vc hacks

Christer Bernerus bernerus at chalmers.UUCP
Sat Mar 9 06:05:52 AEST 1985

The number of requests for the vc hacks was amazing! Here they are,
the bug reports published on the net was installed befor I started my
hacking, so you might have to fix those bugs first.

I also corrected a bug that caused all constants to be set to zero when
a line was copied with ^J.

*** /tmp/,RCSt1009610	Fri Mar  8 14:54:45 1985
--- gram.y	Fri Mar  8 14:48:33 1985
*** 44,73
  %token S_PROGLET
  %token K_EXEC
  %token K_FIXED
- %token K_EXP
- %token K_LOG
- %token K_LOGD
- %token K_POW
- %token K_SQRT
- %token K_FIXED
- %token K_FLOOR
- %token K_CEIL
- %token K_HYPOT
- %token K_FABS
- %token K_SIN
- %token K_COS
- %token K_ASIN
- %token K_ACOS
- %token K_ATAN
- %token K_ATANII
- %token K_DTR
- %token K_RTD
- %token K_SINH
- %token K_COSH
- %token K_TANH
- %token K_PI
- %token K_MAX
- %token K_MIN
  %token K_R
  %token K_C

--- 44,49 -----
  %token S_PROGLET
  %token K_EXEC
  %token K_FIXED
  %token K_R
  %token K_C
*** 76,83
  %left '&'
  %nonassoc '<' '=' '>'
  %left '+' '-'
! %left '*' '/' '%'
! %left '^'
  command:	S_LET var '=' e	{ let ($2, $4); }

--- 52,58 -----
  %left '&'
  %nonassoc '<' '=' '>'
  %left '+' '-'
! %left '*' '/'
  command:	S_LET var '=' e	{ let ($2, $4); }
*** 118,124
  	|	'-' term	{ $$ = new ('m', 0, $2); }
  	|	NUMBER		{ $$ = new ('k', (double) $1); }
  	|	FNUMBER		{ $$ = new ('k', $1); }
- 	|	K_PI		{ $$ = new ('X',0,0); }
  	|	'~' term	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, $2); }
  	|	'!' term	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, $2); }

--- 93,98 -----
  	|	'-' term	{ $$ = new ('m', 0, $2); }
  	|	NUMBER		{ $$ = new ('k', (double) $1); }
  	|	FNUMBER		{ $$ = new ('k', $1); }
  	|	'~' term	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, $2); }
  	|	'!' term	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, $2); }
*** 127,134
  	|	e '-' e		{ $$ = new ('-', $1, $3); }
  	|	e '*' e		{ $$ = new ('*', $1, $3); }
  	|	e '/' e		{ $$ = new ('/', $1, $3); }
- 	|	e '%' e		{ $$ = new ('%', $1, $3); }
- 	|	e '^' e		{ $$ = new ('^', $1, $3); }
  	|	term
  	|	e '?' e ':' e	{ $$ = new ('?', $1, new(':', $3, $5)); }
  	|	e '<' e		{ $$ = new ('<', $1, $3); }

--- 101,106 -----
  	|	e '-' e		{ $$ = new ('-', $1, $3); }
  	|	e '*' e		{ $$ = new ('*', $1, $3); }
  	|	e '/' e		{ $$ = new ('/', $1, $3); }
  	|	term
  	|	e '?' e ':' e	{ $$ = new ('?', $1, new(':', $3, $5)); }
  	|	e '<' e		{ $$ = new ('<', $1, $3); }
*** 139,172
  	|	e '<' '=' e	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, new ('>', $1, $4)); }
  	|	e '!' '=' e	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, new ('=', $1, $4)); }
  	|	e '>' '=' e	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, new ('<', $1, $4)); }
- 	|	K_EXP '(' e ')' { $$ = new ('E', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_LOG '(' e ')' { $$ = new ('N', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_LOGD '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('L', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_POW '(' e ',' e ')'
- 				{ $$ = new ('P', $5, $3);}
- 	|	K_SQRT '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('Q', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_FLOOR '(' e ')'
- 				{ $$ = new ('F', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_CEIL '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('C', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_FABS '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('A', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_HYPOT '(' e ',' e ')'
- 				{ $$ = new ('H', $5, $3);}
- 	|	K_SIN '(' e ')' { $$ = new ('S', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_COS '(' e ')' { $$ = new ('T', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_ASIN '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('B', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_ACOS '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('U', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_ATAN '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('I', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_ATANII '(' e ',' e ')'
- 				{ $$ = new ('J', $5, $3);}
- 	|	K_DTR '(' e ')' { $$ = new ('R', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_RTD '(' e ')' { $$ = new ('D', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_SINH '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('K', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_COSH '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('M', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_TANH '(' e ')'{ $$ = new ('O', 0, $3);}
- 	|	K_MAX '(' e ',' e ')'
- 				{ $$ = new ('V', $5, $3);}
- 	|	K_MIN '(' e ',' e ')'
- 				{ $$ = new ('W', $5, $3);}
  row:		K_R NUMBER	{ $$ = $2; };

