``file descriptor'' pseudo-device driver for 4.2BSD

Fred Blonder fred at gymble.UUCP
Fri Jun 21 14:34:53 AEST 1985

I'm re-posting this due to popular demand:

This is a pseudo-device driver which implements a
series of devices: /dev/fd0 - /dev/fd19 which are
surreptitiously equivalenced to whatever file (if
any) is associated with the corresponding file
descriptor in the process which is attempting to
open that file. In other words: opening the file
/dev/fd<n> is almost the same as doing the system
call: dup(n). It's different in that if the file
is a device, the driver's open routine is called.
If the corresponding file descriptor is a pipe
(socket) a dup() sys call is faked.

This can be used to force programs to read from
their standard input, or write to their standard
output, even if they haven't been designed to do
so.  For instance:

	ln -s /dev/fd0 xx.c
	cc xx.c
	{ Type a C program here. }

Or, to see if a certain source file compiled into a
particular object file:

	cc source.c -o /dev/fd1 | cmp - objectfile

Be sure to make these mods in your conf directory.

In the config file:
	pseudo-device	fd

In the ``files'' file:
	sys/dev_fd.c		optional fd


: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting dev_fd.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >dev_fd.c
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Header: /usr/sys/sys/RCS/dev_fd.c,v 1.1 84/12/01 21:38:17 chris Exp $";
#endif lint

 * fd.c		Fred Blonder - U of Maryland	11-Sep-1984
 * ``File Descriptor'' pseudo-device driver, rewritten for Berkeley 4.2.
 * Opening minor device N opens the file (if any) connected to file-descriptor
 * N belonging to the calling process. Note that this driver consists of only
 * the ``open()'' routine, because all subsequent references to this file will
 * be direct to the other driver.

#include "fd.h"
#if NFD > 0

#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/inode.h"
#include "../h/file.h"
#include "../h/dir.h"
#include "../h/user.h"
#include "../h/errno.h"


fdopen(dev, mode)
dev_t dev;
int mode;
	struct file *fp, *wfp;
	struct inode *ip, *wip;
	int rwmode, error;

	 * Note the horrid kludge here: u.u_r.r_val1 contains the value
	 * of the new file descriptor, which has not been disturbed since
	 * it was allocated.
	if ((fp = getf(u.u_r.r_val1)) == NULL)
		return (u.u_error);

	if ((wfp = getf(minor(dev))) == NULL)
		return (u.u_error);

	 * We must explicitly test for this case because ufalloc() may
	 * have allocated us the same file desriptor we are referring
	 * to, if the proccess referred to an invalid (closed) descriptor.
	 * Ordinarily this would be caught by getf(), but by the time we
	 * reach this routine u_pofile[minor(dev)] could already be set
	 * to point to our file struct.
	if (fp == wfp)
		return (EBADF);

	ip = (struct inode *)fp->f_data;

	 * Fake a ``dup()'' sys call if it isn't an inode.
	if (wfp->f_type != DTYPE_INODE) {
		 * Check that the mode the file is being opened
		 * for is consistent with the mode of the existing
		 * descriptor. This isn't as clean as it should be,
		 * but this entire driver is a real kludge anyway.
		rwmode = mode & (FREAD|FWRITE);
		if ((fp->f_flag & rwmode) != rwmode)
			return (EACCES);

		/* Delete references to this pseudo-device. */
		irele(ip);		/* Chuck the inode. */
		fp->f_count = 0;	/* Chuck the file structure. */
		/* Dup the file descriptor. */
		dupit(u.u_r.r_val1, wfp, u.u_pofile[minor(dev)]);
		return (0);

	error = 0;
	wip = (struct inode *)wfp->f_data;

	 * I'm not sure that we really need to lock the inode here,
	 * but why not be paranoid?

	 * Since we're opening a file again, we run through all the
	 * permission checks so this can't be used as a loophole to
	 * get access to a file we shouldn't have.  (GROT)
	if (mode & FREAD && access(wip, IREAD))
		goto bad;
	if (mode & (FWRITE|FTRUNC)) {
		if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR) {
			error = EISDIR;
			goto bad;
		if (access(wip, IWRITE))
			goto bad;

	 * The file must always exist, so we don't even bother testing
	 * for its presence.
	if ((mode & (FCREAT|FEXCL)) == (FCREAT|FEXCL)) {
		error = EEXIST;
		goto bad;

	 * This may not make any sense, but I'm paranoid and figure that
	 * it's probably an error.
	if (mode & FTRUNC) {
		error = EBUSY;
		goto bad;

	/* Call the device-specific open routine, if any. */
	if ((error = openi(wip, mode)) != 0)
		goto bad;

	 * Made it this far, now switch the inode pointers in the
	 * file descriptors around, to make this file open refer
	 * to the other file.
	irele(ip);		/* We don't need this anymore. */
	fp->f_data = (caddr_t)wip;
	return (0);

	return (error);

#endif NFD > 0
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 dev_fd.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld dev_fd.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting fd.4'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >fd.4
X.TH FD 4l "13-Oct-1984 (U of Maryland)"
X.UC 4
X/dev/fd* \- ``file descriptor'' driver
X.I /dev/fd0
X.I /dev/fd19
are special files that reference the files associated with a process'
open file descriptors.
That is, opening the file: /dev/fd\fIN\fP is equivalent to opening whatever
file you opened to get the file descriptor \fIN\fP, even though you may not
know the file's true name (or even if it has one).
This can be used to force a program which opens files by name, to connect
itself to open file descriptors (which you have thoughtfully provided) in
weird and wonderful ways. A simple use would be to force a program which
only accepts input from files, to read from its standard input.
For instance:
X.ti +10
cat /dev/fd0
produces the same result as:
X.ti +10
cat -
which would be useful if \fIcat\fP didn't use the ``-'' convention.
X.sp 2
If the open file descriptor references a socket, the driver fakes a ``dup()''
system call instead of actually opening a file. In this case it
checks to see that the read/write mode you are attempting to open
the file with, is compatible with the mode of the existing file descriptor.
That is: if descriptor 5 refers to a socket and
is open for writing, you cannot open ``/dev/fd5''
for reading.
Fred Blonder <Fred at Maryland>
Since, for sockets,
the driver fakes a ``dup'' system call rather than actually re-opening
the file, the new descriptor is a copy of the dup-ed descriptor, and shares
its properties. Specifically: it will have the same read/write mode as the
dup-ed descriptor. If descriptor 0 is open for reading and writing, opening
``/dev/fd0'' for reading will return a writable, as well as readable, file
Also: the descriptors share the same read/write pointer, so seeks, reads &
writes on one will affect the other.
While not a bug in the driver specifically, use of these files can produce odd
interactions with programs which don't expect to have their file
descriptors surreptitiously aliased.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 fd.4
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld fd.4
All characters mentioned herein are fictitious. Any similarity to
actual characters, ASCII or EBCDIC is purely coincidental.

						Fred Blonder (301) 454-7690
						Fred at Maryland.{ARPA,CSNet}

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