
Jordan Hayes jordan at ucbvax.ARPA
Wed Jun 26 01:53:30 AEST 1985

Why is it that all of this stuff (don't get me wrong, I grab a lot of
it and use some of it too!) ASSUMES that we all want the BELL char to
be a ^G ?? You know there *are* some of us out here that use a visual
bell and reflect this in our termcaps... What's the big deal about
checking for the bell character in a term entry from my environment ??
I'm only looking for a little consideration...

No, I'm not angry (at least not enough to stop subscribing to
net.sources), but maybe y'all should think about the minorities every
once in a while...

ARPA:		jordan at ucb-vax.BERKELEY.EDU
UUCP:		jordan at ucbvax.UUCP
WARHEADS:	 37' 52.29" N
		122' 15.41" W

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