PC Hack for MS-DOS

Keith Drescher kad at ttrdc.UUCP
Sat Jun 29 00:15:46 AEST 1985

Does anyone know of a version of hack that will run on a PC running
PC-DOS (MS-DOS)?  Either binary or Microsoft C compatible source
would be  OK.   

One final note:  I have hack for the pdp11/45 (which I still haven't
been able to port to SVR2).  Any one care to comment on my chances of
porting it to the pc under Microsoft C.  Just a note on system calls
in hack which Microsoft C does not support and ideas on how to 
implement them with PC-DOS would be appreciated.

Thanks much,
	Keith Drescher (kad at ttrdc)

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     The views presented here are not those of my employer, my family,
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