YA News Archiver

Chuq Von Rospach chuqui at nsc.UUCP
Fri Jun 7 10:36:39 AEST 1985

Here is a netnews archiver similar to the recently posted keepnews but
designed to work with much larger archives where the wonderful quadratic
search time feature of the Unix (Unix is a trademark of AT&T Bell Labs,
quadratic search times are a feature of Unix) becomes a real problem. This
archive also knows how to walk through a directory tree so you can simply
set it on /usr/spool/oldnews and let it do its work. There are lots of
other nifty things I call features (and you might, too) that make it a lot
easier to use than anything else I've seen set up to work on archives. Mine
simply outgrew any capability to do anything with about the same time I got
a request for information out of it. I found out (the hard way) that
keepnews wasn't terribly reliable working under 2.10.2, so I finally
decided to hack together my own.

Comments, enhancements, bug fixes, etc... are welcome, but I can only work
on them on a time available basis...

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	Makefile
#	savenews.c
# This archive created: Thu Jun  6 17:28:50 1985
# By:	Chuq Von Rospach (The Blue Parrot)
Savenews --

Savenews is a short program designed to make handling of usenet archives
generated by 'expire -a' easier, and to make it possible to find stuff in
the archive once it is there. 

It was created by me when I had to get something out of my archives and
realized that there was no way I was going to find anything in 70 megabytes
of random data. It keeps a set of logs of the Subject lines of the articles
and stores the articles themselves in a hashed subdirectory format designed
to minimize the quadratic lookup hassles of the unix directory system
(This, of course, is a feature). 

It has been put into the public domain by national semiconductor, and
neither myself or national guarantee that this code even exists, much
less that it does anything useful. This, BTW, is a disclaimer.

chuq von rospach
national semiconductor
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile
# Makefile for savenews

savenews: savenews.c
	${CC} ${CFLAGS} savenews.c -o savenews

	rm -f savenews

	lint -hx savenews.c
cat << \SHAR_EOF > savenews.c
 * savenews filename [filename ...]
 * Savenews is a program designed to clean up and compact a
 * usenet archive. It will take the filename(s) given to it as arguments
 * and save them in a netnews archive (defined by SAVENEWS, default is
 * /usr/spool/savenews).
 * This program was set up to do two main things:
 * 1) compact out the useless parts of the message, specifically the lines
 *    in the header that don't serve a useful purpose in an archive. This 
 *    is done by removing all but the following header lines: From, Date,
 *    Newsgroups, Subject, and Message-ID, and seems to save an average of
 *    500 bytes an article.
 * 2) keep the quadratic nature of unix(TM AT&T Bell labs) directory searches
 *    from making your life miserable. Storing a raw archive of
 *    net.unix-wizards is a silly thing to do, for example. What I do is
 *    create a one level subdirectory set to keep any one directory from
 *    getting too large, but this program is currently set so that there
 *    are enough directories to keep the total number of files in any one
 *    directory below about 150 in the largest parts of my archive. The
 *    algorithm I use is abs(atoi(Message-ID)%HASHVAL)) with HASHVAL being
 *    prime. This quick and dirty hash gives you directories with the
 *    numbers 0 to HASHVAL-1, and about the same number of files in each
 *    given a random distribution of Message-ID numbers (not bad, in
 *    reality)
 * The program will add the name of the file and the subject line of the
 * article in a logfile in subdirectory LOGS, the filename being the 
 * newsgroup.
 * As currently written, an article will be saved only to the first 
 * newsgroup in the Newsgroups header line. This means that something
 * posted to 'net.source,net.flame' will end up in net.sources, but that
 * somethine posted to 'net.flame,net.sources' will end up in net.flame.
 * I consider this a feature. Others may disagree.
 * If an article is saved that has a duplicate message-ID of one already
 * in the archive, then it will be saved by adding the character '_' and
 * some small integer needed to make the filename unique. You can then
 * use ls or find to look for these and see if they are duplicates (and
 * remove them) or if they are simply botches by some other site (it does
 * happen, unfortunately).
 * This program will do intelligent things if given a non-news article,
 * such as nothing. Don't push it, though -- I haven't tried it on
 * special devices, symbolic links, and other wierdies and it is likely
 * to throw up on some of them since I didn`t feel like protecting someone
 * from trying to archive /dev (if tar can consider this a feature, so can
 * I...)
 * This program uses the 4.2 Directory routines (libndir). If you don't
 * run 4.2, get ahold of a copy of the compatibility library for your
 * system and use it, or hack up do_dir and is_dir to get around it
 * if you believe in messing around with primitive hacks (I LIKE libndir)
 * General usage: every so often run the program with 
 * 'savenews /usr/spool/oldnews'. Look through /usr/spool/savenews
 * for duplicated articles and remove them, and then copy all of the
 * stuff to tape. Remove everything except the LOGS directory, so that
 * people can use grep to look for things in the archive. It should be
 * easy to get things back off of tape and make the archive useful this
 * way. Thinking about it, if you can't use the archive, you might as well
 * not have it, which is why this program got written (I needed something
 * out of my archive, and it took me a week to find it).
 * This program is designed to run under 2.10.2, but should work under any
 * B news system. Anyone else is on their own. This is in
 * the public domain by the kindness of my employer, national
 * semiconductor, but neither I nor national make any guarantee that it
 * will work, that we will support this program, or even admit that it
 * exists. This is called a disclaimer, and means that if you use this 
 * program, you are on your own. It DOES, however, pass lint cleanly, which
 * is more than I can say for most stuff posted to the net. Feel free to 
 * fix, break, enhance, change, or do anything to this program except
 * claim it to be your own (unless, of course, you break it...). Passing
 * enhancements back to me would be nice, too.
 *	chuq von rospach, national semiconductor (nsc!chuqui)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define FALSE		0
#define TRUE		1
#define HASHVAL		37	/* hash value for sub-dirs. Prime number! */
#define NUMDIRS		1024	/* number of dirs that can be pushed */
#define SAVENEWS	"/usr/spool/savenews" /* home of the archive */
#define LOGFILE		"LOGS"  /* subdir in SAVENEWS to save logs in */
#define JOBLOG		"joblog" /* where log of this job is put */
#define DIRMODE		0755    /* mkdir with this mode */
#define COPYBUF		8192    /* block read/write buffer size */

