = nextstr(q);
					break;	/* get next line */
			else {
				if (r->right != NULL) {
					r = r->right;
#ifdef STATS
					continue;	/* traversing right */
				else {
					/* Creating a right subtree */
					r->right = nextnode();
#ifdef STATS
					puts( (r->right)->str = q );
					q = nextstr(q);
					break;	/* get next line */
#ifdef STATS
		if (++depth > maxdepth)
			maxdepth = depth;
	f = fopen(statfile,"a");
	exit(0);	/* That was fairly simple wasn't it? */

 * Returns pointer to an array of 'n' btree nodes.
struct btreenode *allocbtree(n)
	register struct btreenode *x;

	x = (struct btreenode *)
	     calloc((unsigned)n,(unsigned)sizeof(struct btreenode));
	if (x == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"funiq: not enough memory for tree nodes\n");

 * Returns a pointer to the next available btree node.
 * Gets more space if necessary.
struct btreenode *nextnode()
	if (++alloc >= hend ) {
		alloc = allocbtree(ADDNOD);
		hend = alloc + ADDNOD;

 * Returns pointer to 'n' bytes for character string storage.
char *allocstr(n)
	register char *x;

	x = malloc((unsigned)n);
	if (x == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"funiq: not enough memory for strings\n");

 * Returns a pointer to the next available string space.
 * Gets more space if necessary.
char *nextstr(s)
register char *s;
	register char *x;
	register int i;

#ifdef STATS
	charsused += (i = strlen(s) + 1);
	i = strlen(s) + 1;

	if ((x = s + i) >= cend) {
		x = allocstr(ADDSTR);
		cend = x + ADDSTR;

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