4.2 driver for /dev/stdin

Mark Weiser mark at tove.UUCP
Mon Jun 24 12:39:05 AEST 1985

Sigh.  We have had this at Maryland in for form of /dev/fdxx (xx=0-20) for
more than a year, under both 4.1 and 4.2.  We even sent the source
to net.sources at least once.  Fred Blonder did it.  Net.sources and 
net.unix-wizards ought to help folks not reinvent the wheel, but 
not if people forget, don't give credit, or just don't keep up.
Spoken: Mark Weiser 	ARPA:	mark at maryland	Phone: +1-301-454-7817
CSNet:	mark at umcp-cs 	UUCP:	{seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!mark
USPS: Computer Science Dept., University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

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