char *Progname;			/* name of the program for Eprintf */
char line[BUFSIZ];		/* general purpose line buffer */

#define NUM_HEADERS	5	/* number of headers we are saving */
#define GROUP_HEADER	1	/* where Newsgroup will be found */
#define SUBJECT_HEADER	2	/* where Subject will be found */
#define MESSAGE_HEADER	3	/* where Message-ID will be found */
char header_data[NUM_HEADERS][BUFSIZ];
char *headers[NUM_HEADERS] =

long num_saved = 0;		/* number of articles saved */
FILE *logfp;			/* file pointer to joblog file */

char *rindex(), *strcat(), *pop_dir(), *strcpy(), *strsave(), *index();

int argc;
char *argv[];
    register int i;
    char joblogfile[BUFSIZ];
    char *dirname;
     * This removes and preceeding pathname so that
     * anything printed out by Eprintf has just the 
     * program name and not where it came from
    if ((Progname = rindex(argv[0],'/')) == NULL)  
	Progname = argv[0];			   

    if (argc == 1) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s file [file ...]\n",Progname);

    if ((logfp = fopen(joblogfile,"w")) == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s, logging suspended\n",joblogfile);

    for (i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) {	/* process each parameter */
	register int rc;
	if ((rc = is_dir(argv[i])) == -1)
	else if (rc == TRUE)
    while((dirname = pop_dir()) != NULL) {
	do_dir(dirname);	/* process whatever is left on dirstack */
    printf("Total articles saved was %d\n",num_saved);

do_dir(dname) /* process a directory, push other directories on stack */
	      /* to be handled recursively later */
char *dname;
    DIR *dirp;
    struct direct *dp;
    char fullname[BUFSIZ];

    if ((dirp = opendir(dname)) == NULL) {
	Eprintf("can't opendir %s\n",dname);

    for (dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp)) {
	register int rc;

	if(dp->d_namlen == 2 && !strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") 
	|| (dp->d_namlen == 1 && !strcmp(dp->d_name,".")))
	    continue; /* skip . and .. */

	if((rc = is_dir(fullname)) == -1)
	else if (rc == TRUE)

char *name;
    struct stat sbuf;

    if (stat(name,&sbuf) == -1) {
	Eprintf("can't stat '%s'\n",name);
    return((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ? TRUE : FALSE);

char *s1,*s2,*s3,*s4,*s5,*s6,*s7,*s8,*s9;
    if (logfp == NULL)
    fprintf(logfp,"%s: ",Progname);

 * quick and dirty stack routines.
 * push_dir(name) char *name; 
 *	stores the given string in the stack
 * char *pop_dir()
 *	returns a string from the stack, or NULL if none.

static char *dirstack[NUMDIRS];
static int lastdir = 0;
static char pop_name[BUFSIZ];

char *name;
    if (lastdir >= NUMDIRS) {
	Eprintf("push_dir overflow!\n");
    dirstack[lastdir] = strsave(name);
    if (dirstack[lastdir] == NULL)
	Eprintf("malloc failed!\n");

char *pop_dir()
    if(lastdir == 0)
    dirstack[lastdir] = NULL;

char *strsave(s)
char *s;
    char *p, *malloc();

    if ((p = malloc((unsigned)strlen(s)+1)) != NULL)

save_file(name)		/* save the article in the archive */
char *name;
    FILE *fp, *ofp, *fopen(), *output_file();
    register int i, nc;
    char diskbuf[COPYBUF];

