Rog-O-Matic Paranoia

Joanna Bryson dr37 at sphinx.UChicago.UUCP
Thu Mar 14 19:46:33 AEST 1985

perhaps this should be in bugs, but we found this serious enough to take 
Rog-O off our system.  Maybe it's just u of c...
	Someone here had Rog-O-Matic on the computer science departments unix, 
with general access.  We all enjoyed watching it eat our money, but then strangethings began happening.  There were rumors that Rog-O games were floating around
in the background on our system, eating solely cpu time and no money, but people
could login to one and have it begin eating theirs.  It turned out that if one
turned off a terminal while Rog-O was playing, the game would continue playing 
on your account even though the unix logged you out.  You could then log in and
out without ever knowing about this job unless you happened to check your back-
ground jobs.  This happened to several people at a rather odd party where so 
many people were playing this and other high cpu games that the system stalled.
Some people just shut off their terminals and went home, and wondered for 
several days where their money was going, untill one briliant individual found
	Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of your machines?

highly ammused if somewhat poorer---

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