--- 111,116 -----
  	|	e '<' '=' e	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, new ('>', $1, $4)); }
  	|	e '!' '=' e	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, new ('=', $1, $4)); }
  	|	e '>' '=' e	{ $$ = new ('~', 0, new ('<', $1, $4)); }
  row:		K_R NUMBER	{ $$ = $2; };
*** /tmp/,RCSt1009610	Fri Mar  8 14:54:52 1985
--- interp.c	Fri Mar  8 14:52:10 1985
*** 8,14
  #include "sc.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
  #define DEFCOLDELIM ':'
  double pi(),dtr(),rtd();

--- 8,13 -----
  #include "sc.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
  #define DEFCOLDELIM ':'
  char *malloc();
*** 11,17
  #include <math.h>
  #define DEFCOLDELIM ':'
- double pi(),dtr(),rtd();
  char *malloc();
  double eval(e)

--- 10,15 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #define DEFCOLDELIM ':'
  char *malloc();
  double eval(e)
*** 35,74
  	case '~':	return (!eval(e->e.o.right));
  	case 'k':	return (e->e.k);
  	case 'v':	return (e->e.v->v);
- 	case 'E':	return (exp(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'N':	return (log(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'L':	return (log10(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'P':	return (pow(eval(e->e.o.right),eval(e->e.o.left)));
- 	case 'Q':	return (sqrt(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'F':	return (floor(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'C':	return (ceil(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'A':	return (fabs(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'H':	return (hypot(eval(e->e.o.right),eval(e->e.o.left)));
- 	case 'S':	return (sin(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'T':	return (cos(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'B':	return (asin(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'U':	return (acos(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'I':	return (atan(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'J':	return (atan2(eval(e->e.o.right),eval(e->e.o.left)));
- 	case 'R':	return (dtr(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'D':	return (rtd(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'K':	return (sinh(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'M':	return (cosh(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'O':	return (tanh(eval(e->e.o.right)));
- 	case 'V':       {
- 			  register double left,right;
- 			  left = eval(e->e.o.left);
- 			  right= eval(e->e.o.right);
- 			  return left>right?left:right;
- 			}
- 	case 'W':       {
- 			  register double left,right;
- 			  left = eval(e->e.o.left);
- 			  right= eval(e->e.o.right);
- 			  return left<right?left:right;
- 			}
- 	case 'X':	return pi();
- 	case '^':	return (pow(eval(e->e.o.left), eval(e->e.o.right)));
  	case 'p':	return (executeprogram(e));
  	case O_REDUCE('+'):
  	case O_REDUCE('*'):

--- 33,38 -----
  	case '~':	return (!eval(e->e.o.right));
  	case 'k':	return (e->e.k);
  	case 'v':	return (e->e.v->v);
  	case 'p':	return (executeprogram(e));
  	case O_REDUCE('+'):
  	case O_REDUCE('*'):
*** 103,122
  #define MAXPROP 7
- double pi()
- {
- 	return 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511;
- }
- double dtr(x) double x;
- {
- 	return (pi() * x / 180.0);
- }
- double rtd(x) double x;
- {
- 	return (180.0 * x /  pi());
- }
  EvalAll () {
      int lastct,repct = 0;