    Eprintf("saving '%s'\n",name);
    if ((fp = fopen(name,"r")) == NULL) {
	Eprintf("can't open\n");

    if ((fgets(line,BUFSIZ,fp) == NULL)) {
	Eprintf("0 length file\n");
    if (!start_header(line)) {
	Eprintf("not a news article\n");
    if ((ofp = output_file()) == NULL) {
	Eprintf("Can't save\n");

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_HEADERS; i++)

    while ((nc = fread(diskbuf,sizeof(char),COPYBUF,fp)) != 0)
	fwrite(diskbuf,sizeof(char),nc,ofp);	/* copy body of article */

start_header(s) /* see if this is the start of a news article */
char *s;
     * If this is coming from B news, the first line will 'always' be
     * Relay-Version (at least, on my system). Your mileage my vary.
    if (!strncmp(s,"Relay-Version:",14))
     * If you are copying a section of archive already archived by 
     * sendnews, then the first line will be From (unless you changed
     * the headers data structure, then its up to you...)
    if (!strncmp(s,"From:",5))

 * By the time we get here, the first line will already be read in and
 * checked by start_header(). If we are re-copying a savenews archive
 * (which happens when you decide to play with HASHVAL, trust me) then
 * we need to save the From line, so we can't just throw it away. Hence
 * the funky looking do-while setup instead of something a bit more
 * straightforward
FILE *fp;
    register int i;

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_HEADERS; i++)
	header_data[i][0] = '\0';		/* remove last articles data */

    do {
	char *cp;

	if (line[0] == '\n')	/* always be a blank line after the header */

	for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_HEADERS; i++) {
	    if (!strncmp(headers[i],line,strlen(headers[i]))) {
		if (cp = index(header_data[i],'\n'))
		    *cp = '\0';				/* eat newlines */
    } while (fgets(line,BUFSIZ,fp) != NULL);

FILE *output_file() /* generate the name in the archive */
    int hashval, copy = 0;
    FILE *fp, *fopen();
    char *p, newsgroup[BUFSIZ], message_id[BUFSIZ];
    char shortname[BUFSIZ], filename[BUFSIZ], filename2[BUFSIZ];

    /* get the first newsgroup */
    p = index(header_data[GROUP_HEADER],':'); /* move past Newsgroups */
    if (!p) {
	Eprintf("Invalid newsgroups\n");
    p++;	/* skip the colon */
    while (isspace(*p))
	p++;	/* skip whitespace */
    if (p = index(newsgroup,','))
	*p= '\0';	/* newsgroup now only has one name in it */
    /* get the message-id */
    p = index(header_data[MESSAGE_HEADER],':');
    if (!p) {
	Eprintf("Invalid message-id\n");
    p++;	/* skip the colon */
    while (isspace(*p))
	p++;	/* skip whitespace */
    if (*p == '<' || *p == '(')
    if (*p == '-') /* make negative article id numbers positive (hack) */
    if (p = index(message_id,'.')) /* trim off the .UUCP if any */
	*p = '\0';
    else if (p = index(message_id,'>'))  /* or get the closing bracket */
	*p = '\0';
    else if (p = index(message_id,')')) /* or get the closing paren */
	*p = '\0';
    if (p = index(message_id,'@'))	/* change nnn at site */
	*p = '.';			/* to nnn.site */

    /* generate the hash value for the subdirectory */
    hashval = atoi(message_id) % HASHVAL;

    /* setup the filename to save to */
    while (exists(filename)) {	/* make it unique if neccessary */

    strcpy(filename2,filename);			/* must chop off the filename */
    if (p = rindex(filename2,'/'))		/* since we don't want to */
	*p = '\0';				/* to makeparents */

    if ((fp = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) {
	Eprintf("Can't open %s for output\n",filename);

char *name;
    struct stat sbuf;

    if (stat(name,&sbuf) == -1) {

makeparents(name) /* recursively make parent directories */
char *name;
    char *p, buf[BUFSIZ];

    if (exists(name))
    if (!(p = rindex(buf,'/'))) {
	Eprintf("makeparents failed!\n");
    *p = '\0';

log(group,name) /* write to the logfile */
char *group, *name;
    char *subject, logfile[BUFSIZ];
    FILE *ofp, *fopen();

    /* get the subject */
    subject = index(header_data[SUBJECT_HEADER],':');
    if (!subject) {
	Eprintf("Invalid subject, no log entry\n");
    subject++;	/* skip the colon */
    while (isspace(*subject))
	subject++;	/* skip whitespace */

    /* generate the place where it goes */

    if ((ofp = fopen(logfile,"a")) == NULL)
	Eprintf("open failed on %s\n",logfile);
    fprintf(ofp,"%s\t%s\n", name, subject);

#	End of shell archive
exit 0
:From the misfiring synapses of:                  Chuq Von Rospach
{cbosgd,fortune,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo}!nsc!chuqui   nsc!chuqui at decwrl.ARPA

The offices were very nice, and the clients were only raping the land, and
then, of course, there was the money...

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