psystem(3) - example usage

Stephen J. Muir stephen at dcl-cs.UUCP
Tue Jun 25 18:59:43 AEST 1985

I was asked for a program to demonstrate the use of the (recently posted)
"psystem(3)".  Here it is.
----------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
/* This is NOT an example of a well written program */

main ()
	{ int	input, output;
	  static char	buf [512];
		/* you should really check the return value */
	  psystem ("dd conv=ucase", &input, &output, 0, 0);
		/* pump input into the command */
	  write (input, "this is my input\n", 17);
		/* indicate end-of-file to command */
	  close (input);
		/* collect output - you should really use the return value */
	  read (output, buf, 512);
		/* tidy up */
	  close (output);
		/* collect our zombie */
	  wait (0);
	  printf ("The output was \"%s\".\n", buf);
	  exit (0);
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