--- 67,72 -----
  #define MAXPROP 7
  EvalAll () {
      int lastct,repct = 0;
*** 254,259
  	if (mypriority<priority) line[linelim++] = '(';
  	switch (e->op) {
  	case '~':	line[linelim++] = '~';
  			decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);

--- 204,218 -----
  	if (mypriority<priority) line[linelim++] = '(';
  	switch (e->op) {
+ 	case 'f':	{   register char *s;
+ 			    for (s="fixed "; line[linelim++] = *s++;);
+ 			    linelim--;
+ 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
+ 			    break;
+ 			}
+ 	case 'm':	line[linelim++] = '-';
+ 			decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
+ 			break;
  	case '~':	line[linelim++] = '~';
  			decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
*** 257,262
  	case '~':	line[linelim++] = '~';
  			decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
  	case O_REDUCE('+'):
  	case O_REDUCE('*'):
  			line[linelim++] = e->op&0177;

--- 216,226 -----
  	case '~':	line[linelim++] = '~';
  			decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
+ 	case 'v':	decodev (e->e.v);
+ 			break;
+ 	case 'k':	sprintf (line+linelim,"%g",e->e.k);
+ 			linelim += strlen (line+linelim);
+ 			break;
  	case O_REDUCE('+'):
  	case O_REDUCE('*'):
  			line[linelim++] = e->op&0177;
*** 291,456
  			line[linelim++] = ')';
- #define emit(x) for(s=x;line[linelim++] = *s++;);linelim--
- 	case 'f':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("fixed ");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'E':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("EXP(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'N':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("LOG(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'L':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("LOGD(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'P':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("POW(");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.right, 30);
-   			    emit(",");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.left,30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'Q':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("SQRT(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'F':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("FLOOR(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'C':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("CEIL(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'A':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("FABS(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'H':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("HYPOT(");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.right, 30);
-   			    emit(",");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.left,30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'S':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("SIN(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'T':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("COS(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'B':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("ASIN(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'U':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("ACOS(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'I':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("ATAN(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'J':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("ATANII(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(",");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.left, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'R':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("DTR(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'D':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("RTD(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'K':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("SINH(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'M':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("COSH(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'O':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("TANH(");
- 			    decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'V':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("MAX(");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.right, 30);
-   			    emit(",");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.left,30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'W':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("MIN(");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.right, 30);
-   			    emit(",");
- 			    decompile(e->e.o.left,30);
- 			    emit(")");
- 			    break;
- 	 		}
- 	case 'X':	{   register char *s;
- 			    emit("PI");
- 			    break;
- 			}
- 	case 'm':	line[linelim++] = '-';
- 			decompile (e->e.o.right, 30);
- 			break;
- 	case 'v':	decodev (e->e.v);
- 			break;
- 	case 'k':	sprintf (line+linelim,"%g",e->e.k);
- 			linelim += strlen (line+linelim);
- 			break;
  	default:	decompile (e->e.o.left, mypriority);
  			line[linelim++] = e->op;
  			decompile (e->e.o.right, mypriority+1);

--- 255,260 -----
  			line[linelim++] = ')';
  	default:	decompile (e->e.o.left, mypriority);
  			line[linelim++] = e->op;
  			decompile (e->e.o.right, mypriority+1);
*** 574,580
  		ret->e.v = lookat (e->e.v->row+Rdelta, e->e.v->col+Cdelta);
  	case 'k':
- 		ret->e.k = e->e.k;
  	case 'f':
  		ret->e.o.right = copye (e->e.o.right,0,0);

--- 378,383 -----
  		ret->e.v = lookat (e->e.v->row+Rdelta, e->e.v->col+Cdelta);
  	case 'k':
  	case 'f':
  		ret->e.o.right = copye (e->e.o.right,0,0);
*** /tmp/,RCSt1009610	Fri Mar  8 14:55:01 1985
--- lex.c	Fri Mar  8 14:52:11 1985
*** 94,105
  	if (*p) p++;
  	linelim = p-line;
  	return yylex();
!     } else if(*p == '*' && *(p+1) == '*')
! 	{
! 		ret = '^';
! 		p+=2;
! 	}
!     else ret = *p++;
      linelim = p-line;
      return ret;

--- 94,100 -----
  	if (*p) p++;
  	linelim = p-line;
  	return yylex();
!     } else ret = *p++;
      linelim = p-line;
      return ret;
*** 108,114
  int dbline;
  debug (fmt, a, b, c) {
! 	mvprintw (1+(dbline++%23),14,fmt,a,b,c);

--- 103,109 -----
  int dbline;
  debug (fmt, a, b, c) {
! 	mvprintw (2+(dbline++%22),40,fmt,a,b,c);
*** 112,119
! help ()
! {
      dbline = 0;
      debug (" ***** Functions  ****** *********** Commands ********************");
      debug (" EXP(e) exponential      j,^N next row        k,^P previous row");

--- 107,113 -----
! help () {
      dbline = 0;
  /*	   "====================!===================" */
      debug ("|^N next row         ^P previous row");
*** 115,141
  help ()
      dbline = 0;
!     debug (" ***** Functions  ****** *********** Commands ********************");
!     debug (" EXP(e) exponential      j,^N next row        k,^P previous row");
!     debug (" LOG(e) natural log      ^A type var value    ^E type var expr");
!     debug (" LOGD(e) Base 10 log     l,^F next column     h,^B previous column");
!     debug (" POW(e,e) power function ^R redraw screen     ?  help (this msg)");
!     debug (" SQRT(e) square root     ^C exit              ^G erase command");
!     debug (" FLOOR(e) last integer   DEL,^H erase char    ^L fix screen");
!     debug (" CEIL(e)  next integer   ^J open new row      ^V type var name");
!     debug (" FABS(e) absolute value  =  enter new value   ?  help (this msg)");
!     debug (" HYPOT(e,e) trig. dist.  \"  label             e  edit value");
!     debug (" PI value of pi.         <  left flush str    >  right flush str");
!     debug (" SIN(e) sine function    g  get database      p  put database");
!     debug (" COS(e) cosine function  w  write listing     f  set format");
!     debug (" ATAN(e) arc tangent     O,r  open row here   c  open col here");
!     debug (" ATANII(e,e) arc tangent C  clear entry       T  write tbl fmt");
!     debug (" DTR(e) degrees to rad.  d  delete this row   D  delete this col");
!     debug (" RTD(e) rad. to degrees  E  edit string       M  merge in database");
!     debug (" SINH(e) sine hyp fnc    ***************operators*****************");
!     debug (" COSH(e) cosine hyp fnc  +,-,*,/  add,subtract,multiply,divide");
!     debug (" TANH(e) tangent hyp     e%%e   modulo op      e**e  power op.");
!     debug (" MAX(e,e) maximum fnc    +/v:v sum region      e^e   power op.");
!     debug (" MIN(e,e) minimum fnc    */v:v multiply region e?e:e conditional");
!     debug ("                         <,=,>,<=,>= relations &,| booleans");

--- 109,135 -----
  help () {
      dbline = 0;
! /*	   "====================!===================" */
!     debug ("|^N next row         ^P previous row");
!     debug ("|^F next column      ^B previous column");
!     debug ("|^C exit             ^G erase command");
!     debug ("|DEL,^H erase char   ^L fix screen");
!     debug ("|^J open new row     ^V type var name");
!     debug ("|^A type var value   ^E type var expr");
!     debug ("|^R redraw screen    ?  help (this msg)");
!     debug ("|");
!     debug ("|=  enter new value  C  clear entry");
!     debug ("|\"  label            f  set format");
!     debug ("|<  left flush str   >  right flush str");
!     debug ("|g  get database     p  put database");
!     debug ("|w  write listing    T  write tbl fmt");
!     debug ("|r  open row here    c  open col here");
!     debug ("|d  delete this row  D  delete this col");
!     debug ("|E  edit string      e  edit value");
!     debug ("|M  merge in database");
!     debug ("|");
!     debug ("| ***operators***");
!     debug ("|+,-,*,/   add,subtract,multiply,divide");
!     debug ("|+/v:v sum region     e?e:e conditional");
!     debug ("|<,=,>,<=,>= relations  &,| booleans");
No differences encountered
*** /tmp/,RCSt1009610	Fri Mar  8 14:55:10 1985
--- sc.c	Fri Mar  8 14:52:15 1985
*** 35,42
  int seenerr;
  yyerror (err)
! char *err;
! {
      if (seenerr) return;
      move (1,0);

--- 35,41 -----
  int seenerr;
  yyerror (err)
! char *err; {
      if (seenerr) return;
      move (1,0);
*** 44,51
      printw ("%s: %.*s<=%s",err,linelim,line,line+linelim);
! struct ent *lookat(row,col)
! {
      register struct ent **p = &tbl[row][col];
      if (*p==0) {
  	*p = (struct ent *) malloc (sizeof (struct ent));

--- 43,49 -----
      printw ("%s: %.*s<=%s",err,linelim,line,line+linelim);
! struct ent *lookat(row,col){
      register struct ent **p = &tbl[row][col];
      if (*p==0) {
  	*p = (struct ent *) malloc (sizeof (struct ent));
*** 60,67
      return *p;
! update ()
! {
      register    row,
      register struct ent **p;

--- 58,64 -----
      return *p;
! update () {
      register    row,
      register struct ent **p;
*** 105,111
  		if ((*p) -> flags & is_valid)
  		    printw ("%*.*f", fwidth[col], precision[col], (*p) -> v);
  		if (s = (*p) -> label) {
! /*		    char field[1024];
  		    field[fwidth[col]] = 0; */

--- 102,108 -----
  		if ((*p) -> flags & is_valid)
  		    printw ("%*.*f", fwidth[col], precision[col], (*p) -> v);
  		if (s = (*p) -> label) {
! 		    char field[1024];
  		    field[fwidth[col]] = 0;
*** 108,114
  /*		    char field[1024];
! 		    field[fwidth[col]] = 0; */
  		    mvaddstr (r,
  			    (*p) -> flags & is_leftflush
  			    ? c : c - strlen (/* field*/ s) + fwidth[col],

--- 105,111 -----
  		    char field[1024];
! 		    field[fwidth[col]] = 0;
  		    mvaddstr (r,
  			    (*p) -> flags & is_leftflush
  			    ? c : c - strlen (field) + fwidth[col],
*** 111,118
  		    field[fwidth[col]] = 0; */
  		    mvaddstr (r,
  			    (*p) -> flags & is_leftflush
! 			    ? c : c - strlen (/* field*/ s) + fwidth[col],
! 			    /*field*/ s);
  	    c += fwidth[col];

--- 108,115 -----
  		    field[fwidth[col]] = 0;
  		    mvaddstr (r,
  			    (*p) -> flags & is_leftflush
! 			    ? c : c - strlen (field) + fwidth[col],
! 			    field);
  	    c += fwidth[col];
*** 423,429
  			    editv (currow, curcol);
  			case 'E':
- 			    instring = 1;
  			    edits (currow, curcol);
  			case 'f':

--- 420,425 -----
  			    editv (currow, curcol);
  			case 'E':
  			    edits (currow, curcol);
  			case 'f':
*** 534,543
      endwin ();
! modcheck(endstr) char *endstr;
! {
!     char ch, lin[100];
      if (modflg && curfile[0]) {
  	move(0, 0);

--- 530,536 -----
      endwin ();
! modcheck(endstr) char *endstr; {
      if (modflg && curfile[0]) {
  	char ch, lin[100];
*** 539,544
      char ch, lin[100];
      if (modflg && curfile[0]) {
  	move(0, 0);

--- 532,538 -----
  modcheck(endstr) char *endstr; {
      if (modflg && curfile[0]) {
+ 	char ch, lin[100];
  	move (0, 0);
  	clrtoeol ();
*** 540,549
      if (modflg && curfile[0]) {
! 	move(0, 0);
! 	clrtoeol();
! 	sprintf(lin,"File '%s' is modified, save%s? ",curfile,endstr);
! 	addstr(lin);
  	ch = nmgetch();
  	if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') writefile(curfile);

--- 534,543 -----
      if (modflg && curfile[0]) {
  	char ch, lin[100];
! 	move (0, 0);
! 	clrtoeol ();
! 	sprintf (lin,"File '%s' is modified, save%s? ",curfile,endstr);
! 	addstr (lin);
  	ch = nmgetch();
  	if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') writefile(curfile);
*** 549,565
  	if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') writefile(curfile);
  	else if (ch == ctl (g)) return(1);
-     if (modflg && (curfile[0] == '\0'))
-     {
- 	move(0,0);
- 	clrtoeol();
- 	sprintf(lin,"You have changed the spreadsheet, sure you don't want to save%s",endstr);
- 	addstr(lin);
- 	refresh();
- 	ch = nmgetch();
- 	if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') return 0;
- 	else if (ch == ctl (g)) return(1);
-      }

--- 543,548 -----
  	if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') writefile(curfile);
  	else if (ch == ctl (g)) return(1);
*** /tmp/,RCSt1009758	Fri Mar  8 15:02:09 1985
--- vc.1	Fri Mar  8 15:00:53 1985
*** 26,32
  The following single control character commands are recognized no matter
  where the character cursor is.
! .IP "^N or j"
  Move the entry cursor to the next row.
  .IP "^P or k"

--- 26,32 -----
  The following single control character commands are recognized no matter
  where the character cursor is.
! .IP ^N
  Move the entry cursor to the next row.
  .IP ^P
*** 29,35
  .IP "^N or j"
  Move the entry cursor to the next row.
! .IP "^P or k"
  Move the entry cursor to the previous row.
  .IP "^F or l"

--- 29,35 -----
  .IP ^N
  Move the entry cursor to the next row.
! .IP ^P
  Move the entry cursor to the previous row.
  .IP ^F
*** 32,38
  .IP "^P or k"
  Move the entry cursor to the previous row.
! .IP "^F or l"
  Move the entry cursor forward one column.
  .IP "^B or h"

--- 32,38 -----
  .IP ^P
  Move the entry cursor to the previous row.
! .IP ^F
  Move the entry cursor forward one column.
  .IP ^B
*** 35,41
  .IP "^F or l"
  Move the entry cursor forward one column.
! .IP "^B or h"
  Move the entry cursor backward one column.
  .IP ^C

--- 35,41 -----
  .IP ^F
  Move the entry cursor forward one column.
! .IP ^B
  Move the entry cursor backward one column.
  .IP ^C
*** 93,98
  are the same.  That is, when no long command is being entered.  Most of them
  introduce a new long command.
  .IP Q
  Alternate exit command.

--- 93,101 -----
  are the same.  That is, when no long command is being entered.  Most of them
  introduce a new long command.
+ .IP "h, j, k, l"
+ Alternate cursor controls (left, down, up, right).
  .IP Q
  Alternate exit command.
*** 105,111
  Clears the current entry as if there were none.
  .IP ?
! Types a helpful message.
  .IP """
  Enter a label for the current entry.

--- 108,114 -----
  Clears the current entry as if there were none.
  .IP ?
! Types a brief helpful message.
  .IP """
  Enter a label for the current entry.
*** 182,190
  conventional syntax.  Terms may be variable names (from the ^V command),
  parenthesised expressions, negated terms, and constants.  The +/ term sums
  values in rectangular regions of the table (the notation +/ is reminiscent
! of apl's additive reduction.)  The */ multiplies values in a region.
! Terms may be combined using many binary
! operators.  Their precedences (from highest to lowest) are: **,^; *,/,%; +,-;
  <,=,>,<=,>=; &; |; ?.
  .TP 15

--- 185,192 -----
  conventional syntax.  Terms may be variable names (from the ^V command),
  parenthesised expressions, negated terms, and constants.  The +/ term sums
  values in rectangular regions of the table (the notation +/ is reminiscent
! of apl's additive reduction.)  Terms may be combined using many binary
! operators.  Their precedences (from highest to lowest) are: *,/; +,-;
  <,=,>,<=,>=; &; |; ?.
  .TP 15
*** 211,224
  .TP 15
- e%e
- Remainder (as in C);
- .TP 15
- e**e or e^e
- Power function.
- .TP 15
  Sum all valid (nonblank) entries in the region whose two corners are defined
  by the two variable (entry) names given.

--- 213,218 -----
  .TP 15
  Sum all valid (nonblank) entries in the region whose two corners are defined
  by the two variable (entry) names given.
*** 224,234
  by the two variable (entry) names given.
  .TP 15
- */v:v
- Multiply all valid (nonblank) entries in the region whose two corners are defined
- by the two variable (entry) names given.
- .TP 15
  Conditional: If the first expression is true then the value of the second is
  returned, otherwise the value of the third is.

--- 218,223 -----
  by the two variable (entry) names given.
  .TP 15
  Conditional: If the first expression is true then the value of the second is
  returned, otherwise the value of the third is.
*** 242,248
  Boolean connectives.
  .TP 15
- fixed
  To make a variable not change automatically when a row is duplicated with
  ^J, put the word \*(lqfixed\*(rq in front of it.  I.e.
  r2c1*fixed r3c1 

--- 231,236 -----
  Boolean connectives.
  .TP 15
  To make a variable not change automatically when a row is duplicated with
  ^J, put the word \*(lqfixed\*(rq in front of it.  I.e.
  r2c1*fixed r3c1 
*** 247,335
  ^J, put the word \*(lqfixed\*(rq in front of it.  I.e.
  r2c1*fixed r3c1 
- A number of mathematical functions have been built into the calculator.
- All of them operates on float numbers (double), the trig functions operate
- with angles in radians.
- .TP 15
- EXP(expr)
- Returns exponential function of <expr>.
- .TP 15
- LOG(expr)
- Returns the natural logarithm of <expr>.
- .TP 15
- LOGD(expr)
- Returns the base 10 logarithm of <expr>.
- .TP 15
- POW(expr1,expr2)
- Returns <expr1> raised to the power of <expr2>.
- .TP 15
- FLOOR(expr)
- Returns returns the largest integer not greater than <expr>.
- .TP 15
- CEIL(expr)
- Returns the smallest integer not less than <expr>.
- .TP 15
- HYPOT(x,y)
- Returns SQRT(x*x+y*y), taking precautions against unwarranted overflows.
- .TP 15
- FABS(expr)
- Returns the absolute value |expr|.
- .TP 15
- SIN(expr) and COS(expr)
- Return trigonometric functions of radian arguments. The magnitude of the
- arguments are not checked to assure meaningful results.
- .TP 15
- ASIN(expr)
- Returns the arc sin in the range -\(*p/2 to \(*p/2
- .TP 15
- ACOS(expr)
- Returns the arc cosine in the range 0 to \(*p.
- .TP 15
- ATAN(expr)
- Returns the arc tangent of <expr> in the range -\(*p/2 to \(*p/2.
- .TP 15
- ATANII(x,y)
- Returns the arc tangent of x/y in the range -\(*p to \(*p.
- .TP 15
- DTR(expr)
- Converts <expr> in degrees to radians.
- .TP 15
- RTD(expr)
- Converts <expr> in radians to degrees.
- .TP 15
- SINH(expr), COSH(expr), TANH(expr)
- These functions return their designated hyperbolic functions.
- .TP 15
- PI
- A constant quite close to \(*p.
- .TP 15
- MAX(expr1,expr2)
- Returns the largest value of the two expressions;
- .TP 15
- MIN(expr1,expr2)
- Returns the smallest value of the two expressions;
  .SH FILES \- a sample expense report.

--- 235,240 -----
  ^J, put the word \*(lqfixed\*(rq in front of it.  I.e.
  r2c1*fixed r3c1 
  .SH FILES \- a sample expense report.
*** 334,341 \- a sample expense report.
! bc(1), dc(1), the VisiCalc or T/Maker manuals, exp(3m), floor(3m),
! hypot(3m), sin(3m), sinh(3m).

--- 239,245 ----- \- a sample expense report.
! bc(1), dc(1), the VisiCalc or T/Maker manuals.
  There should be a */ operator.
*** 338,343
  hypot(3m), sin(3m), sinh(3m).
  Expression reevaluation is done in the same top-to-bottom, left-to-right
  manner as is done in other spreadsheet calculators.  This is silly.  A

--- 242,248 -----
  bc(1), dc(1), the VisiCalc or T/Maker manuals.
+ There should be a */ operator.
  Expression reevaluation is done in the same top-to-bottom, left-to-right
  manner as is done in other spreadsheet calculators.  This is silly.  A

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